
Routen in Illawarra and Shoalhaven für ausgewählte Schwierigkeit

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Zeige 1 - 100 von 538 Routen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit
{US} V1 Wannabee Hard
{US} V1 Majic Motion
{US} V2 Nose Job
{US} V1 Off Ya Rocka
{US} V1 Loco Motion
{US} V2 Lucifer
{US} V2 Ultrasonic
{US} V2 Techno Junky
Wollongong Stanwell Tops Hargraves Wall
20 Crakarett

The arete at the bottom of the walk down gully. Starts with short diagonal handcrack then traverse right to arête.

Erstbegehung: Shaun Martin, 2006

Sport 10m, 3
20 Cane Toad

Well bolted sport route up clean grey streak behind tree. Finish right to shared lower-off.

Erstbegehung: Roger Bourne & Chris Wilmott, 1993

Sport 11m, 4
20 Back to School

Climb starts right next to tree. This climb is excellent and it easy for the grade.

Erstbegehung: Jason Lammers, 2010

Sport 10m, 3
20 (Unnamed 2)

Top-rope only. 2m right of Unnamed 1. Flake to first horizontal, then to short, little corner at top.

Toprope 10m
Wollongong Stanwell Tops Stonehaven
20 The Greatest and Best Rock Climb in the World (Tribute)

Line of bolts left of Chain-saw. Crimps, jugs, toe-jams... Got them all!!

Erschliesser: iBlom, Apr 2018

Erste freie Begeh.: iBlom, Apr 2018

Sport 20m, 8
20 Handful

Start on arete. Tricky start past 2nd RB then great climbing on left wall, move to arete towards the top. Finish back on left at hidden lower offs. A sweet climb...

Erstbegehung: Chris Wilmont, 1993

Sport 18m, 5
20 Daniel

A homage to the original Stanwell Tops crusher. Layback the bottom corner into the crack and jam your way to glory. The crack takes as many small to medium cams as you can plug. Fixed anchors at top of crack. A very new route so give it a brush.

Erstbegehung: pearce thomas, 16 Dez 2018

Traditionell 15m
20 Waiting for Wade

UP SS or HOC, up arete for 2 bolts, then right up HOC for the easy finish.

Erstbegehung: The Bangor Chimp, 23 Mai 2019

Sport 18m
20 The Goon Of Fortune

The line of tight squeeze directly up from Hotdog Power. A nice bit of continuous intensity climbing up the flake until a no hands rest spoils it all. Top is easier than it first appears. Start at Hotdog Power and continue straight up the line of bolts. For a much better start do the easier less knee destroying Hotdog Water start and traverse in for the same grade.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 4 Jan 2019

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 21 Jan 2019

Sport 15m, 10
20 The Need For Squeeze

Start as for Shutdown Funk but follow the left line of bolts. Then up the left side of the arete above. Can be used as an alternate start to Shutdown Funk to eliminate the need to carry a rack of wigglies. If you are finding it hard for the grade then either; (1) Get stronger or (2) Grow taller.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 4 Jan 2019

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 10 Feb 2019

Sport 15m, 6
20 The Shield

Juggiest route at Stonehaven? now extended an extra 2 bolts at the same grade. Up steep grey wall about 15m R of Shutdown Funk. Up to roof, right and up. Over ledge and up to high anchor out right.

Erstbegehung: Michael Law, 2019

Sport 16m, 7
20 The Cult of Chuck

The crack right of the obvious corner. Get up it before it regrows. Hardly a hand jam in sight. Plenty of trad pro available if you get a feeling of revulsion clipping bolts up a crack and need to revert to your primal trad placing self.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 16 Sep 2018

Sport 12m, 8
20 Shaven Stonehaven

Incredible face to the right of the obvious crack splitting the wall. Crag classic test piece 20.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill

Erstbegehung: 9 Sep 2018

Sport 12m, 9
20 Bitchin About Lichen

Obvious Flake to the left of Better Than A Poke In The Eye.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 9 Sep 2018

Sport 12m, 10
20 Mud Monkey

Start 3 meters right of Better Than a Poke in the Eye on the rounded arete. One technical move that may be difficult to spot if not chalked, the rest of the climb is easy jugging. Will tend to silt up after rain.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 29 Sep 2018

Sport 12m, 8
20 Scrotie MacBoogerballs

Right hand side of the arete. Starting at the same holds as Mud Monkey. Climb the wall just in from corner. A bit easier than Mud Monkey and a little more straight forward. Interesting move sequence to finish.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 29 Sep 2018

Sport 10m, 8
20 Bolts By AAron

AAron paid for the bolts, much appreciated mate.

Right of 'Krazy Kanguruh' Start off ledge formed by the top of a block at the bottom of the cliff. Step in right and up the line of juggy holds to head wall. At the head wall move right when standing on the big round ledge and do a common move with 'Fraken Toasters' on the right. Traverse back to the left of the seam and follow juggy flake to top anchors. A little soft for the grade.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 16 Dez 2018

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 6 Jan 2019

Sport 16m, 9
20 Fraken Toasters

Wall to the right of Bolts By AAron. Starts out of the left side of choss scoop or off the block on the left. Put the sandy stuff out of mind cos you are going to climb some of the best head wall at Stonehaven if you can get to it.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 7 Dez 2018

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 6 Jan 2019

Sport 18m, 10
20 Barbizon

Wall and arete left of MooserWirt. Start on the right side of the ledge under scoopy sand pit, 2 meters left of MooserWirt. A good finishing section makes up for the juggy bottom half.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 16 Nov 2018

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 1 Dez 2018

Sport 13m, 9
20 The Big Wank Club

This apres ski gang bang is an extension to MooserWirt by going a little higher and topping out where the rock meets grunge.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 16 Nov 2018

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 26 Nov 2018

Sport 15m, 10
20 Donut Queen

The left most line of bolts starting from the ledge in the cave.

Erstbegehung: Gino Lagazio, Mai 2019

Sport 20m, 9
20 Skibumski

Start at the right side of the cave. Put up with the slightly chossy first half and all the rest ledges for a great top section. Follow line up to where the roof juts out and layback your way to glory. Nice easy slab to finish which shares some of the holds with Apres Ski to the right.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 25 Apr 2019

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 22 Jul 2019

Sport 14m, 9
20 Après Ski

About 25m past MooserWirt. Obvious line of bolts. Use holds out left in Skibumski before the top.

Erschliesser: Jason Lammers, 22 Jul 2018

Erstbegehung: Jason Lammers, 4 Aug 2018

Sport 18m, 7
20 Zakuski

Wall to the right of Apres Ski, and just left of the crack. Nice clean slabbing.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 7 Dez 2018

Erstbegehung: Veronique Hill, 11 Jan 2019

Sport 12m, 9
20 Coeur de Pardon

Clean orange face just left of the corner above the access rungs to the ledge. Finishes at anchors in the cave. Interesting moves to get you standing on the ledge then it gives up.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 12 Apr 2019

Erstbegehung: Veronique Hill, 13 Apr 2019

Sport 9m, 6
20 Pandiculation

Orange corner just above the access rungs. Multiple ways to climb the crux section so if it spits you off try looking for an alternate technique that suits your style.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 29 Mär 2019

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 13 Apr 2019

Sport 12m, 7
20 Hone Your Bone

Arete Left of Va Ou ... Easier climbing than the crack but not quite a full grade easier. Think of it as soft for the grade and send it.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 29 Mär 2019

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 13 Apr 2019

Sport 12m, 7
20 Va Ou Tes Mains T'emportent

Crack line on the wall left of Little Flakey. Easy climbing until the little offset corner, a couple of harder moves and its back to jugging until the top.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill

Erstbegehung: Veronique Hill, 13 Apr 2019

Sport 12m, 7
20 Bacon Balls

Line of squeeze between Piedboeuf and the arete. Follow Piedboeuf to the ledge on the arete. From the ledge head straight up the face using holds from around the arete on the right and side pulls on the left for compression. Really nice climbing for a few short sequences then it gives up. Separate set of anchors exist at the top just left of the arete. A direct start exists (V5) but its too much hard work.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 15 Mär 2019

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 31 Mär 2019

Sport 12m, 8
20 Osaka Punch

Start left of Pendulous Testicles. Starting from the big jug under the first bolt and eventually using the small right side pull and the little undercling gets you to the first break. A three move crux and a bunch of jugs.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 1 Mär 2019

Erstbegehung: graeme hill, 8 Mär 2019

Sport 13m, 8
20 Tataclop

Start two meters right of the obvious crack line. Grunty start leads to a nice sequence of moves with little foot holds up to the Honnold ledge. Where if you have the nuts you can stand facing out with no hands.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 18 Jan 2019

Erstbegehung: Veronique Hill, 2 Feb 2019

Sport 12m, 8
20 Contremaître

Next route right of Tataclop. Start at the obvious low bolt on the wall clippable from the ground. Standing up on the ledge can be fun.

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, 1 Feb 2019

Erstbegehung: Veronique Hill, 2 Feb 2019

Sport 12m, 8
20 Fling The Merciless

Route to the right of Contremaitre. Possibly one of the best routes in Stonehaven, a little short. Grunty start leads to a fling, a stretch and a few nice holds to the anchors.

Erschliesser: graeme hill, 10 Jan 2019

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, 2 Feb 2019

Sport 12m, 8
20 Modern Family

Could be a bit tricky, but it has the best undercling move at the crag. Happy Birthday Jimmy !!!

Erschliesser: Jason Lammers, 12 Mai 2019

Erstbegehung: Wade Stewart, James Harrington, Josh Porter, Kurtis Grant, Mel Liss & Jason Lammers, 10 Mär 2020

Sport 10m, 5
20 Fukinsei

Arete right of Who the Fuck is Kenny, over pinned block then wall, clip last bolt from big underclings out left. R to funky finish. (it means ‘poignancy in imbalance’ in Japanese)

Erstbegehung: Jeffrey Crass, 2020

Sport 12m, 4
Wollongong Wodi Wodi Crag
20 New Sport For Old FIsherman

The furthest right route on the main ringbolted wall, about 4m right of Dreg Mix. Three RBs to lower-off. This climb has some great pockets!

Erstbegehung: Mark Woodard, 1995

Sport 7m, 3
Wollongong Coalcliff The Post Office
20 Airmail

Jugs down low and up top with a cool crux in-between

Erstbegehung: Chris A

Sport 12m, 5
Wollongong Coalcliff The Quarterdeck Entrance Gully South
20 The Frying Dutchman

Start in the corner head around the arete into the next corner and straight up to the cave then out over the roof onto the slabby headwall.

Erstbegehung: Chris A

Sport 25m, 9
Wollongong Coalcliff The Quarterdeck ABC Area
20 Three Sheets

Head out the left side of the cave and straight up the headwall.

Erstbegehung: Chris A

Sport 12m, 6
Wollongong Coalcliff The Quarterdeck The Top Deck
20 Roaring Forties

Start at series of flakes and cracks, up and left to the ledge the up arete to top.

Erstbegehung: Chris A

Sport 25m, 10
20 Captain Nemo

Up the orange arete.

Erstbegehung: Chris A

Sport 15m, 7
Wollongong Coalcliff Powerline Lookout
20 Cheech

Double ring bolt anchor. 1st accent was rope solo. Anyone welcome to bolt it

Erstbegehung: Tim Booth

Wollongong Coalcliff Ships Prow
20 Tree Tornado

Pretty improbable for the grade, traversing under and out some massive roofs. Take plenty of long draws and a few slings to keep the rope-drag under control. The route starts at same belay shared with Captain Cheese and shared the first few bolts with that route. Rap down the Captain Cheese corner to the semi-hanging belay in sandy white scoop to the right of the arete. Start by traversing right along tricky wall to reach major corner with fern. Now launch up and right onto white juggy overhung face trending right to stance in corner under huge roof. Swing out right across juggy break to lip of roof, then finish up excellent thin slab and face and flake above. Double UB belay at op, but it's probably better to rig rope off rap bolts in boulder above Captain Cheese. At least 12 bolts on this route in total. It can be split into two pitches.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Leith Dawes, 3 Mär 2015

Sport 35m, 2, 12
20 Captain Cheese

Steep corner crack on trad with bolted belays. Very airy! Both pitches can be combined into one mega pitch if you bring enough trad. To descend fix rap rope to double u-bolts in large boulder on top of cliff. Rap down the corner (which is what you are climbing up). At base of corner keep rapping down overhung arete to semi-hanging belay in white sandy scoop (shared pitch 2 belay with Titanical). It is also possible to extend top rap anchor with long slings and rap in on doubled ropes and pull them afterwards for mega commitment factor.

  1. 13m (20) Traverse directly right from belay past u-bolt to overhung corner crack (u-bolt). Climb the very overhung right side of corner on bubbly pockets, placing medium/large cams in horizontals. When a break finally appears on the left wall step over to it and traverse across to double u-bolt hanging belay on arete (shared anchor with Titanical).

  2. 20m (17) Very exposed! Straight up to roof and corner crack, that starts wide and thins quickly. Stem up this with occasional ledges to top. This pitch is very well protected on trad - take cams from #4 to #0.25 thin finger size. Belay well back on double u-bolts in boulder.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith (P1) & Joe the American (P2), 2 Mär 2015

Gemischt trad 33m, 2, 2
Wollongong Scarborough Cliffs Kenny's Wall
20 Send for Ken

The original route on this wall and one of the best. All routes are graded relative to this as a reference. The fourth line of bolts in from the left.

Erschliesser: Leo Stanners & Ryan

Erstbegehung: Leo Stanners, 2007

Erste freie Begeh.: Leo Stanners, 22 Nov 2016

Sport 15m, 7
20 Anthracite

Nice with 1 reachy move. Black streak 10m down and R of the rap route (Escape the Dungeon), start at belay bolt. Left and up, loweroff and anchors on right at top

Erstbegehung: Michael Law

Sport 15m
Wollongong Scarborough Cliffs Obesity Buttress
20 Seamless Seals

Start up the First 2 bolts of Big Fat Fin Slappers 2nd pitch before heading straight up the thin crack. Fantastic rock and good gear #1.25 and smaller.

Erstbegehung: Kai Buckman & Dylan Hill, 15 Dez 2023

Gemischt trad 14m, 2
20 Henanigans

Funky with rests, rap down 12m to DBB on Big Fat Fin Slappers. Arete around right of Stem and Leaf. Step left or straight up at top.

Erstbegehung: Michael Law, 2020

Sport 15m, 6
Wollongong Scarborough Cliffs The Penthouse
20 Silly-Cosis

An epic line that blasts straight up the centre of the overhanging headwall and easiest direct line from the belay ledge to the top out bolts. Bit of everything, cruxy start into jug traverse into pockets, slab then pumpy overhanging victory jugs to the top!

Erstbegehung: Wall, Dylan Tubaro & BP, 14 Mai 2020

Sport 23m
20 When the Shooting Starts the Looting Starts

Short but intense sending up the end of the bright red overhanging wall on the right side of the Penthouse.

Erstbegehung: Billy, Wall, Max lee-abbott & BP, 12 Jun 2020

Sport 7m
20 Hippy Crab Slab

Fun technical climbing with lots of rests. Start up the Crystal Pistol for one bolt and right along unique traverse including cruxy down-campus SLAB move (clip the bracket straight after to protect the second). Then up wall and slappy bit. Belay possible off double bolts on ledge at end of traverse if you want the belayer to hear you on the top moves. Lower off double Ubolts at top (then pull rope and reverse traverse a bit), or go into bushes 5m to 2 fixed hanger belay.

Erstbegehung: Mikl Law

Sport 30m, 17
Wollongong Scarface Buttress
20 Cuckoo Dove Crack

Splitter fingercrack on gorgeous orange rock on the right side of the main ledge, 2m right of Gravity. Overhangs at least a metre. Shared lower-off anchors with Gravity.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Nick Le Baut, 2013

Traditionell 15m
Wollongong Fear Wall
20 Two Boys One Skyhook
1 18 25m
2 10 10m
3 17 25m
4 18 15m
5 18 15m
6 20 20m

The first route established on the wall. Worth it for the length and the view! This is a fully bolted sport route but there is a significant amount of dirt and loose rock in some sections - be careful. Not suitable as a first multi pitch route. Take a scrubbing brush or paintbrush to clean holds. After you land from the abseil, walk north along the cliff about 30 m until you come to a fallen tree at the base of the wall. That's where it starts.

  1. 25m 18 Stand on the tree to get past the choss. Be careful clipping the third bolt. Go up and around the arete, then up onto a ledge (lots of dirt). Climb up the flake to a DBB.

  2. 10m Not really a pitch. Walk left along "sketch ledge" until you reach a DBB. Be careful and rope up if you're uncertain of safety.

  3. 25m 17 The best pitch! Up and then traverse left then up to a nice ledge. DBB.

  4. 15m 18 Traverse out along the break and then go up to a small belay ledge DBB. Be prepared for dirt on the last few holds.

  5. 15m 18 Up through the dirty dihedral (it's ok to pull on the tree), then traverse right on some sketchy rock, up to a DBB.

  6. 15m 20 Mantle, then head left along the ledge. Climb up the face to the arete, then execute one last tricky mantle and you're done! DBB.

Erste freie Begeh.: Nick Roach & Dave Burt, 30 Okt 2017

Sport 110m, 6, 10
Wollongong Rat's Crag Rat's Boulders
V1 Mossman

Delicate start then easy up.

Boulder 4m
V2 Moss Vale

Stand start and up textured seam on mossy boulder.

Erstbegehung: Meedu Samaraweera

Boulder 4m
V1 Bored gecko

Short boulder with some big moves with big holds. Finishes at the obvious jug

Boulder 3m
V1 molecules

Located ~20m past the North flat wall. Sit start in pocket and up left to top-out.

Erstbegehung: The360guide, 29 Sep 2021

Boulder 3m
Wollongong Rat's Crag Rat's Sport
V2 Armadillo

Plenty of good holds for a easy power boulder, but very exposed.

Boulder 3m
Wollongong Mount Keira North Face
20 Snakepit

From the top of WGA rappel over edge to the right (facing out) to small ledge. Climb back up wall past rusting bolts.

From the base of WGA walk around left and scramble up to next climbs at a crack with initials 'FOY'

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill

Sport 6m, 2
Wollongong Mount Keira West Face
20 Greasy Dog

An improbable overhanging red wall. No protection.

Erstbegehung: Ant Prehn

Boulder 5m
20 Cosmic Turkey Flame Out

"A streno jug haul roof/arete/wall climb". Initialled. Start at Dark Side Of The Turkey and traverse right on finger jugs to the lip of the roof. Up the wall past carrot.

Erstbegehung: Ant Prehn & Graeme Hill

Gemischt trad 7m, 1
20 Extra Terrestrial Turkey

* An excellent problem on good rock. A good start makes the climb. Over roof (clip ringbolt), up wall (passing 2nd ringbolt) to top. Toprope rings

Erstbegehung: Ant Prehn, Graeme Hill & Ian Anger

Sport 7m
V2 Arete by left hand side

Arete between Intrepid and Golden Years. Very good boulder problem.

Boulder 5m
20 Hernia

Once a classic death route. Start 3m down left of Brigetta under the overhang. Battle up the juggy overhang (ringbolt), step up to overhang wall (ringbolt) and climb up to lip. Rightward on good holds to ramp. Up to double rings on your left.

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill & Russell Chudleigh

Sport 10m, 3
20 Crawdad

[Dec 2012 - new bolt added before roof ] Fine climbing up an excellent wall. Up the arete and wall left of Short Legs and overhang passing 3 ring bolts to belay bolts at top.

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill & Russell Chudleigh

Sport 12m, 5
20 One Blank Wall and 3 Bloody Rooves

A classic wall and roof climb. Start in middle of wall left of corner. Up middle of blank looking wall. At first bolt, don't use big undercling on left. Reach up high to flake under roof ( crux ), up over bulges past rings to double ring belay.

Sport 12m, 5
20 Hills Hardmen

Natural and bolt protection. Take 2 brackets and 'freinds'. One hard move near the 1st bolt. The rest is around 17. Up the middle of the easy slab and reach left to clip 1st bolt. Place your feet and hands all on the same hold then crank for the next hold. Easy up to top bulge then bolt protects good top section. Toprope bolts over the top.

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill & Russell Chudleigh

Gemischt trad 13m, 2
V2 West Face Grand Traverse

A low traverse of the west face starting in the corner and finishing on the block right of Intrepid. You can climb just above the ledge between Zatidee and Gumtree Wall but its nicer just to walk this bit. Gets a little high off the ground in places, due mostly to the massive amount of soil erosion that's taken place in the last 40 years.

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill & Russell Chudleigh, 1976

20 My Red Slug

Up the easy wall (bolt) to ledge beneath roof. Reach out and clip ringbolt, grovel out roof and mantle on rounds past ringbolt to the top.

Erstbegehung: Rod Young

Sport 16m, 8
Wollongong Mount Keira West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V2 Happy Gas

Sit start on the big jug

Erstbegehung: Max Gordon

Boulder 4m
V2 Sinn Fein

Starting on the deep pocket just left of the right-arete, embark on a long traverse through a variety of cool crimps, slots and jugs before topping out with big moves on jugs at the far left end of the bloc. (this can be climbed as a line in its own right, The Altar of Lamentation, v0)

Although this is an obvious problem on an obvious section of rock, no information was recorded. The FA details are lost to the stoneage climbers who never bothered to tell anyone.

Erstbegehung: Unknown

Boulder 3m
Wollongong Mount Keira West Face Boulders Book Boulder
V2 A Very Thin Book

Start in the middle of the ledge as for Mr. Marsupial, and head straight up on crimps, to an easy mantle to top out directly above the start.

Erstbegehung: Zachary Tynan, 3 Sep 2019

Boulder 2m
V1 The Book of Cracks Stand

Start matched in the large hole/jug, and head straight up the crack.

Boulder 2m
Wollongong Mount Keira West Face Boulders Jam Boulder
V2 Chilli Jam

Start low, hugging the boulder with left and right arete, use the arete on either side to progress. Trend left using crimps and slopers to top.

Erstbegehung: Isaac Gray, 25 Jul 2021

Boulder 3m
Wollongong Mount Keira West Face Boulders Tick Boulder
V2 Pie of sorrows

To start, match on the deep hold to the left of the boulder and bump right hand to the upper slit. keep traversing to the far side. Top out through the side of the boulder via the holds at the side and the top. Mind the footwork at the start, very cramped but fun.

Erstbegehung: Mazzie D

V1 Aunt May's foot jam

Start wherever feels comfortable on the rails below, left foot jam into the hole, right foot on the lower rail. Span left hand up to the crimp, palm the start hold and move up through the crimps to the top out.

Erstbegehung: Mazzie D

V2 Fish Cake

Start matched on obvious right rail, move to left crimp and top.

Erstbegehung: Samuel Eschler

Boulder 2m
Wollongong Mount Keira West Face Boulders
V1 Local Special

Erstbegehung: 2020

Boulder 2m
V1 Bowlo

Erstbegehung: 2020

Boulder 2m
V1 Traino

Erstbegehung: 2020

Boulder 2m
Wollongong Mount Keira South Face
20 Intrinsic Factor

You need strength! Reach right to clip the 1st ringbolt, Jug/heel hook etc the overhung start and arete (ringbolt) then grovel up left OR go the direct finish (grade 24) on the left arete on sand covered slopers! Originally done as the full height (20), now typically only climbed to the first 8m anchor.

Erstbegehung: Ant Prehn & Graeme Hill

Sport 8m, 3
20 Not Another Hill Product

A nice little arete. Start just to the right of Hobo Chang. Clip 1st bolt from tree, then start down at the ledge. Up arete passing 2nd bolt to ledge.

Erstbegehung: Ant Prehn & Dave Thomas

Gemischt trad 8m, 3
20 Weeping Wall

Start 3m right of High Stepping. Follow the creaking carrots up the crappy looking wall.

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, Jon Muir & Ant Prehn

Traditionell 14m
Wollongong Mount Keira East Face
20 Mystery Achievements

The rock is pretty poor and the bolts badly need replacing! Leading this climb would get you into a maggot factory! Start 10m left of Warhol the shitty looking wall following the bolts to the lower off chain.

Erstbegehung: Jon Muir, Ant Prehn & Dave Thomas

Sport 15m, 5
20 Five Bolts To Nowhere

4m to the left of this climb there is an unfinished project that starts just off the small corner. The bolts are pretty sus and it would give 21 a solid nudge

SportProjekt 25m, 2
20 Hughes Spews

A climb for those addicted to adreneline! Start at the skinny crack. Up past the old creaking bolts.

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill & Ant Prehn

Traditionell 15m
20 Improving On Nature

Face climbing on ironstone edges. Up the wall with a tricky move down low. 4 rings to double ring belay.

Erstbegehung: Mark Woodard

Sport 10m, 5
20 Gallows Tree

8m left of Gourmet at the thin crack. Bouldery moves then up the crack to ledge. Right traverse to groove then up to next ledge. Final moves follow the bulgy off-width OR follow the crack at the far right of the ledge.

Erstbegehung: Russell Chudleigh

Traditionell 25m, 3
20 Desperado

Start 4m left of Windy, under the overhanging corner. Up the corner to the smallish roof and traverse to the left to those jugs. Up to a belay in the groove. Follow the cracks up just right of the arete above the overhang and on up wall following your nose. Mixed trad route with carrots to start. The line of ringbolts left of the arete is a totally seperate route.

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, Ant Prehn & Dave Thomas, 1980

Gemischt trad 30m, 4, 10
20 M

Rings with clip-and-go anchor

Sport 15m, 6
Wollongong Mount Keira Pox Crag
20 Gestapo Pox

Short poxy and full of scum. Start 2m left of Dead Cat. Up wall trending left. Exit at top just right of the nose up there. A good grovel on the rounds to exit.

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill & Ant Prehn

Gemischt trad 6m, 1
20 Pox On A Hot Thin Roof

A roof climb equipped with hoonkas (big farkin buckets!) Start under the overhang. up the orange crud to the good rock. Under roof to lip and out aroundlip to the small cave. Up corner to the top.

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, Russell Chudleigh & Ant Prehn

Gemischt trad 14m, 1

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