
Ascents in Oriental Carpathians

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Showing 801 - 900 out of 1,964 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Climber
Sat 4th Feb 2023 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M7/8 Hard Little Bad Boy - with Virgil Litan Ice 18m, 11 Average
Andrei Verdeanu
Fell from the 2nd bolt, a hold broke.

M7/8 Hard Little Bad Boy - with Virgil Litan Ice 18m, 11 Average
Andrei Verdeanu
Having fun.

Sat 4th Feb 2023 - Bicaz Gorge
Lapoș Gorge Lapoș II
WI4- ~WI3 Lapoș II - with Virgil Litan Ice 32m Good
Andrei Verdeanu
Very thin ice, managed to get 4x10cm stubbies and 3x13cm screws in. 2-4cm average ice thickness. Delicate. Did some mixed moves.

Tue 31st Jan 2023 - Bicaz Gorge
Făgetul Ciucului Pump Track Sector
WI3 M4 Hard Gully Track - with Andrei Nutu, Bursuc Sergiu Ice 60m Average
Andrei Verdeanu
The ice was too thin and crumbly, delaminating as I moved up. Managed to get a stubbie in, but had no way to protect the upper part, as there were no cracks and the ice was 1-2cm thin . Decided to downclimb. Needs another week or so of cold.

Sat 28th Jan 2023 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 2
M6 Feelin' Frisky - with Ruxandra V, Răzvan Ababei Ice 16m, 9 Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Cleaning the route.

M9 Enter The Dragon - with Ruxandra V, Răzvan Ababei Ice 20m, 11 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Remembered the holds this time. Felt good to get back on it.

M6 Feelin' Frisky - with Ruxandra V Ice 16m, 9 Classic
Andrei Verdeanu

M9 Enter The Dragon - with Răzvan Ababei, Ruxandra V Ice 20m, 11 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Attempt with gear on me. Forgot some holds after two years and did some mistakes. Lazy and tired.

M5 Johnny Jamma — 2 attempts - with Tiberiu Popa, Andrei Verdeanu, Răzvan Ababei, Andreea Branza Ice 16m, 8 Average
Ruxandra V
Slightly overhanging start on good holds, then like 10m of M3 starting with a good rest. Boulder problem with a long walkoff, basically. Took me quite a bit to figure out the crux, and by figure I mean get it spoonfed from below

M4 Easy No Woman No Cry - with Andreea Branza, Andrei Verdeanu, Tiberiu Popa, Răzvan Ababei Ice 16m, 8 Classic
Ruxandra V
Well, onsight after the first 2-3 holds, one of the guys got a tad enthusiastic about helping the newbie with beta. Feels easy for a M4, in comparison with the Rasnov routes I've tried... maybe a bit harder for 1 move than the Rasnov M3. Pretty varied for an easy route, some crack, some easy slab, some traverses, some laybacking to get past an otherwise no-feet option. Me gusta mucho.

Sat 21st Jan 2023 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Faleza nouă
M9 Hagal — 3 attempts Ice 17m, 9 Very Good
Răzvan Ababei
A iesit la a treia incercare si prima cap de coarda. S-au mai rupt prinze din el, dar a ramas ok.

Sun 15th Jan 2023 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Faleza nouă
M7 Urur - with Răzvan Ababei Ice 15m, 9 Classic
Alexandru Ionita
First time dry-tooling

M7 Urur — 3 attempts - with Răzvan Ababei Ice 15m, 9 Classic
Alexandru Ionita

M7 Urur — 2 attempts Ice 15m, 9
Răzvan Ababei
2nd attempt dupa ce mi-am dat tot sufletul pe cel de langa

Sat 7th Jan 2023 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Faleza nouă
M7 Urur - with Andrei Verdeanu Ice 15m, 9 Classic
Golodin Iustin
M9 Hard Helvegen - with Ciprian Andrecut Ice 17m, 8 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Retro-flash, with gear on me.

M9 Hagal - with Ciprian Andrecut Ice 17m, 9 Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Witth gear on me.

M7 Easy Urur - with Golodin Iustin Ice 15m, 9 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Cleaning the route.

M7 Easy Urur - with Ciprian Andrecut Ice 15m, 9 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu

Sun 1st Jan 2023 - Munții Rodnei
Pietrosul Rodnei
M4 F Piciorul Moșului Alpine 500m
Wed 28th Dec 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M8 Harmonica — 3 attempts - with Andrei Verdeanu Ice 20m, 11 Classic
Răzvan Ababei
nu ma pricep la grade in sportul asta, dar de mult nu m-am mai simtit asa pompat Multumesc Andrei pentru echiparea traseului si filat

Mon 26th Dec 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M7 Hard Dirty Fiesta - with Cristian Totu Ice 16m, 10 Crap
Andrei Verdeanu

M7 Hard Dirty Fiesta - with Cristian Totu Ice 16m, 10 Crap
Andrei Verdeanu
Cleaning the route for my friends.

M8 Harmonica - with Razvan Ababei Ice 20m, 11 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Putting the draws on for my buddy after sending El Diablo.

M10 Hard El Diablo - with Ciprian Andrecut Ice 27m, 12 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Big-time send on the first try 🤩. Very happy with the performance. Clipped the chains with lots of gas to spare. The fastest redpoint so far, in only one attempt. Definitely D10+, harder moves, smaller holds, and the three successive overhangs, all add up to a more difficult route. Possibly the hardest confirmed route in RO. Very very happy. 😁

Sat 24th Dec 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M10 Hard El Diablo - with Ciprian Andrecut Ice 27m, 12 Very Good
Andrei Verdeanu
First attempt at links.

M10 Hard El Diablo - with Ciprian Andrecut Ice 27m, 12 Very Good
Andrei Verdeanu
First study session. L'aventure commence 😁

Wed 14th Dec 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M8 Harmonica - with Bursuc Sergiu Ice 20m, 11 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
M8 Harmonica - with Bursuc Sergiu Ice 20m, 11 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
M8 Harmonica - with Bursuc Sergiu Ice 20m, 11 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
M8 Harmonica - with Bursuc Sergiu Ice 20m, 11 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
-12°C 🤣. Volume training day. With gear on me.

Wed 7th Dec 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M10 Easy Natural Killer - with Bursuc Sergiu Ice 26m, 13 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
2nd ascent 🥲, felt solid, and had the patience to recover after the dynos and the traverse. Made no mistakes. Clipped the top with just a bit of pump, which is always reassuring. I feel that the D10- grading from the FA is correct. One to go and I'm done with the routes in Bicajel 🤣 Amazing belay and hype from Gicu, as always👌

M10 Easy Natural Killer - with Bursuc Sergiu Ice 26m, 13 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Let's call this the warm-up, though I only warmed-up at the second-to-last draw. My hands did not 🤣

M8 Harmonica - with Bursuc Sergiu Ice 20m, 11 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Putting the draws on for my homie 😁

Sat 3rd Dec 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M10 Easy Natural Killer - with Ciprian Andrecut Ice 26m, 13 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Study session turned into redpoint attempt. Went smoothly up until the last bolt. Still had gas in the tank but got a bit lazy and preferred to shout "take!".

Othervise might have been a certain send, new record.

M10 Easy Natural Killer - with Ciprian Andrecut Ice 26m, 13 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
First study session, did all the individual moves, and redpointed half of the route.

Wed 30th Nov 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M7 Hard Dirty Fiesta - with Bursuc Sergiu Ice 16m, 10
Andrei Verdeanu
M7/8 Hard Little Bad Boy - with Bursuc Sergiu Ice 18m, 11 Crap
Andrei Verdeanu
Leftover from a previous session. With gear on me 😁

M10 Easy Natural Killer - with Bursuc Sergiu Ice 26m, 13 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Next one in line. Redpoined the lower third. Had to go because lack of time. Left the draws on it 😁

Sat 19th Nov 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M10 Millenium - with Ciprian Andrecuț Ice 25m, 14 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Big time send. Did a small mistake on the dyno, but had the patience to recover. From there onwards executed the beta with no mistakes. Clipped the chains with gas to spare and almost no pump. The training and technique are coming into play. Wouldn't have thought that I would send this 25m monster in just two redpoint attempts. Solid start of the season 😁

M10 Millenium - with Ciprian Andrecuț Ice 25m, 14 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Warm-up on the first half 😁

Sun 13th Nov 2022 - Gura Humorului
Obcina Voronețului
5c Classic (Claisc) Sport 16m, 8 Very Good
Razvan Ariciuc
Sun 13th Nov 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M10 Millenium - with Lilian Ungureanu Ice 25m, 14 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Muscular recovery climbing. Optimizing some moves, 2 laps for volume, no attempt today.

M10 Millenium - with Lilian Ungureanu Ice 25m, 14 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Muscular recovery climbing. Optimizing some moves, 2 laps for volume, no attempt today.

Sat 12th Nov 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M10 Millenium - with Ciprian Andrecut Ice 25m, 14 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Warm-up on the first half.

M10 Millenium - with Ciprian Andrecut Ice 25m, 14 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
First redpoint attempt. Fell just below the top, from the second-to-last hold. Exceptional progress, considering it is only the first attempt and I had no plan for the upper half, basically went blind. Right hand got jammed between the axe and the rock, at the last move and I was unable to shake-out, otherwise it could have been a certain send. Extremely happy for the performance at the start of the season.

Tue 8th Nov 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M10 Millenium - with Andrei Nutu Ice 25m, 14 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
First proper entry. Found a viable beta for the first crux, and optimized all the lower half moves. Did the second crux separately.

M10 Millenium - with Andrei Nutu Ice 25m, 14 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Second entry. Red-pointed the entire first half up to the second crux efficiently and with elegance. The beta for the first block worked perfectly. Did the second and third cruxes separately. Excellent progress in only two entries. Very good flow. Might send sooner than expected. Feeling strong.

M6 M7 Dirty Fiesta - with Andrei Nutu Ice 16m, 10 Crap
Andrei Verdeanu

Sun 6th Nov 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Suhardul Mic
6 A1 ~7 Pintenul Suhardului - with Valentin Chiriac
1 5 A1 50 Aid lead by Valentin Chiriac

7+ rotpunkt, probably. Not an easy 30m of vertical to overhanging crack. Probably aidable with mobiles, but the mobiles were mostly above me at this point, so I climbed my own rope for a bit. A small bit, though. After unholy-aiding my way through the crack, I reached easier terrain, a belay station on pitons (did not use, it's uncomfy and cold) and the 20m of grass that make up the original p2. The belay station is also on 2 pitons but there's also a great placement for a black Totem to the right. Plus it's comfy and in the sun.

2 6 A1 40 Aid lead by Valentin Chiriac

Oblique traverse up-right for ~8m under an arch (easy, slabby terrain)then pull on a loop of cord and climb a juniper tree to reach the Dihedral. The Dihedral is beautiful. There's ~20m of it, left side is smooth slab with the rare occasional pocket (fun high feet!) , right side is a crack edge that almost but not quite works for a good layback, plus quite a bit more Good Feet than the left side. So it all works out in a not-quite-layback, not-quite-spraitz kind of way, 7 UIAA at the least. Personally, I fraided it but mostly aided it, rested on the rope for aaages with the justification that I was Cleaning Shit Up, managed to pull out 2 friends (small, non-Totem) by falling on the rope from above them with my PAS still clipped in them (everything Totem or larger than 0.75 stayed in though, I fell on the rope with the PAS still clipped on pro below me a lot ) , then went off-route on a bit of dirty slab traverse back and forth (4 UIAA) to avoid a small overhang on the actual line of the route and then climbed back up, past the original piton belay (please leave the bailout biner alone if you visit, it's 15 years old and brings Memories for my partner) and up on a lovely ridge where my partner was belaying me on the first tree

3 3 50 Second lead by Valentin Chiriac

Theoretically, the non-pitched retreat of the route. Practically, if you take a slip on the scree there's a fair chance you'll rocket over the edge of the wall so gather up n-1 ropes and continue on a single one (it's fine if it's a half-rope, anything factor-y is highly unlikely). Continue on the grassy ridge, go above the large pine, onto the scree tongue (this way, if you slip on it, rope will catch on the tree) and upwards towards a gentle chimney with a couple boulders stuck in it. If you're my height (163cm) it's just perfect for levitating up it in opposition, you won't even touch a Proper Hold until you're out of it. Like a small, fussy, highly indulgent dessert after a heavy 2-course meal. Belay at the trees and then the last rope can be packed up

Trad 140m Classic
Ruxandra V
There's a beautiful, beautiful route to be dug out of way more dirt than we could dig out in one day. 2 lovely crack length separated by a walk up grass, with a bijou scrambling dessert at the end. All on pitons including the intermediate belay, lots of options for mobiles (esp. small friends, but larger ones and nuts of all sizes may also find a place)

7 A1 Hard Diedrul Cuiburilor de Şoimi - with Valentin Chiriac
1 7 50 Second lead by Valentin Chiriac

Started on easy, slabby terrain, traversed right after a tree (skipped the old belay) and then headed up on the most beautiful limestone crack I've ever touched. It's red and velvety, rounded just enough that it won't bite (but holds feel super secure), not friable at all and extremely adherent for limestone. When it overhangs, you have good feet, but suffering from a lack of trust I rested on the rope a bit. Next time.

2 5- 25 Trad lead by Ruxandra V

The easy pitch, one long dihedral with good feet all over - the occasional overhangy boulder, but good holds and nothing hard. A bit more loosely pitoned than I'd have liked, so I ended up using a few nuts and quite a few more draws than hoped, so after a bit of a discussion with my partner on whether I'll have enough left to reach the belay I couldn't see, I decided to stop at an old belay station (2 pitons to the right, plus the last piton in the dihedral was close enough that I could use it for vertical pull). Of course, 30 seconds after my partner starts climbing I notice the real belay station less than 10m above me - and yup, I'd have had enough draws left

3 5 A1 50 Aid lead by Valentin Chiriac

This was the last few meters of pitch 2 (easy, 4+ UIAA maybe?) and the real p3. Starts with a vertical crack with rather iffy holds (7/7+?) that leads into a dihedral. First piton is quite high in the crack, and I pulled out the nut we used as a Jesus piece and fell down with it below the belay, freaked out a bit (if I don't pull outwards, what if I hit the ledge from rope stretch?) and decided to abuse the fact that the nuts had been left with me to aid my way through the whole damn crack Don't ask me how you can aid climb for 4 nuts on 1 aider without ever touching rock since I can't explain, it takes a bit of fiddling with one's PAS, but it worked, and I was into the dihedral and then on the ridge which were far easier.

Trad 130m Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
Far less friable than the legend says. The legend of the red rock crack in p1 (the original p2) is well deserved though - never touched such beautiful, velvety, adherent limestone in my life.

Sun 6th Nov 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M10 Millenium - with Marina Iosub Ice 25m, 14 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Trying the moves. Leaving the draws on. Monster route. L'aventure commence 😆

M7 Hard Little Bad Boy - with Marina Iosub Ice 18m, 11 Average
Andrei Verdeanu

Sat 5th Nov 2022 - Cheile Șugăului
La Frați
7c Lolek Sport 20m Classic
Răzvan Ababei
Merge batut extensie la el. Frumos traseul!

Wed 2nd Nov 2022 - Cheile Șugăului
La Frați
7b+ Duni - with Gabi Cicu Sport 18m, 11 Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Wed 2nd Nov 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Plus Sector 1
6a+ Plictisit de viață, plictisit de moarte (Plictisit de viață, plictisit de moarte P1) - with Andrei Nutu
1 6a+ 28m
Sport 28m, 9 Very Good
Andrei Verdeanu
6c+ Jean Valjean - with Andrei Nutu Sport 19m, 10 Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
6c+ Jean Valjean - with Andrei Nutu Sport 19m, 10 Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Sun 30th Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Piatra Altarului
6+ A0 Creasta Estică - with Golodin Iustin Mixed trad 240m, 15
Lucian Mîrza
Sun 30th Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Făgetul Ciucului Raza Soarelui Sector A
6a White Cat - with Simon Zugmeyer Sport 18m, 6 Classic
Ruxandra V
Finally found a beta for the bit where I'm too short to reach straight for the ledge. It involves the second halfknuckle mono of the route though, so unless I figure out how to do them on different fingers or start training fingerboard, it'll stay a one try a day kinda route. My partner felt it closer to 6a+, but I'm not seeing it

Sat 29th Oct 2022 - Borsecului
Faleza Ursului Sector C
7+ 6c+ Smoke Water - with Marina Iosub Sport 20m
Andrei Verdeanu
7+ 6c+ Smoke Water - with Marina Iosub Sport 20m
Andrei Verdeanu
Sat 29th Oct 2022 - Borsecului
Faleza Ursului Sector B
6+ 6a Glue Face - with Marina Iosub Sport 10m Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Sat 29th Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Făgetul Ciucului Raza Soarelui Sector A
6a Ioana - with simon zugmeyer Sport 23m, 8 Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
Setting up my quickdraws and doing some fall practice in the crux

6a Ioana - with simon zugmeyer Sport 23m, 8 Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
Proiectu' vietzii. Finally sent, felt smooth and good, my brain doesn't stop on fall worries anymore. As my belayer also confirmed after redpointing it after me, as long as you commit it goes easily. Now, let's find a 6a I don't know by heart.

6a Ioana - with simon zugmeyer Sport 23m, 8 Mega Classic
Ruxandra V

Sat 29th Oct 2022 - Borsecului
Faleza Ursului Sector A
8+ 7b Chinese Cow - with Marina Iosub Sport 10m
Andrei Verdeanu
8- 6c+ Three House - with Marina Iosub Sport 12m
Andrei Verdeanu
Sat 29th Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Făgetul Ciucului Raza Soarelui Sector A
4c A0 Warm Up - with Simon Zugmeyer Sport 25m, 9
Ruxandra V
Warming up

Fri 28th Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Făgetul Ciucului
1B Creasta Cichibiuc Alpine
Bursuc Sergiu
Sun 23rd Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Piatra Altarului
6- A1 Creasta Estică - with RPF
1 4 Aid lead by Ruxandra V

An initial moment of worry and pulling on quickdraws

2 2 Trad lead by Ruxandra V

Did it in 2 pitches to minimize rope drag and avoid simulclimbing through p3. Lots of wrestling my mammoth of a sport climbing rope

3 Second lead by RPF

Saving some time by having the much faster climber do this one

4 5 A1 Aid lead by Ruxandra V

Got pumped at the start, got panicked, improvised an aider out of a sling through the first peg.

5 6- A0 Aid lead by Ruxandra V


I've seen the crux flake less sewn up on all trad runs. 2 friends and 1 nut for 3 meters of 6- between bolts that feels airy and committing in a way the rest of the pitch isn't. Placed a quick friend so I could calm down enough to place a good nut, didn't trust the nut enough to commit to the move either until I rested on it to know it at least holds body weight, found my balls back (what was left of them) after I could at least imagine the gear would hold a fall, did the move easily (2 jugs on the flake right above one's head means you don't need to layback anything unless you're even shorter than I am), placed another friend as a quicksave and balanced out to the right to the next bolt. Smooth sailing from there on.

6 3 Trad lead by Ruxandra V

No real difficulties left. Placed a nut for morale on the chimney, slithered my way out of it and off to the top

Mixed trad 240m, 15 Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
Sun 23rd Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Faleza nouă
M7 Urur - with Lilian Ungureanu Ice 15m, 9 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu

M9 Hagal - with Lilian Ungureanu Ice 17m, 9 Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
First try send. A line I've attempted previously once in 2020 and once in 2021. Finally sent all the routes in the new sector. Not bad for the second day of the season 😁

Sat 22nd Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Făgetul Ciucului Raza Soarelui Sector A
6a Ioana — 3 attempts Sport 23m, 8 Classic
Ruxandra V
First time properly on it after a year. Rested in the rope the first time around, to remember the moves. Second time, it went clean - I just went into trance mode, mostly focusing on keeping breathing and maintaining an upward direction while I let my hindbrain worry about moves. Just one worriless flow to the top at the end of which I had to ask my belayer if I rested on the rope, since I wouldn't have noticed. Apparently I hadn't. Tried it a third time to make sure and yup, on toprope at least it goes, crux is still not comfortable but I can move through it, and I'm not even tired by the time I get to the end of the technical difficulties. Comparing this with the endless projecting sessions last year, it looks like all that multipitch really made a difference, endurance-wise. Think I'll practice some falls on it next time and then actually try leading it.

5c+ Şarpele Sport 25m, 9
Ruxandra V
Pumpy. Good falls on this one though, so it might be worth practicing some climb-till-I-drop next time

4a Warm Up Sport 25m, 9 Crap
Ruxandra V
Still not worth it

Sat 22nd Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 1
M8 Harmonica - with Lilian Ungureanu Ice 20m, 11 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
M6 M7 Dirty Fiesta - with Lilian Ungureanu Ice 16m, 10 Crap
Andrei Verdeanu
Sat 22nd Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 2
M5 Johnny Jamma - with Lilian Ungureanu Ice 16m, 8 Very Good
Andrei Verdeanu
M6 Feelin' Frisky - with Lilian Ungureanu Ice 16m, 9 Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Thu 20th Oct 2022 - Cheile Șugăului
La Frați
8b The Golden Path - with Andrei Nutu Sport 17m, 7
Andrei Verdeanu

6c Caladan - with Andrei Nutu Sport 13m, 5 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Finally 😆

Sun 16th Oct 2022 - Cheile Vârghişului
5+ Ursus Spelaeus Sport 25m
Camelia Langa
Sun 16th Oct 2022 - Cheile Vârghişului
Turnul lui Csala
6+ Fisura Calului Sport 18m Mega Classic
Camelia Langa
Sun 16th Oct 2022 - Cheile Șugăului
La Frați
6c Caladan - with Andrei Nutu Sport 13m, 5 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
6c Caladan - with Andrei Nutu Sport 13m, 5 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Sun 16th Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Cheile Bicăjelului Prima faleză Sector 2
M5 Johnny Jamma - with Marina Iosub Ice 16m, 8 Very Good
Andrei Verdeanu
M6 Feelin' Frisky - with Marina Iosub Ice 16m, 9 Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Sat 15th Oct 2022 - Rarău
La spital
7a Ulcer Sport 18m, 11
Alexandru Ionita

Sat 15th Oct 2022 - Cheile Vârghişului
Turnul lui Csala
4 4+ Slepcsi Sport 20m
Camelia Langa
6 Fetelor Sport 30m
Camelia Langa
8- Bacchus Sport 30m
Camelia Langa
7- Na miújság Sport 30m
Camelia Langa
6+ Turnul de Aramă Trad 40m
Camelia Langa
Sat 15th Oct 2022 - Rarău
La spital
8 7a Ulcer Sport 18m, 11 Mega Classic
Stefan Ionita
6b 6a+ Gastrita Sport 18m, 12 Classic
Stefan Ionita
6b 6a+ Gastrita Sport 18m, 12 Very Good
Alexandru Ionita
Wed 12th Oct 2022 - Cheile Șugăului
La Frați
6c Caladan - with Andrei Nutu Sport 13m, 5 Mega Classic
Andrei Verdeanu
Mon 10th Oct 2022 - Bicaz Gorge
Făgetul Ciucului Raza Soarelui Sector B
6b+ Distant Sun Sport 20m, 6
Bursuc Sergiu
6c Petit nonsens Sport 20m, 6
Bursuc Sergiu

Showing 801 - 900 out of 1,964 ascents.

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