
Routes as boulder in North West

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,193 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
V14 A1

Lower right start to J1.

FA: Chris Webb Parsons

V13 J1

An awesome testpiece from Saxon. Has seen very few repeats. Very small and painful holds and a tricky tricky exit.

Tom O'Halloran

Connor Lucas

FA: Saxon Johns

The Balkans The Frontline The Main Wall
V13 Substance of Everything

Sit start to Daoism.

Tom Farrell

FA: Thomas Farrell, May 2019

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Whipper Real Estate
V12 Whipper's Aquarium

Shared start with Obsession.

Keep traversing left on some small edges until you reach the flake, joining the crux of Moments Of The Past.

Liam Healy

FA: Liam Healy

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek The Games Room
V12 Man In Bread

Start matched on the 2 crimpy underclings, traverse right and do a big dynamic move to a good edge on the break. Finish matched on the big horn just behind the ledge.

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek The Golden Frog
V12 Red Crowned Ronin

Sit start on the jug under the rooflet and follow the arete all the way to the top of the block.

Might need a brush as it's getting mossy again.

FA: Sam Healy

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Biame Bloc
V12 Loki

Sit start on the scoop and move left using some crimps to gain the big rail before doing a huge span out left to join Odin's Raven.

FA: Sam Healy

V12 J2

A very good piece of climbing. Apparently the trick is to control the swing.

Chris Webb Parsons

Travis B

FA: Saxon Johns

The Fear Factory The Whiteboard
V12 Blackboard

Stand start, up on slopey pockets to top. Very friction dependent.

Elijah Mercado Sam Healy

FA: Sharik Walker

Boulder 4m
The Balkans The Lip
V12 Grubby Paw Directors Edition

Grubby paw direct but exiting via blue and green directly over. Just gave it a twelve based on grubby paw direct, most likely everything here could drop by one.

FA: Chris, 7 Jul 2020

Boulder 3m
V12 Grubby Paw Direct

Start & finish as for Grubby Paw but direct to hueco as for The Smiling Assassin.

Chris Beers Mattias Braach-Maksvytis

Alec Landstra (post breakage)

FA: Damien Alexander, 14 Jun 2015

Boulder 3m
The Balkans The Frontline The Main Wall
V12 Daoism

Stand start in the break. Tough move through rounded pinch/layaway dish to slot then up slab. Given V10 by James.

FA: James Scarborough, 2003

The Balkans The Frontline The Corridor Boulders
V12 The Corridor

Desperate rounded sidepull climbing in the alley up the face.

Left of The Pincer Movement, follow chalked cobwebbed crack.

Elijah Mercado

FA: Sharik Walker

Dural Big Wall Environs
V11/12 Big Spoon

Start down in the little cave and power your way up through the crimps and pockets, heading left and linking into Little Spoon. (Open project with proposed grade of v11/12)

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek The Bird Bath
V11 Birds of Paradise
Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Whipper Real Estate
V11 Moments Of The Past

Sit start on the good edges in the far back of the overhang, head diagonally left to reach the side pull flake and slap your way to the top.

Liam Healy

FA: Sam Healy

V11 I Am Better Than My Fear

Shared start with Obsession but go directly up instead, exiting between the two horns on the slab.

Liam Healy

FA: Liam Healy

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Double Domino Area
V11 The Iron Lung

A classic on some of the most perfect pockets you can imagine.

Stand start in the big jug under the roof and do some big moves to a committing topout.

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Starcourt Mall
V11 Abaddon's Gate

A one move wonder. Stand start on the reinforced crimps, trust the terrible feet and do a big slap to the lip.

Liam Healy

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Biame Bloc
V11 Ymir The Fallen

Stand start with LH on the big jug ledge out left and RH on the good edge in the roof.

Follow the crack / sloper ledge to top out right.

FA: Sam Healy

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Water Bloc of Fine Aromas
V11 Rusty Nail

Start on the left side of the big break, do a few long moves to top out over the bulge.

FA: Sam Healy

V11 Banana Split

Left variant to Prometheus. Start with the undercling and the crack, head straight up.

Sam Healy

FA: Sam Healy, 27 Jun 2020

Boulder 5m
V11 Liquid Dreams

Start as for Ladder II and when you get to the jugs, head left following the rock contours and some tiny crimps to a very slopey top.

FA: Chris Webb Parsons, 2010

The Fear Factory The Courtyard
V11 Where The Wild Things Are

Start under the roof over the pit of death and head toward the lip. Crux on the face and up high and left to finish. Spotter and pads are advisable.

FA: Neil Wallace, 2015

Boulder 7m
The Balkans The Trenches The Caves
V11 Witchcraft

Stand start to Arcane Power. Same start as Witchcraft finishing up the Arcane Power Variant exit. Requires real magic.

FA: Peter Jeavons, 31 Oct 2017

Boulder 5m
V11 Arcane Power

Mr Winston variant. from the lowest part of the head wall head up on tiny crimps.

Top is currently overgrown

FA: Aaron Liu, 2002

Boulder 4m
V11 Inspector Gadget

Stand start to Mr Winston. Both hands start on the block, then throw a high left foot behind you onto the scoop, and engage in flexible trickery to get your right foot off the ground. The ledge out right is off as for all problems. Finish up the Y2K exit.

FA: Peter Jeavons, 11 Aug 2018

Boulder 7m
The Balkans The Trenches The Mess Kitchen
V11 Get On Top

Start as for Porn Star and traverse into and finish up Bianca's Boobies.

FA: Alan Pryce

Boulder 4m
V11 Battle of the Bulge

Start directly under the prow on pockets then straight up for a desperate top out.

Sam Healy

FA: Ivan Vostinar, 2000

Boulder 4m
The Balkans The Lip
V11 The Smiling Assassin

Start as for Grubby Paw but climb direct through to hueco without using the lip then finish with The Black Pearl. Maybe V12.

FA: Damien Alexander, 19 May 2015

Boulder 3m
V11 One Grubby Little Paw In The Honey Pot

Hard slapping and compression moves with crazy toe hooking. From the hard low start of tablets rehearsed ride the lip to link into blue and green and red all over.

Chris Beers

FA: Dan DaSilva, 2011

Boulder 3m
The Balkans The Frontline Area Q
V11 L'homme Obu

'Rocket Man' sit start. Start up If The Shoe Fits and finish up Rocket Man.

Stephen Rawls

FA: Fred Nicole

V11 L'homme Obu Left

As for 'L'homme Obu' but big move right hand. Top out to the left.

George Li

Chase Gatland

Boulder 4m
The Balkans The Frontline Frontline Right Hand Side
V11 The Vineyard

Levitate off the underclings to the jug. No crash-pad cheating now!

Start: Sit

FA: Tim O'Neill

The Balkans The Frontline Front and Centre
V11 Dumbo The Flying Elephant

Dyno from the start of Diplomatic Immunity to the top of I Am Twelve.

FA: Joe Hodgson, 2011

V11 They call me Brock Landers

Sit start below Akhtar on the obvious slot and climb only the low lip left into El Kooko.

FA: Fab, 9 Aug 2014

The Balkans The Frontline The Main Wall
V11 Energy Into Love

Link up. 'Pockets of Resistance' into 'American Siege'.

FA: Chris Webb Parsons, 29 Jun 2014

V11 Siege From Down Under

FA: Tom Farrell, 2007

V11 R
Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek The Games Room
V11 R Friend

Stand on top of the big fallen boulder to reach the starting holds. Follow the beautiful features to a committing topout.

Another Pat Reynolds highball testpiece that has not seen a repeat yet!!!

V10/11 Motivation For The Meaningless

Start as per Big Mitch then a bit left and up to little dish and a crimp then to the top break.

Top out or don't top out. You do you FA

FA: Sage G, 28 Jul 2019

Boulder 4m
Bidjigal Reserve - Heidi Place The Frontier
V10 Old Fashioned

A must do classic if you like board style boulders.

Stand start matched on the jug rail, do a big move to a slopy edge and then another big move out left to the lip.

Emmanuel Madayag

FA: Emmanuel Madayag, 1 Dec 2023

Boulder 3m
Bidjigal Reserve - Heidi Place Limitless Cave
V10 Limitless

Stand start on the crimp rail at the very far back of the cave, do some powerful moves to gain the lip and exit directly up on the flakes at the highest point of the boulder.

Lower ledge/back wall is obviously out.

Mauricio Chino

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek The Bird Bath
V10 The Devil's Mouthpiece
Boulder 2m
Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Whipper Real Estate
V10 Whipper's Waterhole

Sit start matched on the jug in the back of the overhang and climb directly out to a cruxy last move before the mantle.

Liam Healy

FA: Sam Healy

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Double Domino Area
V10 The World On Its Side

Start on the low slopers at the bottom of the arete and keep powering your way up it.

Tom Hodgson

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Starcourt Mall
V10 The Cottees Kid

Sit start with LH on the low crimp and RH on the sloper.

Liam Healy - Original Beta

Mauricio Chino - Alternative Beta

FA: Sam Healy

Boulder 2m
Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Biame Bloc
V10 Odin's Raven

Stand start on the break / side pull and follow the flaky feature leading to a scary topout.

Bad landing, bring pads and a spotter.

V10 Starblazing

Sit start to Stargazing. Start matched on the obvious block and go up.

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, Aug 2020

Boulder 5m
V10 Total Recall

Start up Deep Impact, heading onto the face via pocket. Top out up and right.

Liam Healy

FA: Connor Lucas, 30 May 2020

Boulder 5m
The Hive Diffraction Block
V10 Deflection

Start with your left hand in the pocket and your right hand on any of the Diffraction start holds. Move up and head left to join the arete before topping out. Sit start

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, Aug 2020

The Hive Little Ideas Wall
V10 Tequila Mockingbird

Lip traverse and under the roof to finish up higher on a jug. Thin and powerful!

FA: John Bignold, 17 Jan 2017

Boulder 3m
V10 Big Mitch

Start at the low jug, dyno from the break to the top of the bulge and top-out a little to the right of the boulder. Could be V11.

mattias braach-maksvytis

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 14 Aug 2015

Dural Big Wall Environs
V10 Starship Captain

Same start as 'Big Spoon', but head right out of the cave and up through the pockets. Ending on a small crimp rail above.

FA: John Bignold & Jarred Jordan, 14 Sep 2021

The Fear Factory The Whiteboard
V10 The Whiteboard Affair

From the very thin orange break, make a tricky and technical jump start, then take on the powerful and slopey top. V8 from Pete, V10 from Sharik Walker...

FA: Pete Balint

Boulder 3m
V10 Nails on the Board

FA: Sharik Walker

Boulder 4m
The Fear Factory The Courtyard
V10 Project Runway

Wall left of Golden Showers. Big jump off of rubbish crimps. Connor Lucas

FA: Tom Farrell, 2017

Boulder 4m
The Balkans The Trenches The Caves
V10 Siotaro Wish Flower

Starting on the right end of the rail, a large move to a pocket and gymnastic moves join the start of Y2k Cont, moving back to finish up Mr Winston.

Starting on the left-most part of the rail with feet out left gives Cave Cats at the same grade via a morpho shouldery lockoff.

FA: Patrick Reynolds, 7 May 2019

V10 Arcane Power Variant

The more common exit of Arcane Power before the truth was rediscovered. Finish up through the big pocket.

Peter Jeavons Travis B

Boulder 4m
V10 Mr Winston

Sit start on the tufa feature, powerful moves through roof finishing up the series of blunt pinches and edges in the centre of the headwall. Resist climbing out to better holds on the left. Named after James' cat.

Travis Bettison

FA: James Scarborough, 2002

Boulder 4m
The Balkans The Lip
V10 All The Tablets Are Rehearsed

Adds a low start to "All the tables are reversed in my private universe". Start at the very back of the cave and make a big move to the start jug of "tables" and finish as per the v10.

Chris Beers

Roman Rosen

FA: Patrick John Reynolds, 2011

Boulder 3m
The Balkans The Frontline Area Q
V10 Benchmark

Start as of 'Killer Arms' (v8) and finish up as for 'Pneuma' (v9).

(FA) John Bignold

FA: John Bignold, 30 May 2020

V10 Rocket Man

'L'Homme Obu' standing start from the big break on If The Shoe Fits. Power out to the LH pocket and finish up Rocket Pants.

Oliver Chen

FA: Fred Nicole

Boulder 3m
V10 Rocket Man Left

As for Rocket Man but right hand big move and top out left.

Boulder 4m
The Balkans The Frontline Front and Centre
V10 The War Gherkin

Start up Diplomatic Immunity and traverse right through slopey break to finish up The Invisible Gerka, some where between hard V8 and V9/10

FA: Patrick Reynolds, 2017

V10 Chest Rockwell

Sit start below Akhtar on the obvious slot and climb only the low lip left into Boogie Knights original finish. Knock a grade off for the variant finish.

The Balkans The Frontline The Main Wall
V10 Hurtsagovernor

Start as for Paratroopin and keep traversing right into 'Pockets of the highlander'.

FA: Hugo Hornshaw, 2 Aug 2020

V10 Phone Lock

Sit start into Paratroopin.

FA: Chris Webb Parsons, 2007

The Balkans The Frontline Frontline Left Hand Side
V10 C.O.A.T

Sit start on slopey crimp. Move straight up via sharp LH crimp to top on slopers.

Oliver Chen Tyrone Clements

FA: Matt Wrigley

Boulder 3m
The Balkans The Frontline The Far Side
V10 Ultimate Surrender

A real wrestle. Starting on the obvious jug at the end of the rail, reverse Hollow mountain dreaming and finish up '7th Day Ascentist'.

FA: sam

Boulder 4m
V10 R
The Balkans The Frontline The Main Wall
V10 R American Siege

Tough move up to sidepull, then to mono and "better" holds, then up slab.

Sam Healy

FA: Matt Wilder

V10 R Woolly Jumper

Paste your feet on and dyno to slot then up through scoop.

Elijah Mercado

FA: Tim O'Neill

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek The Penthouse
V9/10 Moving Lines

Shared start with Booby Prize, but go straight out of the roof to a wild cut loose dyno at the end.

FA: Liam Brown

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Renaissance Wall & The Amber Room
V9/10 Vitruvian Man Sit

Sit start under the jugs under roof and do a big move to join the stand start.

The Balkans The Trenches The Caves
V9/10 Premium Matsu

Climb Siotaro Wish Flower into Arcane Power.

FA: Patrick Reynolds, 13 May 2019

The Balkans The Frontline The Main Wall
V9/10 Woolly Crimper

'Woolly Jumper' via the sharp crimp statically.

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek The Bird Bath
V9 Sparrow and Wren Become Friends Low
Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek Whipper Real Estate
V9 A Husky's Hurdle

Probably the best hard slab in Sydney.

Tricky start leads to a dynamic low percentage crux. Jug your way to glory.

FA: Sam Healy

V9 Three Bodies

Starts right of Whipper's Hideout matched on the undercling. Do a big move to the crimpy edge and move left to join Whipper's Hideout top out.

FA: Michael Tonon

Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek The Games Room
V9 Song Lines

A big contender for one of the best traverses in Sydney.

Sit start on the obvious flake and follow the perfect line of slopers at chest height until they disappear. From here, do a big move to the upper ledge and keep traversing right for a few more meters. Top out on the big scoop just before the massive tree.

Terry's Creek
V9 Release The Dragon

Crouch start on obvious ledge, push your way into the undercling (some parts of this could be brittle) and make a long move out to the lip. Tech your way out of the cave and mantle to glory.

FA: Lachlan Turnbull

FA: Lachlan Turnbull, 28 May 2020

The Hive Diffraction Block
V9 Sunshine

Start matched on slopey flat edge. Move up the middle of the face using good side-pull crimps and sneaky heel/toe hooks. Top out

Emmanuel Madayag

FA: Emmanuel Madayag, 9 Aug 2019

Boulder 3m
V9 Midwife Crisis Direct

Same start as 'Midwife Crisis' but instead of using the jug, use a sloper/pinch directly overhead for LH and keep moving up using a series of crimps.

Alec Landstra

Boulder 3m
V9 Burgeoning baby

Climb "Midwife Crisis Direct", then climb the lip back right around the corner to top out as for J2.

FA: Daniel da Silva, 2013

Boulder 3m
Dural Big Wall Environs
V9 Little Spoon

Start in the middle of the obvious break, then powerful span move into a thin pocket, then crimp your way to the first ledge

FA: John Bignold & Jarred Jordan, 7 Sep 2021

Funky Town Mana
V9 Mana

Start on block under roof. Move out and up on slopers to top out high.

FA: Herbert Volk

Boulder 5m
Funky Town Centre Wall
V9 Dope On A Slope

Utter desperate mantle/top out.

FA: Neil Wallace

Boulder 3m
Funky Town Lower Wall
V9 Spätlese

up the lower wall on the far right of the crag. Some small underclings leading to a slopey finish, highish.

Pete Balint thought it should be called Frutilexia

FA: Herb, 2005

The Fear Factory The Asteroid Belt
V9 The Tender Trap

Thin, technical and powerful and then a totally desperate crux.

Boulder 5m
The Balkans Pony Cave
V9 The Bengal Chandelier

Starts on ledge below the main cave. Climbs up and left to arete. Bad landing

Boulder 6m
The Balkans The Trenches In The Trenches
V9 arete project

FA: neil / matt kelly ? & neil / matt kelly ?

Boulder 4m
The Balkans The Mustard Cave
V9 Small Stuff

Sit start under cave and compress up lip and holds in roof into Little Things

FA: Emmanuel Madayag, 2018

Boulder 3m
V9 Little Things

FA: Alan Crouch, 2017

Boulder 3m
The Balkans The Lip
V9 All The Tables Are Reversed In My Private Universe

Classic Compression Problem with a tough top out. Start at the obvious jug at the left end of the cave. Using what ever holds needed (they are obvious) to gain the lip and then mantle up and over.

Tyrone Clements

FA: Patrick John Reynolds, 2011

Boulder 3m
The Balkans The Frontline Area Q
V9 El Señor de los Cielos

Start as for Business as Usual, head left through the starting jug of Rocket Man to top out as for Arms Race

V9 If The Thong Fits

Variant of 'If The Shoe Fits' eliminating the low, sloping overlap where you'd put your right hand.

Start: Sit

FA: Rob Saunders

V9 Low Rider

Sit start for super reach/dyno around bulge and finish up If The Glove Fits.

Start: Sit

FA: James Alexander

Boulder 5m
V9 Pneuma

Climb up 'Arms Race' till the break before big move right to small crimp. Cross to finger jug to finish as for 'L'Homme Obu Left'.

Emmanuel Madayag

FA: Emmanuel Madayag, 26 Feb 2020

Boulder 6m
The Balkans The Frontline Front and Centre
V9 Captain Courageous Right

Start as for Chest Rockwell & finish with Captain Courageous Left.

FA: Damien Alexander, 10 May 2015

V9 Captain Courageous Left

Start 'Sloper-Dan Milosevic' and climb to jugs just left of tree, up to crimps & dead point to slopey rail to finish out left. Probably a grade easier if you move a bit left into undercling & climb as for Shell Shocked.

FA: Damien Alexander, 10 May 2015

V9 Low Down Boogie (Original)

'Boogie Knights' starting as for El Kooko, topping as per Ascension Day.

Boulder 5m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,193 routes.

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