
Routes in Queensland for selected grade

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 331 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
13 - 18 X
North Townsville Castle Hill Western Bluff
13 - 18 X Angular Grunge

Starts approximately 10m R of UWF on far R of detached block, just L of the chimney. Faintly marked but hard to see the paint. Possibly no pro and look like it fully blanks out on the top section.

Trad 20m
VB- - 0+
South East Brisbane Moreton Island Honeymoon Beach Bouldering
VB- - 0+ The Promenade

A fun 100m long traverse in an incredible location.

Start at the entry of the obvious deep ravine, climb 2m up the RHS arete and keep traversing right, keeping 1 to 2.5m high all the way to the manky end of the wall, going through some interesting overhanging moves.

The rock is crumbling in places on the surface so look for big holds.

FFA: Cris

Set: Aug 2015

Boulder 100m
13 - 16
North Townsville Castle Hill New Zealand Buttress
13 - 16 Move On

As you keep walking past the bouldering wall, you'll encounter the 10m high Pyramid Pinnacle on your L. This climb (that is actually marked with what looks like an upside down "U") starts behind this pinnacle. Up the face to some gear in the diagonal crack and then up from there possibly. 20+m?

Trad 20m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Lookout Snakeskin area
V0-/0 Buddha Belly

A nice easy warmup

straight up

Boulder 2m
12 - 16 X
North Townsville Castle Hill Western Bluff
12 - 16 X Drunken Soup

Starts 4m R of Fembot. Faintly marked but extremely hard to see the paint. Slab route up nice-looking crystally rock. May have some gear a few metres off the deck, but then nothing until right up the top. Uncertain finish & descent (Maybe a walk off L and then a tree rap).

Trad 15m
VB - 0
North Townsville JCU / Defence Creek Bouldering
VB - 0 Placeholder

A small wall with an easy warm up climb.

BoulderProject 3m
10 - 15 X
North Townsville Castle Hill Western Bluff
10 - 15 X Don't Bother Vomiting

Starts 3m R of detached block which forms a chimney. Faintly marked but hard to see the paint. Ascends pockets (protectable) and then an unprotected slab. Looks like it finishes on a grassy ledge below the overhang - uncertain finish & descent.

Trad 15m
West Mt Isa Razorback Ridge
13/14 No 1
Unknown 15m
West Mt Bruce Golden Area
V0- Easy Gold

Left side of boulder up on edges

FA: Tyson, 2013

Boulder 3m
North Townsville Bowling Green Bay Cape Cleveland Iron Head Lion's Rock
V0- Lion

Crimpy and balancey start to a mantle out L. Bad landing.

FFA: Luen Warneke, 9 Jun 2019

Boulder 4m
North Townsville Castle Hill Lavender Area The Peaces
V0- Easty

Standing start on the eastern facing arete.

Boulder 3m
North Townsville Castle Hill Onyx Area Overhang Boulder
V0- Left Side Stand Start
Boulder 2m
North Townsville Castle Hill Onyx Area Bring Sunscreen
V0- Jug haul

Far left side of boulder, follow jug to the top

FA: Luke Middleton, 2015

Boulder 3m
North Townsville Castle Hill The Helicopter Landing zone
V0- Unsent 2
Boulder 3m
North Townsville Castle Hill Eastern Bluff Goldmine
V0- Tempo

The short but sweet bolder problem L of Edibles.

Boulder 6m
North Townsville Magnetic Island Horseshoe Bay The Beach House
V0- Claptrap

FFA: Chris Glastonbury, 2010

North Townsville Magnetic Island Arthur Bay Arthur Bay South end Beachfront Boulders
V0- Up or Down

Easy scramble up the crack.

Boulder 3m
North Townsville Magnetic Island Alma Bay
V0- Shacked
Boulder 3m
V0- Nice

The nice line up the L-hand side.

FA: Doug Hockly

Boulder 3m
V0- Kleptomaniac

Starting just left of Tang

Boulder 3m
North Townsville Magnetic Island Rocky Bay Whale Boulder
V0- Whalecomb

Juggy holds 1m right of honeycomb

Boulder 2m
V0- Honeycomb

Plenty of good holds to use. Super easy - good for beginners

Boulder 2m
North Townsville Magnetic Island Rocky Bay Left Side
V0- Nippy Crab Claw

Opposite side of boulder to 'Walk the line', there is a nice crack for your hands to start

V0- Whale wheelie

On the side opposite the water, follow easy holds

V0- Tideline
Boulder 3m
V0- 79.54%
Boulder 3m
V0- Scroggin
Boulder 3m
North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles Andromeda The Milky Way
V0- Warm up slab
North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Misty Place
V0- Slab

Up the slab to dish and top out.

Boulder 4m
North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Bus Shelter The Serious Boulders
V0- Blade Left of Rail Traverse
Boulder 2m
North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle Sunny Side
V0- Little Prow
V0- Slab no.1
North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Upper Terrace
V0- The slab

The slab 0.5m L of Frayed.

V0- Dead Last

Very easy. Up on nice nice holds to jugs at top. Starts R of the loose flake.

North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Cow Paddock
V0- Ice Cream Topping Variant

A variant of "Ice Cream Topping". Mantle half way for an easier problem.

North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Snooze Boulders
V0- Orange Julius

Obvious easy flake crack.

FA: Madoc Sheehan, 2001

V0- Hot Sauce

Nice short face.

FA: MS, 1999

North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Fun Parlour
V0- Thuggy

FA: madoc

V0- Uncle Slabbers

Centre of face via good in-cut sidepull.

North Paluma & Hidden Valley Mount Zero-Taravale Narke Creek Bouldery Goodness
V0- Courtesy Corner

Starting at the arete and end just to the left. Sit start to increase difficulty.

FFA: Luen Warneke, 27 May 2018

Set: Luen Warneke, 27 May 2018

Boulder 2m
North Paluma & Hidden Valley Mount Zero-Taravale Return Creek Traverse Wall
V0- Sit Start

Sit start

FFA: Luen Warneke, 28 Jul 2018

Boulder 2m
North Palm Island Group Pelorus Island Yanooa Beach
V0- Ball and Biscuit

Just right of Black Math up vertical crack

North Cairns Atherton Tablelands Emerald Creek
V0- Unnamed 3

FA: Tris Baskerville

North Cairns North Wangetti Pretty Beach Below and Beyond Beyond
V0- Perihelion

Sit start below the arete and follow up the cracks to the top.

FA: Nick Murphy, 24 May 2020

Boulder 3m
North Cairns North Wangetti Pretty Beach Below and Beyond Below
V0- The Crazy Eighty-Eights

A fun climb to get adjusted to the taller problems of the area.

Sit start with hands on the juggy block, press send from this and follow up the arete and crack until you're over the top.

FA: Nick Murphy, 24 May 2020

Boulder 4m
North Cairns North Wangetti Pretty Beach Northern Retreat
V0- 4

Find this one inside the large crevasses between the blocks. Starts on a large chockstone over a long narrow cave. Sit at the base of the juggy flake.

FA: Jamey Lee & Nick Murphy, 17 May 2020

Boulder 2m
North Cairns North Wangetti The Breakwall
V0- Faced With A Problem

Sit start near the arete and follow up the face then mantle over.

FA: Nick Murphy, 26 May 2020

Boulder 2m
Central Bowen Queens Bay Sandy Boulders
V0- Freshly Grated Palm-esan

Sit start right hand jug, left hand arete. Up, bridge the chimney and continue to top out up ramp.

FA: @wokket, 2021

Central Bowen Queens Bay Broken Glass Boulders
V0- Reflector
Boulder 4m
South East Darling Downs Coomba Falls Above The Waterfall The Conch
V0- The Great Trout Hunt

A ripsnorter deltoid warmer. This beautiful piece of granite has been graffitied in painful blue paint reading “Fuck the Police”; some poor soul has been listening to far too much NWA. Begin at the right side of this long traverse and monkey arm your way 10m to the left, finishing in the corner.

South East Granite Belt Passchendaele State Forest North East Passchendaele The Shire
V0- Slab Lordin

Stand start and ascend up the low angle slab. For full value stay off the arete

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Jan 2022

Boulder 4m
South East Granite Belt Passchendaele State Forest Boss Hog
V0- Flakier Than My Left Nut

Boulder #8 - Wall facing access track - Obvious large flake. Sit start on undercling, keeping feet off loose rocks at bottom, follow the flake, smearing to top.

FA: Patrick Hall, 18 Mar 2019

Boulder 4m
South East Granite Belt Passchendaele State Forest The Battlefield
V0- Ballandean Merlot

Easy slab right of “Ridgemill Estate”. Stand start with positive holds and balance your way up. Named after a hungover FAist from a “rest day” of wine tours.

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Dec 2022

Boulder 2m
South East Granite Belt Passchendaele State Forest The Lane
V0- Bowling Alley

Squat start using positive crimp at head hight and gaston left of the fern. Traverse left along the lip. Mantle at the small pocket on the left of the boulder.

Boulder 4m
South East Granite Belt Passchendaele State Forest Engineering Sector
V0- Get On Get Boulder 3m
South East Granite Belt Passchendaele State Forest Middle Sector
V0- Flaked

Up the easy slab.

FA: Oliver Rickford, Apr 2023

South East Scenic Rim Mt Barney Mt Gillies
V0- One move up
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Bankside Eighth Boulder
V0- Broken Start

Similar standing start to Yakini and up to the right and a broken hold.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Boulder 3m
V0- Broken Plate

Start in the centre of where the plate use to be, using the good crimps it left around its perimeter to go up.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Boulder 2m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Bankside #7

Sit start to the right of the tree on a good hold to the massive flake. Use this to gain the flat top and mantle away!!! Gets a star just for the epic flake!

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Boulder 3m
V0- New Castle

Sit start on whatever holds you can use just right of the arete. Up to the bomber horizontal crack and top out.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Boulder 2m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Bankside Tippy
V0- Soft Way Out

Start low on the good holds found in the break, and then climb straight up.

FA: Bruce Taylor

Boulder 3m
V0- Sister Nell

Stand start climbing the wide arete using the plenty friendly large edges. A nice beginner problem!

FA: Bruce Taylor

Boulder 3m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Bankside Layercake
V0- Easy
Boulder 3m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Bankside #3
V0- Even Shitter

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Boulder 2m
V0- Shit up

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Boulder 2m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Bankside Nom Nom Nom
V0- Big holds

Easy obvious holds up.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Boulder 3m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Bankside Seep wall
V0- Family Assistance

Sit start. Throw to large hold from small holds then easy exit.

FA: Bruce Taylor

Boulder 3m
V0- Dodgy

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Boulder 3m
V0- Crud

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Boulder 3m
V0- Easy Crack

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Boulder 3m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Main area Cave Boulder
V0- Lobe

Start up the R arête on large holds

Boulder 4m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Main area Very Small Boulder
V0- Right

Straight up slab face

V0- Middle

Straight up slab face

Boulder 2m
V0- Left

Using large holds and good foot hold for throw to the top

South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Main area Boulder L
V0- Arete

Start up R arête on large holds

Boulder 3m
V0- Small feet

Standing start on good finger holds and small feet to mantle out

Boulder 3m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Main area Black Cobble Boulder
V0- Crack

Straight up crack

Boulder 2m
V0- Black hole

L sidepull and large hole, throw to prominent cobble hold and mantle

Boulder 2m
V0- Black Cobble Crack

Use crack to get to large R hold and then to top for easy mantle

Boulder 2m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Main area Area C L Boulder
V0- Slobby

Straight up slab face

V0- Grumpy

Straight up slab face near arete

South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Main area Area C Boulder K
V0- Feels Like Holidays

Sit start, left hand in the break. Straight up the arete. Pleasant moves, taller than your average Toohey V0. Enjoy the view at the top, then downclimb the way you came up.

Boulder 3m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Main area Area C Large Crack Boulder
V0- Large Crack

Up the crack, if you're bored add a grade by purely jamming it.

Boulder 4m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Main area DK Boulder
V0- Too Drunk to Fuck

Start at crack and up R for nice flake, then follow crack up and out.

Boulder 2m
V0- Shrink

Good holds up to small fig tree (do not touch roots) for easy top out.

Boulder 3m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Main area Little Boulder
V0- Right

Straight up using pebbles to large holds at top out.

Boulder 2m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Main area Cobble Slab
V0- Prom crack

Straight up, using crack, prominent holds

Boulder 3m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Main area Jack Hidden Boulder
V0- One Move Wonder

Palm off for left and crimp for right at sit start to large holds and then straight up

South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Swimming pool boulders Cesspool Boulder
V0- Jack’s Return

Start on R arête and up on good holds.

Boulder 3m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Swimming pool boulders Casuarina Boulder
V0- Juggy

Start on R arête next neighbouring boulder. Good holds all the way up

Boulder 3m
V0- Holy

Start just L of Juggy and good holds all the way up.

Boulder 4m
V0- Dimply

Start just L of Holy and good holds all the way up.

Boulder 4m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Northern area Boulder VI
V0- Mantle

Start on small edge and go straight up to mantle

Boulder 2m
V0- Climb 13

Follow crack, jamming practise or layback to top

Boulder 3m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Northern area Turkey Boulder
V0- Cubby House

Standing start R of 'Staghorn' and straight up.

Boulder 2m
V0- Turkey Slap

Sit start R of 'Turkey Walk In The Park'. Straight up without using large ledge.

Boulder 2m
V0- Turkey Walk In The Park

Sit start just R of tree. Straight up using large ledge.

Boulder 2m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Northern area Boulder Below
V0- Easy

Easy start and then find holds to L to get over the bulge.

Boulder 3m
South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Northern area Boulder IV
V0- Fern

The namesake fern is dead - maybe squashed by boulder mats

Good holds to top. Try not to grab the small tree.

Boulder 2m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 331 routes.

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