
Routes in Sydney Metropolitan for selected grade

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,148 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
19 - 22
Royal National Park Closed Rockford
19 - 22 Crime is Bolting

The punchy little access route to the top caves, and a good warm-up in itself. This was the first route climbed at Rockford. Up and slightly left through bulgy slopers to crux move getting to ledge. Double ringbolt belay on ledge.


Sport 6m
Inner West Balmain White Horse Point Graffiti Caves
V1/2 Oasis

Sit start with hands in juggy underclings and a high right heel on the start hold of 'ONE'. Move straight up and topout. The shelf under the scoop is out for feet.

Grade to be confirmed.

FA: Phillip Booth & Daniel D, 25 Sep 2021

Boulder 2m
Inner West Iron Cove Rodd Park Ergometer Wall
V1/2 Roll It!

Same start as for RAR, but exit right.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 3m
V1/2 Ready Oar, Row!

Match your hands on the front left high ledge. Feet low, now top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 3m
Eastern Suburbs Vaucluse Nielsen Park Let's Get Ready To Rumble!
V1/2 Gazzoni

Start as for TN. Throw your left toe into the scoops exit then top out onto the ledge. If you're bouldering by yourself ensure you place your crash pad so it's between the crux and THND. It's an awkward drop to the ground and there may not be random kids running by to pull it across for you.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 2m
Northern Beaches The Saddle Club The Plateau Boulders
V1/2 A Horse With No Name

Sit start matched on the ledge and journey through the bowels, The Revenant-style, topping out at the huge jug.

Northern Beaches The Saddle Club The Three Musketeers
V1/2 Horseshoes and Handholds

Stand start.

Northern Beaches The Saddle Club Slaba Da Bass Mon
V1/2 1

Step up onto easier slab to left side of boulder and up to top out

FA: Donald Gibson, 9 Feb 2019

Boulder 4m
Northern Beaches Narrabeen Deep Creek
V1/2 Poppy Long Socks

Sitstart and up the blunt arete.

FA: Tom Osborne, 26 May 2018

Boulder 3m
Northern Beaches Narrabeen Nashville The Rodeo
V1/2 Synthetic Diamonds

Stand Start hands in break, get your feet on the wall and head up right then stay on the very blunt arete on the left side of moss, top out

FA: David Muir, 15 Jan 2019

Boulder 4m
V1/2 Pimpin' Crimpin'

Stand start with Hands in break either side of diagonal buldge, get feet on wall and head up and left through crimps to mantle finish to the left side of the featured top out.

FA: David Muir, 15 Jan 2019

Boulder 4m
Sutherland Sierra Road Socially Distant Boulder
V1/2 Pudding's First

Sit start on the low break - arete is out. Top out to finish.

Boulder 3m
Hornsby and the North Ku-ring-gai Chase Above the Boat Tier 1
V1/2 Brace Yourself

Sit start with a hand in each crack.

FA: J. Bohm

Boulder 3m
Royal National Park Otford
V1 Let’s go Brandon.

Sit start, both hands on jug rail and work your way up good edges to top out staying on the face.

FA: Jesse P, Sep 2021

Boulder 4m
V1 Scamdemic

SDS, staying right of the crack work your way up pockets and good edges to top out.

FA: Jesse P, Sep 2021

Boulder 3m
V1 Stick it to the spider

Stand start on undercling flake and then up

Boulder 4m
Royal National Park Wattamolla Upriver Boulders
V1 Ziggy Zopia

Up the prow just to the left of the big block's Lippy Roof. Up the roof and out. Shallow-ish underneath but not too bad.

V1 Lippy Roof

Right hand bend as entering from Waterfall DWS, first open boulder. sweet upwards traverse with a reach to the roof at the end.

Boulder 3m
V1 Flying Penguin

Slopers at base to crimps and jugs at top. Watch out for submerged rock when trending left at top.

Boulder 3m
V1 Super Shallow

Immediately left from Waterfall DWS once past long slab area. Bot Left boulder from crag outline, Orange Slab RHS, 3-4 moves to top out

Boulder 2m
Royal National Park Wattamolla Wattamolla Point
V1 Low Down
Boulder 3m
Royal National Park Audley - The Stairs
V1 Farting

Start left side of angled roof standing, up past big jugs to top out.

FA: Joe.H, 2007

Boulder 5m
V1 Two Point Two Five

Stand start on sidepull and pocket. Up the middle.

Boulder 3m
V1 2nd Arete

Far end of the alley, last arete on the right.

Boulder 3m
V1 One Mover

Fun little one mover. Stand start in the break and head up.

Boulder 3m
V1 Reach

Reach high stood on the low ledge to easy top out.

Boulder 4m
South West St Helen's Park Cave
V1 Swampy Boy In Space Boulder 2m
V1 Joe Batters

Sit start with left hand on low undercling and right hand on scope side-pull. Head up and finish matched on first big break.

Phillip Booth

FA: Phillip Booth, 12 Dec 2021

Boulder 4m
V1 Teflon Don

Another 20m along the cliff from 'Baby Shacks'

Sit start with hands matched in the scope and up the good holds to the right. Finished with matched hands on top ledge.

Phillip Booth

FA: Phillip Booth, 17 Oct 2021

Boulder 3m
V1 Don't Break Flake

From the slot on the wall right of Wagon Wheel up and to the right

FA: Chris

Boulder 4m
South West The Greenhouse Honey Comb Cave
V1 Two L feet

Start as for IR but traverse low on the jugs to the big flake and move from this to the top. A foot out R makes the top out easy!

FA: Wade Stewart, 2014

Boulder 4m
South West The Greenhouse Hobo Cave
V1 Grumpy Old Hobo

Start out on the right arete and head upwards to the final scoop.

FA: Ebony Bennett, 15 Aug 2015

Boulder 4m
South West The Hide Away Easy Street
V1 Farewell TNF

Nice easy longish problem starting from the left side of the cave all the way thru to the nice high jug on the right side of the cave.

FA: Jason Lammers, 2014

Boulder 6m
South West Simmos Beach The House Block
V1 Sandstone dreams

Start at the same pocket as BD and go direct up the wall.

FA: Matt Brooks, 2013

Boulder 3m
Colo River Teeny-Wheeny Slab start
V1 Slippery slope

Start left flat undercling and right flat eade, head slightly left around mini arete then up gully

FA: Jaime Williams, 16 Oct 2021

Colo River Teeny-Wheeny The squeeze
V1 Between the lines

Sit start right gaston left jug, head up staying in between the lines.

FA: Jaime Williams, 28 Jul 2021

Colo River Teeny-Wheeny The interchange
V1 Grinning

As for Smirkin but uses the arete

FA: Jaime Williams, 9 Jul 2023

V1 Crimp along

Long traverse on lower seam to the vertical break then up. Match start in seam far right in the thrutch. Boulder is located up the gully between 'The interchange' and 'Crack pocket'

FA: Jaime Williams, 30 Jul 2021

Western Suburbs Buildering - Western Suburbs community climbs
V1 traverse 2

sit start to top, long ledge traverse, sit finish if you want

Western Suburbs Buildering - Western Suburbs tunnels
V1 traverse

slab side, start at concrete block and all the way to other concrete block.

Inner West Banksia
V1 The rainbow slab

Start at bottom of wall, mantle over ledge then work your way up the slab, with big moves to the next holds. Using the arete is off limits

V1 Yakka

Poor holds to start but good footwork will make light of this route

Inner West Delete please
V1 House

Same as Money but go left.

FA: Chris Lam

V1 Money

Start from the ramp do a full traverse back to the beginning. Body goes beneath all branches. Tree trunk is in.

FA: Chris Lam

Inner West Undercliffe
V1 Sharp Angle

Grab the pointy bit and fly over the top.

FA: Graham Dowden, 26 Apr 2019

Boulder 2m
V1 Slot to top

Jump to top from the slot and pocket about eye height (before the smooth dimples begin).

FA: Dan Adijans, 26 May 2019

Boulder 3m
V1 Creaky Jackals

Sit Start

Boulder 3m
V1 Hangboard extension

Extension: sit start down and right just in front of small tree. Stay low and traverse across to start of main route.

FA: Luke Nowell, 2018

Boulder 4m
Inner West Cooks River Marrickville
V1 Tree hugger

Start on same hold as 'better start cleaning' and move around the tree and keep going to finish touching top of 'Dyno project'. Needs some brushing.

FA: Upton, 2021

Boulder 5m
V1 Better start cleaning, or better start slipping

10 metres to the right of 'Looking for a fearless human who can mantle'' Start far right on little ledge and move up and left to mantle. Bit yucky up top so may need to brush exactly where you want your hands to go.

FA: Sam Louie & Upton, 2021

Boulder 3m
V1 Bobby's Mantle

Sit start holding the horizontal seam and the undercling just above. Move straight up and top out with a clean mantle.

FA: Dan Adijans, 10 Sep 2021

Boulder 2m
Inner West Earlwood
V1 Fin

Sharp Arete 3m R of Mystery Slab Climb, layback up right side of the arete.

FA: Michael Law, 1975

Boulder 4m
V1 Diddy Crack

Sit start 2m right of Bardwell Dyno at base of seam on Gaston and small slot. Reachy move to crimp rail then easy top out.

FA: Meredith Apple, 28 Jan 2019

Boulder 5m
Inner West Balmain White Horse Point Graffiti Caves
V1 2

Sit start 2m left of OP2 with hands in low crack.

FA: Wall

Boulder 3m
V1 One

Sit start matched on the small rail. move right to big jug then topout

Boulder 2m
Inner West Balmain Balmain East
V1 Lucy's Laidback Lefty

Left hand only layback the left arete while smearing feet on slab.

Boulder 2m
V1 Tatiana's Tarsal Tittilation Too

Start: 1m left of FFFFF.

Feet only problem - no hands, forearms or upper body contact.

Delicately up the middle of the lichen slab.

Boulder 3m
V1 Sidepullen

Start 1m right of Jump Up etc.

Up using hands only on left sidepull and tenuous footing.

Boulder 2m
V1 The West Pole

To the right of the pole in the gap between shrubs. Straight up.

Boulder 3m
V1 Corner Grab

Start slightly to the left of TEP and as the title says make a grab for the corner.

Boulder 3m
Inner West Iron Cove Rodd Park Super 8
V1 Shin Splints and Shit sits

Sit start at the right hand side of the rock, where the first starts to show form.

Move from one lip to the other without going to far left (that bumps the grade up)

Watch your footing and look closely for shin skin!

Set: Ranger Dave Archer, 2012

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2012

Boulder 3m
Inner West Iron Cove Rodd Park The middle child
V1 was Beatrix here?

Just above “Beatrix was here” in chalk, is a narrow slot, whatever fingers you can get in there & have a fun mantle straight up. Good little warm up.

Boulder 3m
Inner West Iron Cove Rodd Park Ergometer Wall
V1 Follow Your Favorites

Everyone has a favorite move - be it a fist jam, layback or mono

For one man its all in the name

Brendon "The Heel" Flanagan loves nothing more than using three (or four) limbs to hang his weight!

Whether it is a over hang (understandable) or a Slab (I still don't know how he does it!) - The heel hook is a constant tool in his arsenal!

This challenge is dedicated to him

Sit start at the left most part of the Ergo wall. Move up and right till you've got the ledge and immediately throw a heel up.

Now without losing a heel off the ledge move as far as humanly possible.

Once you pop - mark the spot with a bit of chalk and challenge your mates to beat it!

Record currently stands at 6m

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2012

Set: Ranger Dave Archer, 2012

Boulder 1m
V1 Hands On!

Same start as for EO except throw your right heel up and top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 3m
V1 Easy Oars!

Match hands on the raised lip, left foot up and top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 3m
V1 Starboard Side

Same as for Stroke Side but use your right heel and top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 3m
V1 Stroke Side

Match hands up top, feet low, left heel up and top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 3m
V1 From Square to Feather

Same start as for SB but throw your right heel up and top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 3m
V1 Spoon Blade

Matching your hands on the low ledge throw your left heel up and top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 3m
Inner West Iron Cove Callan Point
V1 Exit Stage Left

Start at the lowest point on the left hand side of the overhang and make your way up and to the left. Make your way up to the second tier with a dyno and top out on the third tier to be king of the world.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 3m
V1 Birth

Sit start match on good roof undercling, move up and topout as for Exit Stage Left.

FA: James Wagner, Sep 2021

V1 Did It

Start low on the arête with your left and right hand in the obvious pockets. Make your way up the arête and exit to the right.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 2m
Inner West Iron Cove King George Park
V1 Move left

Start as far right as you can. Hold round, sloping lip and move left around arete till you reach the corner. Easier if it wasn't so sandy...

FA: dwebster, Feb 2018

V1 Burial at sea

Smash downwards then roll rapidly into mud, water or oysters if unlucky: happy days!

FA: Thomas Jones, 21 Nov 2020

Inner West Iron Cove Industrial Revolution
V1 Progress Forward

A solid sit start followed by a enjoyable angled arete.

Sit start under right most arete. Move straight up till you hit the arete and follow it to the left.

Discover the lovely holds left and right of the arete and top out

Can be done as a V0 Stand Start

Set: Ranger Dave Archer, 2012

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2012

Boulder 4m
Inner West Iron Cove Bridgewater Park
V1 Harros Quick Finish

From a sit start make your way up and finish around the corner, without touching the concrete wall.

Tricky balancing moves

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 3m
V1 Horro's Down But Not Dirty

Starting at the lowest point of HHHH traverse right and finish the problem as for HHHH. Remember to keep your feet from getting dirty!

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 6m
Inner West Glebe Harold Park
V1 Casual contact

FA: Daniel MK

Inner West Glebe Thin Wall
V1 Access Route

Basically just a way to get to the top of Mantle Mania

Boulder 2m
Inner West Glebe Minogue Crescent
V1 Risking It All

Start with one hand on the right side and the other on the left, move your right hand up right to the top sloper, stick it and top out.

FA: Chris Wallace

Boulder 2m
V1 You Have Little Idea

Start in the corner and traverse over to You Have No Idea. From here complete the problem.

Set: Chris Wallace, 2013

FA: Chris Wallace, 2013

Boulder 4m
V1 Old School Horror Show

Starts: Right next to "MMMT"

Pinch arete while climbing chipped slab past two rusty old carrots, if you must.

Set: Chris Wallace

FA: Chris Wallace

Boulder 4m
V1 The Crystal Veck

Start: Sharp yellow corner with pile of cement at base.

Old school beefy layaway up to ledge with two old rusty carrots.

Boulder 4m
V1 Climb 2

Easy but gritty highball. Traverse and downclimb.

Set: Chris Wallace

FA: Chris Wallace

Boulder 4m
Inner West Pyrmont Pyrmont Spider Pig Boulder
V1 He's Not Spider Pig Anymore, He's Harry Plopper

Start as for Spider Pig and make your way left to the slab on the ground.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m
V1 Spider Pig

Get in the cave and start at the far right. Feet low with your right hand out of the cave. Make your way up to the obvious pocket at the top. Needs a dusting in the pocket. Be careful not to fall on the rail beneath, could hurt a bit if you land on it.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m
Inner West Pyrmont Root Wall
V1 Travis

Traverse length of wall between blocks with feet under 1m in obvious break and hands at about 2m.

FA: Graham Dowden, 23 Feb 2017

Boulder 12m
V1 Undercling

Drilled pocket, big double-handed undercling, then hand in deep square hole in cheese below blocks. Mind the rats!

FA: Graham Dowden, 23 Feb 2017

Boulder 4m
Inner West Pyrmont Pyrmont Wall Jones Bay Wall
V1 Seaworthy Pocket Cruiser

Start with left hand above painted 5. Find your sea legs as you climb through generous break to crimpy break above. Traverse to pocket and then cruise up to second pocket to finish.

FA: David Ho, 25 May 2019

Boulder 5m
V1 The Endeavour

Traverse right along break from tree fern to wall. Several fathoms of interest before grounding.

Boulder 25m
Inner West Pyrmont Pyrmont Wall Giba Wall
V1 Sandy Price Finder

FA: Nic Barry, 21 Nov 2018

Boulder 4m
V1 Arvo CREw climb

FA: JezzaClimber, 21 Nov 2018

Boulder 4m
V1 This is my Domain

FA: JezzaClimber, 21 Nov 2018

Boulder 4m
V1 I definitely had a head full of sand like I'd been at the beach

FA: Nic Barry, 21 Nov 2018

Boulder 4m
V1 The Quarterdeck

Traverse the 45m wall to the arete, keeping feet about 6 inches off the ground. Start is a bit harder due to slim toe holds. Gets easier once there is a line for your toes to follow.

Boulder 45m
Inner West Pyrmont Pyrmont Wall Pyrmont Spanish Lessons
V1 Se Pronuncia Daabiid

Start right of the light pole and beneath the square incut. Tap out at the base of the incut.

Boulder 3m
V1 El Jefe

Starting between the painted 55 and the double expansion bolts, make your way up to the second flake then downclimb for the full 12 meters.

FA: Brendon Allan Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 12m
V1 El Guapo

Start at the pocket to the right of the painted 50. Make your way up to the ledge 2.5 meters above the pocket and down climb for the full 10 meters. Pocket is out of bounds for feet and hands.

FA: Brendon Allan Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 10m
V1 ¿Dónde está el baño?

Start at painted 50 and head straight up. Some interesting footwork into the decent inset left hand and then up to the good ledge to finish.

FA: David Ho, 10 May 2019

Boulder 5m
V1 La Guapa

Start to the left of the painted 50. Make your way up to the bottom of the drill hole and traverse right. Down climb past the double expansion bolts for the full 12 meters.

FA: Brendon Allan Flanagan, 2012

Boulder 12m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,148 routes.

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