
Ascents in Frog Buttress by Brendan Coulter

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Showing all 90 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Thu 22nd Jun 2023 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Hard Short Order Trad 30m Classic
Tougher than I remember, but also way more fun

18 Warlock Trad 26m
26 Wild One Trad 20m Classic
Took a little to figure out how to do the crux. Once I figured it out, went down easy - the rest was one hell of a fight though!

Sat 10th Jun 2023 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Yodel up the Valley Trad 22m Good
Anchor could use a replacement - one bolt, and it’s been bent over pretty aggressively.

Made use of red and green dragonfly, which was fun. Save it for when you’re running out of new routes to climb

Sat 10th Jun 2023 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
23 Epic Journey Trad 30m Very Good
The impressive part was Rachael’s top rope flash of this

17 Smoked Banana Trad 40m Classic
Better than I remembered it, fun the whole way

Fri 9th Jun 2023 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
15 Mechanical Prune Trad 18m Average
Nowhere near as fun as I remember

15 Iron Butterfly Trad 28m Average
14 Electric Lead Trad 26m Good
16 Materialistic Prostitution Trad 20m Classic
Somehow haven’t logged these yet

24 ~23 Plate Tectonics Mixed trad 18m, 2 Very Good
Got scared clipping the pin and pulled on the gear. Fun technical face climbing. Gets the grade for the fear factor - climbs closer to 22/23

Sun 21st Aug 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
Somehow I hadn’t logged this one yet. Always a fun lap

19 Sorcerer's Apprentice Trad 30m Classic
Classy, chill crack climbing. Definitely done it before, but it needed logging here

Sat 22nd Jan 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
23 Midnight Lightning Trad 15m Good
Tried stepping back down from the crux to re-assess and came off

Good climb, but I don’t think I’d bother going back for a while. Out of the roof was fun

Sat 6th Nov 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
24 Suicide City Trad 20m Very Good
Slipped off the 2nd move, so missed another onsight

Great climbing, and deserves a lot more traffic for sure. Don’t bother pre-placing gear, the landing is nice, and the hard moves are low

22 Decade Trad 30m Classic
It’s amazing they took 10 years before climbing this route! Loved it

Sun 31st Oct 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
26 Wild One Trad 20m Classic
The start is harder than it looks - but maybe tiny fingers would help.

The flared crack is absolutely awesome, and doesn’t give up until you hit the top. Totally worth the struggles at the start just for this.

20 Keed Spills Trad 15m Very Good
I’d recommend this being the only way you ever finish Old Guard. Doesn’t add any difficulty, but the extra meters of quality climbing make it 100% worth it. Pro is good

Mon 27th Sep 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
24 Impulse - with Dale Williamson, Lauren Hunter Trad 18m Mega Classic
Good way to send off the frog season. Gear is better than I remembered… shame I didn’t remember the moves either! Barely squeaked it out

25 Future Tense - with Dale Williamson, Lauren Hunter Trad 40m Classic
Tape came off the hole in my finger, making a couple finger locks impossible. The way it’s climbed these days, it’s definitely no harder than other 25s like carrion comfort or voices

Sun 26th Sep 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
25 Carrion Comfort - with Dale Williamson, Lauren Hunter Trad 25m Classic
Whimped out and sat just before the crux at the start… then proceeded to the top no issues! Beautiful finger-locking the whole way. There is a wasp nest guarding one of the face holds - forces you to use the crack!

Wed 23rd Jun 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Parallel Universe Trad 18m Good
Got myself scared and bailed off to TSLD. Turns out the crux is low, and climbing quite safe. I'll get back to it eventually

Sun 6th Jun 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
24 Worrying Heights - with Rachael Brock Trad 30m Classic
Another onsight blown - although I don’t think I did myself any favours trying it in the midday sun! First trad whip in AGES! It’ll go next time for sure

Sat 5th Jun 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Fluid / Epic Link Up - with Rachael Brock Trad 30m Good
21 Cock Corner - with Rachael Brock Trad 30m Classic
Excellent climbing, it definitely feels stiff at the grade. Consolation prize for punting on WH

14 Orchid Alley - with Rachael Brock Trad 20m Good
Nowhere near as awkward as I expected, quite an enjoyable warmup

Sat 22nd May 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
17 Phatang - with Rachael Brock Trad 40m Good
That walk up the flake at the end makes the whole thing worth it. Beware of some precariously stacked blocks near the top

16 Sabrasucker - with Rachael Brock Trad 25m Good
23 Satanic Majesty - with Rachael Brock Trad 30m Very Good
Missed the onsight last week, but feels so much easier the second time. Having a 000TCU helped too

23 Satanic Majesty - with Rachael Brock Trad 30m Very Good
Missed the onsight last week, but feels so much easier the second time. Having a 000TCU helped too

17 Phatang - with Rachael Brock Trad 40m Good
That walk up the flake at the end makes the whole thing worth it. Beware of some precariously stacked blocks near the top

16 Sabrasucker - with Rachael Brock Trad 25m Good
Sun 16th May 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
13 Clockwork Orange Corner - with Raechelle Trad 15m Very Good
I'm impressed I'd never gotten on this one before. Fun 3d climbing

Sun 16th May 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
23 Satanic Majesty Trad 30m Very Good
Didn't bring thin gear for the crack before the crux, wimped out (this is becoming a theme) and sat on gear. Regardless, it's a hard (and kinda slick) crux, then nice climbing to the top

16 Horse-drawn Zeppelin Trad 12m Good
20 Rickety Kate Trad 15m Classic
Jumped on because there was a cam stuck. I feel like whoever booties that thing won't get a functional cam

17 Erectile Kingpin Trad 16m Good
Sat 8th May 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
23 Deliverance - with Rachael Brock Trad 45m Mega Classic
Definitely up there with one of the best I've done at Frog! Cool, well protected boulder start, hilarious corner up to some techy stuff, and a crux right at the top. Loved every moment of this

22 Yankee Go Home - with Rachael Brock Trad 26m Very Good
19 Thor - with Rachael Brock Trad 30m Classic
Pretty sure I got the onsight of this years ago, but didn't log it. Call it an alzheimer's onsight

Mon 3rd May 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Magical Mystery Tour - with Jacinda Boully, Raechelle Trad 34m Classic
Thank god for double #4 & 5

25 Voices in the Sky - with Jacinda Boully, Rachael Brock Trad 32m Classic
Renaming to "Wusses in the sky" after my abysmal onsight attempt! Got all the moves and gear figured out though, so it'll be ticked by end of season for sure

Sun 18th Apr 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
17 Fat Mattress Trad 30m Good
Not bad

Sat 17th Apr 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
21 The One That Got Away Trad 35m Classic
Awesome climbing, eats up offset nuts! Beware wasp nest about 1/3 height. Far enough out that you don’t need to disturb it

18 Hell's Angel Trad 40m Average
Definitely wouldn’t do it again

Sat 17th Apr 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Child in Time Trad 25m Classic
The Machine is back... The sewing machine that is! Stitched up the start so hard I was top roping the whole time. Classy climbing the whole way, loved it

Fri 31st Jul 2020 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
13 Tardis - with Josiah Hess Trad 10m Average
Access pitch to Rickety Kate. Definitely felt WAY harder than 13

Fri 31st Jul 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Footloose and Falling Free - with Josiah Hess Trad 11m Good
20 Piranha - with Josiah Hess Trad 45m Classic
What a great climb to kick off the day! 4:30am onsight by headtorch

20 Cock Crack - with Josiah Hess Trad 38m
6 Saturday Afternoon Walk - with Josiah Hess Trad 15m
Access to termination... then did it again once our rope got stuck pulling from termination

20 Termination - with Josiah Hess Trad 18m
20 Satyricon - with Josiah Hess Trad 35m Classic
Hidden gem, onsight as the sun was rising behind me

20 Juggernaut - with Josiah Hess Trad 30m Mega Classic
The hardest 21 at frog! The sun had risen, and after this I thought for sure our attempt at 20 20s was over. There's no way we'd have enough energy after being blasted by this monster!

20 Dream of Purple Peach Popsicles - with Josiah Hess Trad 32m
Sweet relief after the brutalness of Juggernaut. Probably the easiest 20 at frog.

20 Short Order - with Josiah Hess Trad 30m
Honestly, I barely even remember doing this one! Was Josiah's lead, and I was still recovering from Juggernaut

20 The Great Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine - with Josiah Hess Trad 33m Good
20 20 R Holy Grail - with Josiah Hess Trad 25m Very Good
Not as bad/runout as the description suggests. I wouldn't suggest placing gear behind the boot, but it's pretty bomber the rest of the way, and decent climbing.

20 Devils Dihedral - with Josiah Hess Trad 45m Mega Classic
20 Catharsis - with Josiah Hess Trad 20m Average
Calling this a 20 offwidth is an insult to Juggernaut

Fri 31st Jul 2020 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 Rickety Kate - with Josiah Hess Trad 15m Classic
What a way to finish up the 20 20s! Topped out at 8:45pm

20 Erg - with Josiah Hess Trad 25m Very Good
Almost a heartbreaker! No energy left in the reserves, I barely made it up in one piece!

20 Rack and Ruin - with Josiah Hess Trad 40m Classic
20 Lord of the Flies - with Josiah Hess Trad 40m Very Good
20 Pollux - with Josiah Hess Trad 23m Good
"Hardest 20 if you can't offwidth OR face-climb around the offwidth"

20 Famous Cosmetics - with Josiah Hess Trad 40m Good
20 Corner of Eden - with Josiah Hess Trad 35m Very Good
At climb #14, Josiah Hess thought it'd be fun to take the grunty, soul destroying chimney/offwidth rather than the face-climbing variant. It almost broke me!

20 Egotistical Pineapple - with Josiah Hess Trad 14m Very Good
Sat 18th Jul 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 The Great Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine Trad 33m Good
That offwidth tho...

21 Conquistador Trad 45m Classic
Almost popped out of a finger lock because I just forgot to actually try ;p Alzheimer’s onsight, I guess

20 Devils Dihedral Trad 45m Mega Classic
Probably the best climb I’ve done in Queensland. This thing was fun and classy from start to finish

17 16 Micron Trad 20m Very Good
Turns out this thing goes quite well on a single rack of offset nuts

20 Catharsis Trad 20m Average
One last lap of the day, followed ninja up. Did the old-school way too!

Tue 16th Jun 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
23 Epic Journey Trad 30m Very Good
For some reason ignored the left crack, so punted off the crux. Also, there's a nut left behind which should come out with a good whack from a hammer (or big rock), just couldn't be bothered scoring the booty

22 Old Guard Trad 40m Classic
Decided not to go for the old-school points, mostly due to my largest piece remaining being a 0.5 camalot

Jun 2020 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
17 Dave Mank's Electric Gorilla Direct Finish - with Alex Mougenot, Kyle Addy Trad 6m Good
No anchor on top of the pillar, best to climb down the other side. Awesome, airy position

22 Black Light - with Alex Mougenot Trad 25m Classic
30 Pokamoko (and the Valley Girl) - with Alex Mougenot Trad 30m Classic
Way out of my league, but quality climbing in an awesome position

May 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
28 Brown Corduroy Trousers - with Alex Mougenot, Kyle Addy Trad 25m Mega Classic
Being a gymnast would help here!

16 Satan's Smokestack - with Max Wasley Trad 40m Very Good
19 Infinity - with Max Wasley Trad 40m Mega Classic
That offwidth start is hard. Save yourself some skin, go around!

22 Lonely Teardrops - with Max Wasley Trad 22m Mega Classic
Well protected, super fun climbing!

18 Plume Trad 25m Mega Classic
May 2020 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
24 Impulse Trad 18m Mega Classic
Didn't have enough gear to safely lead it, so had to resort to a top-rope burn. Still super fun climbing

20 Corner of Eden Trad 35m Very Good
22 Dave Mank's Electric Gorilla Direct Start Trad 10m Very Good
I mean... I did try the pillar start on my first ever frog trip over 5 years ago, if that blows my onsight

20 Trap for Young Players Trad 11m Good
Burn on top-rope since we already had is set for DMEG

Mon 6th Jun 2016 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Horse-drawn Zeppelin Trad 12m Good
Seconding as a warmup for the day

21 The Stars Look Down Trad 18m Classic
Really nice climb! The gear down low leaves a little to be desired, but the climbing is easy there. Even got to place my new RPs!!!

18 Resurrection Corner Trad 25m Good
Top roped to halfway and finished on lead. So much better now I know how to jam properly


Showing all 90 ascents.

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