
Hargreaves Buttress

  • Bewertungskontext: UK


The team at Bowles made significant improvements to this area by physically excavating the rock, which resulted in the discovery of several new routes in the lower difficulty range, designed specifically for novice climbers and groups. Although some areas of the rock still have dirt, it is expected to improve over time.

Ethik übernommen von Bowles Rocks

We strongly advise using liquid chalk whenever possible.

Prior to beginning your climb, ensure that your climbing shoes are clean. To do so, it's necessary to use a mat or a piece of carpet to wipe your feet. This measure will significantly decrease the damage to the crag caused by wear and tear.

To set up a top-rope belay, use a non-stretch sling and be sure to keep the Karabiner positioned over the crag's edge. Avoid allowing the moving rope to make contact with the rock, as is typical of all sandstone crags.

Do not employ boulder brushes or toothbrushes to clean the rock, as this will cause damage and make it more difficult to climb.

Ensure that your dogs are kept on a leash and not permitted to wander freely.


Route(n) hinzufügen Topo hinzufügen Neu sortieren Stapelbearbeitung Konvert. Grade
Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Ascend the vertical surface located on the left side of the gully, and upon reaching the top section, veer towards the left side and finish by scaling over the top block.

Scale the middle portion of the gully and finish by moving up and left, ultimately crossing over the disjointed block. For a more challenging alternative, attempt to climb over the block located on the right side, with a difficulty rating of 3c 3c.

Ascend the gully's right side and veer towards the right to finish. Alternatively, you can begin by climbing the lower block on the right at 3c 3c.

This boulder entails a sit-start and ascending the middle of the face between AS Peck and the adjacent tree on the right. The use of the tree is out. From a standing position, the grade is f3+.

Complete the climb by veering towards the left around the top block of the wall, starting from the left-hand side.

Ascend the centre of the discontinuous buttress that is situated behind the storage sheds.

Ascend the gully and complete the climb by veering towards the right around the top block.

Erstbegehung: A.Finney, Mai 2017

Start as for Simpson, but finish directly over the top block, rather than around it.

Start as for Simpson, but finish by veering leftwards over the top block, rather than around the right side.

Ascend the corner-crack and complete the climb following the same finishing as Simpson.

climb the slab located at the left-hand end of the small buttress to the immediate right.

Ascend the steep wall situated to the right of Healy's slab.

Scale the ledge situated behind the sapling, and finish by ascending the small groove.

Ascend the slab and perform an easy mantel to the right of Wilson.

Ascend the centre of the short but pleasant slab.

Ascend the far right-hand end of the slab.

Sit-start beneath the left-side of the top block, and move upwards and towards the left along the lip. Finish by manoeuvring around the boulder, which explains the problem's name.

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