
Reclamation Slab

  • Bewertungskontext: UK


This wall, located at the upper left portion of the circular bowl, is frequently utilized by Bowles for abseiling and instructional purposes.

Ethik übernommen von Bowles Rocks

We strongly advise using liquid chalk whenever possible.

Prior to beginning your climb, ensure that your climbing shoes are clean. To do so, it's necessary to use a mat or a piece of carpet to wipe your feet. This measure will significantly decrease the damage to the crag caused by wear and tear.

To set up a top-rope belay, use a non-stretch sling and be sure to keep the Karabiner positioned over the crag's edge. Avoid allowing the moving rope to make contact with the rock, as is typical of all sandstone crags.

Do not employ boulder brushes or toothbrushes to clean the rock, as this will cause damage and make it more difficult to climb.

Ensure that your dogs are kept on a leash and not permitted to wander freely.


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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Frequently, the brief gully is damp and slippery, however, it is often utilised as a route for ascending and descending.

Ascend the left section of the slab, utilising the arete if necessary.

Climb the central portion of the large slab, commencing just towards the left of the boulder. The climb prohibits the use of any of the cut holds. The ascent is characterized by the presence of only a small pocket situated above the initial break, rendering the top section notably challenging and requiring dynamic and far-reaching movements.

The sequence of concave grips is frequently employed as a route suitable for novice climbers.

Climb the right-hand side of Reclamation slab from the centre-left of the boulder. Traverse right and avoid using the cut holds of Reclamation Slab Right.

Located at the far-right edge of Reclamation Slab, ascend the climb by maneuvering towards the right of the cut holds and tackling the overlap. Complete the ascent by moving directly upwards, while ensuring to remain towards the right of the cut holds.

This brief corner, situated on the right-hand boundary of the slab, possesses a somewhat dirty and unpleasant appearance.

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