

Sit start under short face left of obvious arête. Right hand on crimp on lip and left on knob, right up to sloping crimps and top out tending left up faint edge.

Historie der Route

Sep 2006Erste freie Begehung: Gregg Rose



Breite/Länge: -24.73579, 30.85517


6a+ Schwierigkeitsgrad


In order to make sure we always have access to Gold Rush, the following rules must be adhered to when visiting the area.

  • No dangerous or reckless activities permitted.
  • Take home all litter and refuse, (including fruit peels and cigarette butts).
  • There must be no unnecessary destroying of any vegetation, except by prior arrangement.
  • No interference with any animal life to be allowed.
  • No fires allowed at all, except at the campsite under very controlled conditions.
  • No soap or any other detergents or chemicals allowed in or near the river.
  • No drunken or explicit promiscuous behaviour allowed.
  • No playing of loud music/radios.
  • No Graffiti or any defacing of the rocks other than normal climbing use.
  • Toilet activities must be more than 80m from any permanent water and no trace must be visible after the activity.
  • Be polite, and courteous to all staff and management of the land owners.
  • The area is to be used for climbing and the following other activities are not permitted: fishing, quad or any other motorised biking, hunting, and any other activity which does not comply with the law of the country.
  • Do not arrive before dawn or leave after sunset.
  • At least one MCSA member per party.
übernommen von Gold Rush


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