
Ascensioni di Doctor Slaughter

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Tutti 11 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Dom 21 Gen 2024 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
25 Doctor Slaughter - con Lachlan Craig, lucas Sportiva 15m, 4 Molto buona
Tim Hall
Last time I (or possibly anyone) will do this route. After having a few goes on it, I pulled past the second bolt and took a regulation fall. The dogbone of my draw on that bolt had rubbed sufficiently on the rounded edge just below the bolt that when I fell it snapped. The bolt below that then pinged off the wall, and I fell nearly 10 metres. Fortunately I bounced off my heroic belayer's shoulders and slammed into some rocks. This accident could very easily have been a lot worse.

The nature of the bolting on this route lends itself to either the rope or the quickdraws rubbing against the coarse rock. There is no way to protect this route without the potential for large swings that grind your life-saving equipment against jagged edges.

I would suggest taking extreme caution to protect your draws and rope before trying this route. Extending the draws mitigates the rope drag on the edge, but you should also consider a protective material between the dogbone and the rock.

You will also need to replace the first bolt, due to its rapid departure from the wall.

Mer 8 Nov 2023 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
25 Doctor Slaughter - con Marco D'Alessandro Sportiva 15m, 4 Molto buona
Tim Hall
Left a draw on due to a rain storm that appeared mid-send burn. If anyone goes up there, please leave the draw. I'll be back.

Sab 28 Ott 2023 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
25 Doctor Slaughter — 3 tentativi Sportiva 15m, 4 Mega Classica
Alek Gough
This climb is great, it feels like Nowra. So close to the flash (not!).

Mer 25 Ott 2023 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
25 Doctor Slaughter — 2 tentativi - con Lachlan Craig Sportiva 15m, 4 Molto buona
Tim Hall
it's very good

Gio 31 Mar 2022 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
25 Doctor Slaughter Sportiva 15m, 4
Tim Rock
Sab 3 Ago 2019 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
25 Doctor Slaughter - con Duncan Sportiva 15m, 4 Buona
Dane Evans
Too cold, saving some skin for tomorrow

Sab 27 Lug 2019 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
25 Doctor Slaughter Sportiva 15m, 4 Molto buona
Kate Ferguson
3x shots. Very beta intensive climbing. There's a massive numbers of micro moves between the 2nd and 3rd bolt. Going to be a fight to string it all together.

Mar 23 Lug 2019 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
25 Doctor Slaughter Sportiva 15m, 4 Molto buona
Kate Ferguson
Gio 17 Gen 2008 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
25 Doctor Slaughter Sportiva 15m, 4 Molto buona
Justin Ryan
Good 25 and is accessible and close to town. a few sharp holds also some quality moves on smooth dyke granite

Mar 7 Apr 1998 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
25 Doctor Slaughter Sportiva 15m, 4 Pessima
Mar 13 Apr 2010 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
25 Doctor Slaughter Sportiva 15m, 4

Tutti 11 ascensioni visualizzati.

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