



An amazing slab with protrusions on each side of it. To the right, there are some less frequented walls that offer straightforward but dusty routes.


To reach this area, go behind the Lower Chalet and you will find it situated underneath the car park for the ski slope.

Ethik übernommen von Bowles Rocks

We strongly advise using liquid chalk whenever possible.

Prior to beginning your climb, ensure that your climbing shoes are clean. To do so, it's necessary to use a mat or a piece of carpet to wipe your feet. This measure will significantly decrease the damage to the crag caused by wear and tear.

To set up a top-rope belay, use a non-stretch sling and be sure to keep the Karabiner positioned over the crag's edge. Avoid allowing the moving rope to make contact with the rock, as is typical of all sandstone crags.

Do not employ boulder brushes or toothbrushes to clean the rock, as this will cause damage and make it more difficult to climb.

Ensure that your dogs are kept on a leash and not permitted to wander freely.


Route(n) hinzufügen Topo hinzufügen Neu sortieren Stapelbearbeitung Konvert. Grade
Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

This route presents a difficult ascent up the crack, culminating in a pleasingly smooth finish on a slab.

This route is enjoyable, but reaching the top can be demanding and requires precision. The grade is set to account for the absence of a decayed tree stump. Climbing becomes less satisfying and more straightforward with the assistance of the stump.

Ascend while passing by two unique ironstone grips, then make your way towards the left to complete the climb.

Scale Chalet Slab Direct until you approach the overhang, at which point you should traverse off the climb.

Execute a cautious ascent up the middle of the wall, culminating in a challenging finish over the top boulder. Alternatively, it is possible to exit towards the left, which is a more enjoyable route graded at 4c.

Ascend the slab in a straight line and conclude by manoeuvring through the narrow opening.

A brief challenge to reach the resting spot and ascend through the chimney for an exit.

Right-hand start to Chalet Slab Right

Ascending this wall is fairly manageable until you reach the challenging mantel finish.

A thrilling and action-packed ascent that may prove challenging to flash.

The shallow rock face's left side.

The long and greasy corner.

The tall block situated to the right of 'Chalet Slab' has two mantelshelves on its right-hand side.

The rounded left corner of the boulder

Begin climbing the middle of the face by placing your feet on narrow ledges.

Start with a small reach towards the ledge, culminating in a challenging finish.

'Fredo - Left' right-hand variation with the same challenging finale.

Move right on the shallow rock face to finish

Ascend the little rock crevice.

Ascend the brief face located to the right of the rock crevice.

Ascending the curving flake can be perilous, can be chossy.

The tiny boulder situated beneath and amid Family Wall and Umbilicus is frequently climbed without using one's hands.


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