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South Africa

South Africa is simply a top world climbing destination.

From already world-renown Bouldering area Rocklands or Sport Mecca 'Waterval Boven', to epic trad Big Walling at Blouberg or Yellowwood Amphitheatre, passing through alpine adventures in the Drakensberg most styles are covered one way or the other, except maybe ice-climbing...

but that is only because of the generous climate, which ensures year-round outdoor climbing in most crags !

Add to that the comfort of huge areas close enough from town for a after-work pitch from Capetown... Table Mountain, or the huge potential for any adventurer to bush whack and find new unexplored cliffs hidden in remote areas... you will definitely find your little corner of paradise.

Finally the MCSA is the national association associated to UIAA that caters for mountaineering in general, and climbing in particular. They are fundamental to negociate and maintain access to lots of crags, since few are on public land in the country. Join them https://mcsa.org.za/.


The Mountain Club of South Africa partially owns the land at Kransberg. Access is limited to members and their guests.

Kransberg is a remote area with trad climbing (only). The routes are between 3 and 6 pitches long and provide excellent exposure in a natural setting. A large vulture colony is found immediately west of the climbing area.

Kransberg offers a number of good quality multipitch climbs of moderate to easy grades. Combined with an hour walk in and an easy, obvious descent, this makes for a friendly place to practise your multipitch skills before heading off to bigger, harder walls like Blouberg. That said, the climbs will keep you honest. On most climbs, expect to have to climb a few meters between gear placements, especially on the faces where you will encounter a few more blank rails than you may like. The popular routes are well enough protected though, so do not worry too much.

The MCSA have released a route guide for the area that is available on their website.

Limpopo Kransberg
gesperrt West Area - Vulture colony

Area closed to climbing for protection of the Cape Vultures colony.

Chevron Area

This is the main climbing area near the MCSA campsite.

Limpopo Kransberg Chevron Area
13 Auf Wiedersehen

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

12 Eierkrantz

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

15 Perdeby

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

20 Wild Thing

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

17 Claypot

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

7 Yellowwood Gully

This gully provides a pleasant descent route. Two abseils of 20m and 14m from big yellowwood trees are required during the descent.

12 Bacchus

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

13 Snowflake

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

15 Hatchet

The climb is situated just to the right of the Eierkrantz buttress, between Snowflake and Wafer Crack. When looking at the face from below there is an orange scar at the bottom left. Just right of the top of the orange scar there are two prominent cracks going to the top of the face, the left one stopping just short of the top. The climb follows the left hand crack about halfway and then the right hand crack to the top.

  1. Scramble up to the ledge where Snowflake starts. Easy if you choose the right line but rope up if in doubt. Start by scrambling up diagonally left to below some roofs. Traverse right on a ledge and another difficult move gets you to easier ground.

  2. 23m (15) Start behind the tree on the left. There is a small cave just left of it. Climb up just right of the recess behind the tree to a small roof and a big rail. Traverse right for 5m and then diagonally left up to a grassy ledge.

  3. 28m (13) From the right hand side of the ledge there is a crack leading up, climb this for 6m past one hard move with a good small cam. Traverse right on a good ledge for 5m. Further up the face there is a right facing open book. Climb towards this (this part is easy but pretty run-out). Climb the open book to a good ledge behind a block.

  4. 26m (12) Traverse left into the left crack and climb it to a small stance on a block on the right-hand side of the crack at a point where the crack becomes vegetated and very overhanging.

  5. 32m (13) Traverse right (exposed) for 9m until just before the right crack and then up to a ledge.

  6. 29m (11) Climb up and out at the short chimney at the top. Scramble to top.

13 Wafer Crack

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

17 Rum Doodle

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

13 Cone Face

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

13 Hole and Corner

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

20 Cheetah

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

19 Tom-Tom

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

17 Aasvoëls End

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

22 Endvoëls Arse

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

17 Jerrymunglum

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

17 A0 Jerrymunglum Direct

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

17 Swift Crag

freed at grade 21

19 The Reluctant Accomplice

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

13 Groothoek Chimney

Two large diagonal cracks form a feature on the krantz that look like the Eiffel Tower. This route climbs the left crack.

Clean and sustained climbing with possibly one grade 15 move. The crux is in the 2nd half of the route.

19 Apocolypse

The routes goes up a conical buttress. Starts near a big yellowwood tree midway between Groothoek Chimney and Black Eagle Crag below a big roof 15/20m up.

  1. 30m (15) Climb diagonally right staying well Bellow the huge roof to a good ledge around the right roof corner. This is the outer edge of the ramp used by the first pitch of black eagle crag. Second half is grassy.

  2. 20m (12) Follow right hand side of the corner leftward until one can step across left (grass) to a wide ledge with a big block on its middle that crosses the conical buttress.

  3. 35m (18) From the left end of the ledge, climb onto blocks around the corner, then traverse right back above the ledge towards the roofs. Then diagonally left around the roofs. Climb the grey face and end up left to a thorntree & small yellowwood tree in Groothoek chimney

  4. 25m (19) Climb the steep corner, first usable gear a cam about 5m up. Continue on the left wall and overhanging crack, then traverse left to a scooped out ledge with good cam placements gear below the roof.

  5. 25m (15) Traverse minimaly right, then climb the face diagonally left until the base of a corner. Take the corner and head right, crossing a few birdshit covered blocks (not vultures though) until a belay ledge at the base of an obvious chimney. Opposite the crack à big yellow wood tree is a belay for ? probably black eagle crag?.

  6. 25m (18) Climb the left slanting overhanging chimney above with much grunting. Good placement are available, bringing a few large cams up is worthwhile. Traverse left to bypass the roof and finish left to a good ledge.

  7. 45m (13) Traverse right to the pillar. Climb the pillar then traverse back to the chimney. Finish easily to the top. Long and fun. If Pitch 6 made you swear to never climb again, this one will make you return to your senses.

Note: Excellent climbing made less serious by the proximity of Groothoek Chimney.

16 Black Eagle Crag

Two large diagonal cracks form a feature on the krantz that look like the Eiffel Tower. The left crack is climbed by 'Groothoek Chimney'. 'Black Eagle Crag' follows a line up the right crack and then on the face between the cracks.

The start is in a vegetated crack leading to some large overhangs in the centre of the Chevron, 15m right of 'Groothoek Chimney'.

  1. (27m 12) Climb the crack to a point 3m below the overhangs.

  2. (21m 10) Traverse right on obvious line to corner for 15m. Climb blocks on corner to a large ledge on the right. Belay on big tree.

  3. (45m 16) Climb the steep ramp on the left side of the large ledge. At the top of the ramp traverse slightly left to a narrow overhanging face. Climb the face and the chimney above. When the chimney closes move out onto the left face (awkward) and climb up to comfortable ledge with a tree in the chimney on the right of the face.

  4. (40m 14) Traverse left on the ledge, move down to pass a block. After the block continue diagonally up left to a detached block. Stand on the block and do a pull-up to break through the small overhang. Continue up to a series of comfortable ledges.

  5. (27m 16) Climb diagonally right to an orange face.

  6. (24m 13) Climb diagonally left and traverse on a hand-rail under the roof. Move into 'Groothoek Chimney' and climb this to the top.


(Pitch 1, 17): Right of crack of pitch 1 there is another crack with overhanging roof. Climb this moving out left at top.

(Pitch 1, 17): Start behind tree between the two cracks. Climb the face.

(Pitch 6, 20): There is a break in the middle of the overhang right at the tip of the Eiffel Tower.

21 Reprobate

On the corner of Groothoek gully is a buttress with a tree on top. It is possible to scramble up it from the left. Just left of the buttress is a wide water streak right of a small (30cm) right facing corner. The original climb starts 30m directly above the right facing corner on a large ledge which can be accessed by traversing left from the above mentioned buttress. There is supposed to be a "very good direct start (17)" to reach this point.

  1. 30m (21) Scramble up on the right of the water streak to a point about halfway up the water streak where you can traverse over it on a wide ledge.Climb the small right facing corner and then the face above it to a wide ledge. It also looks possible to climb the right facing corner from the bottom starting in a small cubbyhole at ground level if it is dry.

  2. 30m (17) The belay ledge is 5m above the wide belay ledge for P2 of Black Eagle Crag. From the left of the ledge, traverse 2m left and then 3m up then continue diagonally up right for about 6m to a break leading diagonally up left for about 15m to an awkward step. Continue up to a large ledge. Sustained grade 15 climbing.

  3. 8m (10) Traverse left towards pile of blocks at a point just before the ledge goes around the corner. Start by downclimbing about 1m and traverse left on excellent footholds and tiny handholds to avoid a short section of loose rocks. Belay just before the pile of blocks. It may be possible to combine this pitch with the previous one if rope drag is not too bad.

  4. 30m (13) Continue up going diagonally right. Climb over a short ridge with big steps going up and right. Belay on ledge.

  5. 30m (15) Continue up tending left to a point under the left hand extreme of the large overhangs. Swing left around the corner using good holds on a high ledge. Continue up in corner to the top.

Note: Pitches 4 and 5 are a variation of the original line that provides better climbing. The original line climbed much further towards the right to a grass and aloe ramp and then up various corners to a ledge leading to the right, finishing 4m left of Chukamisa.

16 Chukamisa

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

18 Reaching Raptors

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

11 Sunshine Crack

Left of 'Groothoek Gully' is a large block with a large tree on top. The climb proper starts on this block.

  1. (6) Scramble up block. On top of the block find a corner with an overhang 5m up.

  2. (11) Climb up the corner on the left face below the overhang. Traverse left around corner and up on good holds into a chimney above. About 5m into the chimney is a good block-belay.

  3. (11) Continue up chimney to a large ledge. Crux has good holds and is well protected with a #3 C4 SLCD.

  4. (9) Move around the corner on the extreme right hand side of the large ledge, from this point climbing continues up on good holds with a few steep moves in-between.

  5. (8) Continue up until climbing becomes a scramble.


(Pitch 3 & 4, 15): From the large ledge, move onte the left hand face at a point about 5m left of the main corner. Climb diagonally leftwards up face to the top. (2002, A. George, A. Porter)

8 Devil's Highway

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

6 Groothoek Gully

This is the usual decent route involving some scrambling.

13 Dry Waterfall

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

12 Feather Recess

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

15 Lego

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

17 The Sinner

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

15 The Saint

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

15 Angel Recess

About 10m left of Angelica is a small buttress against the main face about 10m high. Start in the corner between the buttress and the main face on the left side of the buttress.

  1. 45m (13) From the top of the buttress, follow a faint crack that starts just left of the buttress to a small overhang (6x1m). Pass the overhangs on the right and continue up to a ledge belew a short 2m wide roof with a small tree on the left. (There is an optional belay ledge about halfway up this pitch).

  2. 10m (12) From the right of the ledge continue up corner. To a small square ledge below a piton.

  3. 40m (15) Climb the corner until a point before it becomes overhanging. Traverse right on good ledges to the nose and then diagonally left to top.

Note: The climb can be done in two pitches by scrambling to the top of the buttress (easy on the right) and then combining pitches 1 and 2.

11 Angelica

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

19 Alignment

Climb the thin seam, splitting the buttress, to the right of Angelica’s deep crack. This is easily seen from where the path enters the kloof at the base of Sunshine Crack. Walk around Angelica’s pillar and scramble up to a ledge at the base of the crack, about 25m right of Angelica’s pillar.

  1. [19] 15m Climb the crack for 10m. Step left and follow the crack to a small ledge above an overlap.

  2. [15] 30m Follow the crack tending slightly left to the large halfway ledge.

  3. [15] 30m From the top of a small boulder, step into a shallow open book, then make a brave move to good footholds on the right. Continue up diagonally left to the big block on a ledge. Walk past the block, about 3m, before climbing more or less straight up for another 15m.

  4. [12] 30m Make a beeline for the top, avoiding the grass as much as possible and finish spectacularly up some large blocks.

13 Jerries' Jitters

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

17 Hairyback

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

13 Pigeon Pie

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

17 Enema

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

17 Pwoit

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

12 Dry Vulch Traverse

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

13 Chanel Crack

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

15 Vintage Adventure

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

15 Lavender Crack

The route is 70m to the right of 'Chanel Crack' in a corner formed by a step in the face. The vegetation has discouraged subsequent parties.

17 Imagination

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

7 Garden Route

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

19 Lost Contact

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

12 Cabin Crack

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

13 Crack of Doom

Access is restricted to MCSA members only. For the latest driving directions, access arrangements, and parking information, contact the MCSA Johannesburg section.

Limpopo Kransberg
Wages of Fear Area

5km east of the Chevron. Some of the hardest and best climbs are found here.

Limpopo Kransberg Wages of Fear Area
15 Vavoom

Access from Grobbler farm, Contact "Klipbokkie trails". Alternatively Please contact the MCSA for access details.

21 Red Rackhams Treasure

This route climbs directly up the middle of “red sail” (same face as Vavoom) and breaks through the left extremity of the top overhangs

  1. Scramble / rope up to big grassy ledge. 60m 13

  2. Start at the base of an obvious crack feature in the middle of the wall. Climb the excellent crack until it ends after 20m and then trend up and right through 4 bulges with rails in between to a stance on a good ledge about 15m to the right of the start. (55m) 19

  3. Traverse up and left, then climb on the right side of a prominent yellow pillar. Stance on top of the pillar on the left (good ledge) .20m 15

  4. Step right off the ledge, climb up 4m then climb left and up until able to break through first overhangs to a good jam. Continue straight up and slightly left to pull through final overhangs on cape style jugs. Then climb straight up to the top on easy rock (60m) 21


  1. Scramble 10m down main gulley between gasoline wall and red sail wall to a good yellowwood. Rap 50m off this.

  2. Good ledge on true right (west wall) on red sail wall. Fixed nut and good thread. Rap 40m to grassy ledge.

  3. Walk to massive yellowwood on far eastern corner of ledge rap off this to ground – 60m

17 Gasoline Alley

Access from Grobbler farm, Contact "Klipbokkie trails". Alternatively Please contact the MCSA for access details.

22 Wages of Fear

Access from Grobbler farm, Contact "Klipbokkie trails". Alternatively Please contact the MCSA for access details.

22 Echard's Error

Access from Grobbler farm, Contact "Klipbokkie trails". Alternatively Please contact the MCSA for access details.

22 Faction Fightin

Access from Grobbler farm, Contact "Klipbokkie trails". Alternatively Please contact the MCSA for access details.

12 Plumbline

Access from Grobbler farm, Contact "Klipbokkie trails". Alternatively Please contact the MCSA for access details.

18 Grey Beard's Sabre

Pitch 1: 50m 18: Gain the obvious crack on the left of the stance follow the easiest line up the crack system past a small block on the left with a manky piton. (20m) continue upwards until you reach a large ledge below the open book. Pitch 2: 60m 15: continue up the open book feature until you reach an obvious stance on the left of the crack. (2 people comfortably). Pitch 3:50m 16: climb up the crack until you reach a small overhang move diagonally left through the overhang and continue up the face trending left past a small tree on the left arête to a stance below a large yellowwood . Pitch 4: 50m 18: traverse right from the good stance back onto the face, trend diagonally right until you gain the right arête, bomb up the committing but well protected face until you reach the obvious stance before the easy scramble out.

Renosterpoort Farm

Two good climbing areas, single pitch trad and deep water solo

Limpopo Renosterpoort Farm
Lazy Day Crag

Lazy day crag nice climbing on gritty vertical rock. wilderness area so watch out for snakes and baboon dung on the rock.

Limpopo Renosterpoort Farm Lazy Day Crag
Upper Sector

Short climbs near a nice cascade and natural pool

Limpopo Renosterpoort Farm Lazy Day Crag Upper Sector
6c Poolside Boulder

Start just to the left of lightning bird, a boulder problem to the ledge, rap off the tree.

18 Lightning Bird

The objective of this route is a lightning bolt shaped crack on a block at the top of the crag, where the gorge makes a bend. Start behind a huge boulder, true left, at the narrowest point of the gorge.' Climb up in the corner to a mantle move through an overhanging crack. Aim straight for the block, easy, and top out via the lightning crack.

Limpopo Renosterpoort Farm Lazy Day Crag
Chopping Block

Large rectangular block the juts out from the main face

Limpopo Renosterpoort Farm Lazy Day Crag Chopping Block
18 Poo with a view

Climb on the stream facing side of the block, start 2m to the left of the corner shared by slickenside, pull on good holds through overhanging bulges.

18 Slickenside

Climb on the face adjacent to the vegetated dihedral, start close to the corner

Limpopo Renosterpoort Farm Lazy Day Crag
Main Crag

Main wall at lazy day crag

Limpopo Renosterpoort Farm Lazy Day Crag Main Crag
13 Face of Fear

Start to the right of a 3m high block in an nice dihedral, Traverse right onto a ledge avoid nettles, some scary moves up a sloping dihedral to a small ledge, move left and up passing a small tree on the right.

14 Dutch Rubber

Climb 2m to a small ledge, weasel your way (left or right) of a small chimney trending up and right follow you nose up to a good ledge with a tree, continue up on the left hand side of the tree. FA: Nic Grech-Cumbo, Delpoort Botma, Courtney Robinson, Mathias De Beenhouwer

15 Sunbird

Scramble to a ledge beneath a small roof, pull through roof off crimps to easy climbing to the right, follow vertical seam to top.

16 Crack a doodle doo

Start to the right of chimney, climb diagonally right up obvious line to ledge, traverse left under overhanging section into chimney. Climb to top. Stance at tree.

Thieving Magpies

Start the same as for Crack A Doodle, at blank overhanging rock go slightly right and up, follow line of blank overhanging rock until roof ¾ way up, pull through roof on crimps to jugs then easier rock

16 Bobejaan klim die berg

Climb the obvious diagonal slab and rail left under the left hand side of the roof to a small ledge with trees. Continue more or less straight up to the top of the crag.

11 6.7 Klimen en klauterin

Start as for FNJ, continue traversing left beneath the steep rock, continue up the recess between the two major faces, stance where necessary and follow your nose to the top up easy rock.

19 Activate

Between “KeK”and “FNJ” Skirting the first corner 2m up activates then mental focus for the route. Climb easily half way up to a roof corner crack. Pull through middle of block, with a long move to next rail. Powerful and commiting. Climb out slightly to right around corner and up straight. Easier climbing but still committing

19 Full Nettle Jacket

Start at stream level and climb the obvious buttress, through a small roof halfway up the buttress

21 Juluka
  1. 21A1 Climb the corner under the big square roof and rail out left (pulling on cams) to the continuation crack. Hanging stance in the crack to the right and just above a tree.

  2. 17 Follow the crack straight to the top.

15 Riverview
  1. 12m 15 Climb up a crack 3m right of the obvious corner under a huge roof. Traverse right into a cubbyhole and then continue right for a few more meters to a large ledge with a great view of the river.

  2. 15m 15. Climb a cool corner and head straight up to a convenient abseil tree.

Limpopo Renosterpoort Farm Lazy Day Crag
Sunny Face

North facing more slabby

Limpopo Renosterpoort Farm Lazy Day Crag Sunny Face
12 Adder Udder

Start at the base of an open book and follow your nose to a ledge with trees


New developed sport climbing venue in the Waterberg

Limpopo Lindani
Big Fig

The Big Fig crag is approximately 400meters to the left (climber's left) of the Upper crag

Limpopo Lindani Big Fig
16 Fig Jam

15m left of Big Fig. From the 2m high ledge climb up the crack system to the left of two wide cracks. 4m up then step left to a fist jam, up trending right to a short orange arete at the top.

15 Big Fig

Start 2 meters left of Big Fig Direct. Climb up on loose looking blocks for 5 meters then diagonally right to the tree. Keep left of the tree using it where necessary. Strait up in crack above tree to convenient belay and ab tree.

Limpopo Lindani
Upper Crag

Climbing is free for overnight guests, day visitors can buy a day pass through the Lindani Office/Reception.

Limpopo Lindani Upper Crag

Climbing is free for overnight guests, day visitors can buy a day pass through the Lindani Office/Reception.

17 Bolting is fun

5 meters to the right of Willows Way, a small crack line leads into a bulge. Climb the crack and pull through the bulge on small but good holds. Then, over easy ground to the anchors.

14 Willows Way

Start in the small recess. Climb the corner and move out to the arete when possible. Follow the crack line and then pull through some overhangs to the top. Easy but technical first 10 meters.


Climbing is free for overnight guests, day visitors can buy a day pass through the Lindani Office/Reception.


Climbing is free for overnight guests, day visitors can buy a day pass through the Lindani Office/Reception.

19 Narina Bozon

Starts to the right of too legit to quit, takes the obvious crack line through the roof, easy pulling through nice overhangs.


Climbing is free for overnight guests, day visitors can buy a day pass through the Lindani Office/Reception.

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