



Regrettably, this wall is situated directly above a path, resulting in continual interruptions from individuals passing below. Nonetheless, the wall does contain numerous superb climbing routes.

Einschränk. übernommen von Harrison's Rocks

Harrison's Rocks is owned by climbers and is managed on their behalf by the British Mountaineering Council with funding from the English Sports Council. Car Parking is Pay and Display. If approaching from the train station, do not trespass the private property to get to zig-zag wall, instead follow the path to the left.


Continue from Archer's Wall using the top approach

Ethik übernommen von Harrison's Rocks

The Sandstone is very soft -- leading is not allowed. Most climbs are top-roped, and ropes should be extended over the edge and set up in a way such as to minimize the wear on the rock. Top-out and down-climb is preferred to lowering. Abseiling is, also, forbidden.

More details: https://www.thebmc.co.uk/southern-sandstone-guidelines https://www.thebmc.co.uk/bmcNews/media/u_content/File/access_conservation/access_publications/Sandstone%20Code%20of%20Practice.pdf



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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Ascend the steeply projecting rock formation using forceful techniques throughout, and conclude with a mantle onto the top.

Proceed upwards to tackle the concave feature, which demands a difficult and forceful mantel to surmount it.

The crux situated midway creates an uneasy sensation, making it feel more challenging than the grade. Nevertheless, it is an enjoyable climb overall.

Ascend the Long Crack route until reaching partway up the bulge, then veer off towards the right to ascend the steep wall above, ultimately aiming for a small protrusion. It may be desirable to have an independent start, but currently, it seems unfeasible.

Ascend the face by following a sequence of profound pockets located in the center. There are several possible routes to navigate between them.

Assuming the overhanging, leaning layback position is consistently challenging, even after multiple ascents. A Harrison's classic.

Steep crack climbing, particularly enjoyable for experienced crack climbers

Ascend Vulture Crack until reaching the top break, then execute a lengthy traverse towards the left to conclude by climbing Long Crack.

Ascend the steep face on what appears to be positive holds, on a route that is sandwiched between Vulture Crack and the primary section of The Sting. The route heads straight up from the left-hand side of The Sting and finishes at the top, using the tree as an anchor point.

Ascend the bulge and wall above while being cautious with the holds, as some of them may be fragile and require delicate handling.

Ascend the frequently unclean crack that can be found in the corner, now devoid of the birch tree that formerly lent its name to the climb.

This route follows a narrow and constricted line that necessitates executing some dynamic moves in order to travel between holds.

Start by using a noticeable undercut located at the far right end of the roof, and use that momentum to ascend the remainder of the route, effectively bypassing Horizontal Birch.

An alternative harder finish to What Crisis?, heading out right

Tackle the forceful and steep arête situated right of Slim Finger Crack, using only holds on the arête and its immediate right side. The climber is not permitted to use Slim Finger Crack or any features situated to its left. The route concludes by ascending slightly to the right and up the blunt arête located above.

Ascend the unsightly crevice located on the right side of the block and then traverse towards the left. It's worth noting that the area may be slightly covered with vegetation at times.

Ascend the rock face situated right of Downfall. Perform a height-dependent manoeuvre by utilising the indistinct array of flakes to progress upwards and towards the right. Continue climbing towards the top, then to the crack. Finish by moving around to the right.

On the left of the way-down section between What Crisis? and Pig Tail Slab is a boulder to the left of the Chocolate Teapot Slab.

Use the platform on the left as a foothold. Proceed upwards by grasping onto the sizeable, jutting grips. Finish by slightly manoeuvring around towards the right.

A small but distinct slab set back from main walls, between What Crisis? and Pig Tail Slab.

Climb the vague arête on the slab's right side.

A small but distinct slab set back from main walls, between What Crisis? and Pig Tail Slab.

Start on the left side of the face in the gully and use the left arête and right-hand undercut flake. Ascend to the final hold of Chocolate Teapot and finish by moving left.


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