
Ascensioni in Sierra Nevada come Clean

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1 - 100 di 878 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Gio 23 Mag 2024 - Sonora Pass
Table Mountain The Grotto The Ort Wall
5.9 Cowboy Up — 2 tentativi - con Nathaniel Walker Sportiva 3 Buona
Jon Nelson
Mar 21 Mag 2024 - Sonora Pass
Table Mountain The Grotto The Ort Wall
5.9 Sidesaddle — 3 tentativi - con Nathaniel Walker Sportiva 10m, 5 Buona
Jon Nelson
Dom 28 Apr 2024 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.9 Unnamed crack (5.9) Trad 15m
Bob Green
Lun 25 Dic 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southeast Base Area
5.4 The Footstool, Right - con Casey Nguyen Trad 36m Molto buona
Adam Cufer
A lot of steep walking for an ok route, nice view from the top chill day, worth it if doing other routes in the area, can also watch the pros projecting Dawn Wall from the ledge

Dom 22 Ott 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Reed's Pinnacle Area
5.10c Lunatic Fringe Trad 43m Mega Classica
Mar 10 Ott 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Sunnyside Bench
5.9 Lemon Trad 15m
Sab 7 Ott 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southwest Base Area
5.10a Sacherer Cracker Trad 46m Classica
Peter Melouney
Lun 25 Set 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Sentinel Rock Area Sentinel Creek
5.10a Hari-kiri - con Hallie Trad Molto buona
Mar 5 Set 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon The Cookie Cliff
5.11a Outer Limits Trad 47m
Aidan Bennetts
Gio 17 Ago 2023 - High Sierra
Mammoth Lakes Area Crystal Crag Highlands Wall
5.10a ~5.10b But I Don't Drink Scotch - con Simon Sportiva 30m Buona
Ronja Lantzsch
5.9 Balvenie - con Simon Trad 27m Buona
Ronja Lantzsch
Mer 16 Ago 2023 - Pine Creek Canyon
Pratt's Crack Gully Mustache Wall
5.10d Dura B-Gizzle Sportiva Molto buona
Gio 3 Ago 2023 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Truckee - Donner Donner Summit Snowshed Wall North Face
5.12a Monkey Paws - con Simon Trad 20m Molto buona
Ronja Lantzsch
Mar 25 Lug 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Daff Area Daff Dome West Face Left
5.10a Cooke Booke P1 - con Dane Evans
1 Da secondo
Trad 150m Molto buona
Gio 20 Lug 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.9 Lena's Lieback P1 - con Bonnie
1 80 ft Trad
Trad 24m Buona
Dane Evans
Sab 24 Giu 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Cathedral Rocks Lower Cathedral Rock North Buttress
5.10c End of the Line - con Evan Trad 37m
lap to clean and to see how far off a redpoint feels. it's all there knowing the moves, would just need to not slip or screw up

Mer 21 Giu 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Five Open Books
5.6 Munginella Trad 110m Classica
Lun 19 Giu 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Three Brothers Middle Brother Camp 4 Wall
5.9 Doggie Deviations Trad mista 30m, 1 Molto buona
enjoyable and cruisy on TR; problem section was fine as steep jam without gear/rope in the way or a ledge to think about

Mar 23 Mag 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Sentinel Rock Area Sentinel Creek
5.10d Ying-Yang Trad 35m
Dylan Tubaro
Mar 9 Mag 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southwest Base Area
5.10a Moby Dick, Center Trad 58m
Simon Eschbach
Mar 9 Mag 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Three Brothers Eagle Creek Area Manure Pile Buttress
5.7 After Six Trad 180m
Simon Eschbach
Gio 27 Apr 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.7 Unnamed Face Corda dall'alto 9m Buona
Gio 27 Ott 2022 - Alabama Hills
Movie Flat Dinosaur Cracks
5.7 Center Dinosaur Crack Trad 32m Classica
Josh laidlaw
Eva was stoked so I had clean up duty. Rad line, hands with some fists.

Dom 23 Ott 2022 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southwest Base Area
5.10c Salathé Base Trad 69m Mega Classica
Andy Sparks
Dom 25 Set 2022 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Daff Area Daff Dome South Flank
5.7 Guide cracks (centre) - con Dan N. Trad 24m Buona
5.8 Alimony Cracks - con Dan N. Trad 30m Media
Dom 25 Set 2022 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Daff Area Daff Dome West Face Left
5.9 West Crack - con Dan N. Trad 210m Mega Classica
Very nice route. The start is the clear face climbing crux and can be hard if you‘re not warmed up or used to the rock. Bolted anchor on P1, with rap rings. After that, you need to build your own anchors. The jam crux, for me, was P3, a thin seam with finger jams and narrow toe jams, without too many opportunities to relax your feet on the face outside of the crack. Last pitch is runout to the top, no pro to be had.

Descent: Rap twice (with 60 m rope) on the backside of the dome. With 70 m you might be good woth a single rap, but you won‘t see in advance if your ropes touch the ground. The rap station is right next to a significant tree. The rap bolts should be replaced, very rusty. On solid ground, go right to descend to your car, or left to get back to the base — caution, you‘ll have to scramble down some low angle slab, but easy in the dry, even in sneakers.

Gio 22 Set 2022 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Cathedral Range Area Cathedral Peak
5.6 5.6 III Southeast Buttress Alpinistica 220m Mega Classica
Aleksander Bulski
Sab 16 Lug 2022 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Daff Area Daff Dome South Flank
5.8 Alimony Cracks Trad 30m
Luca Giovagnoli
Sab 2 Lug 2022 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.6 Hanging Flake Trad 9m Media
Kalang Kedumba Jones
Ven 3 Giu 2022 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.7 Unnamed Face Corda dall'alto 9m Buona
Kalang Kedumba Jones
Gio 2 Giu 2022 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Sunnyside Bench
5.7 Jamcrack Route P1
1 5.7 53m
Trad 53m Molto buona
Kalang Kedumba Jones
Okay yeah I'm definitely in the valley aren't I. First pitch only

Dom 22 Mag 2022 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Half Dome Southwest Face
5.7 R Snake Dike Trad 550m
Ven 8 Ott 2021 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Cathedral Rocks Middle Cathedral Rock East Buttress
5.10c East Buttress - con Nick Trad mista 360m, 9 Classica
Led every single pitch on this route, I almost got sick of leading after topping it out. It took us 2 hours to find the repel station and I did the run repel which made me climb up again almost in darkness.

Ven 8 Ott 2021 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Cathedral Rocks Middle Cathedral Rock Northeast Face
5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - con 远哥 Trad 170m Mega Classica
Nothing is better than climbing on this route.

Sab 12 Giu 2021 - High Sierra
June Lakes and surrounds Clark Canyon Crag Area 13
5.7 Mobetta Fogetta Sportiva 7 Buona
Valley Val
Dom 12 Lug 2020 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Truckee - Donner Donner Summit Snowshed Wall North Face
5.11b Aerial Sportiva 23m, 6
Emma Ayling
Sab 19 Ott 2019 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Schultz's Ridge East Side
5.11b The Moratorium - con Ben Trad 120m Classica
Oliver Williams
Sab 19 Ott 2019 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southeast Face
5.10b East Buttress - con Ben Trad 440m Classica
Oliver Williams
Lun 7 Ott 2019 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Pat and Jack Pinnacle Area
5.10b Knuckleheads - con Nathanael Hinton Sportiva 27m Molto buona
Scott Godwin
Really good. Felt harder than knob job.

5.8 Nurdle - con Nathanael Hinton Trad 55m Molto buona
Scott Godwin
Lun 16 Set 2019 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Lembert Area Lembert Dome West Face
5.9 Truck n' Drive - con Spanner, Ryan Sconosciuto Molto buona
Mer 11 Set 2019 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Daff Area Daff Dome South Flank
5.10a Great Circle - con Spanner Trad mista 50m, 5 Classica
Sab 8 Giu 2019 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley The Royal Arches Church Bowl
5.10b Church Bowl Tree Trad 18m
Sab 20 Apr 2019 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Three Brothers Eagle Creek Area Manure Pile Buttress
5.8 The Nutcracker Suite (Nutcracker) Trad 180m Classica
Ven 19 Ott 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley The Royal Arches The Royal Arches Center
5.7 A0 5.7 A0 Royal Arches Route Trad 430m
Phillip Booth
Ven 12 Ott 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southeast Face
5.10b East Buttress - con 远哥 Trad 440m Classica
This is shortest route on El Cap, I took my first trad climbing fall on this route, a bit scary. Yet, being able to climb on El Cap says it all for the experience.

Ven 12 Ott 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley The Royal Arches Serenity Crack Area
5.8 Trial by Fire - con helen Trad 37m Mega Classica
Charles Cooper
Very physical OW climb.

Gio 11 Ott 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southwest Base Area
5.7 Pine Line - con helen Trad 21m Molto buona
Charles Cooper
Mar 9 Ott 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.6 Bay Tree Crack - con rich Trad 30m Mega Classica
Charles Cooper
Climbing is classic finger crack. Setting and view makes it mega classic.

Lun 8 Ott 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Pat and Jack Pinnacle Area
5.9 Suds Trad 37m Molto buona
Charles Cooper
Ven 14 Set 2018 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Lover's Leap Main Wall
5.7 Corrugation Corner Trad 140m Classica
Lun 3 Set 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Daff Area Daff Dome West Face Left
5.10a Cooke Booke - con Weiyi Trad 150m Classica
5.9 West Crack - con weiyi Trad 210m Classica
Dom 2 Set 2018 - High Sierra
Rock Creek Area Bear Creek Spire
5.8 5.8 III North Arête - con Weiyi Alpinistica 300m Classica
Hiking was quite long, around 5 miles with 2500 feet elevation gain. Climbing was really good with all the exposure. The bad thing was I had altitude sickness when we topped the route. Felt almost drunk, but I knew I had to walk down. Weiyi was kind and strong to carry all the gear, I made it back OK. This was quite an experience.

Mar 14 Ago 2018 - High Sierra
Mt. Whitney Area Mt. Whitney
5.8 5.8 III East Buttress - con barb Alpinistica 400m Mega Classica
Charles Cooper
Solid climbing at or near the grade until the last two pitches which follow fourth class tallus to the top. Lots of features for short pitching as needed

Sab 28 Lug 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Fairview Area Fairview Dome Left Side
5.9 Regular Route - con 远哥 Trad 300m Mega Classica
One of North American top 50 classic route

Ven 27 Lug 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Mariuolumne Area The Lamb West Face
5.9 On the Lamb - con 远哥
Trad 210m Mega Classica
Dom 22 Lug 2018 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Echo Lakes Highway 50 Guntower / Meyers Meyers Multipitch
5.9 MU Sportiva 120m Molto buona
Andy Gnarr
Fun multipitch, don't let the first pitch fool you, the second and third pitches get very technical.

Dom 17 Giu 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Polly Dome Stately Pleasure Dome South Face
5.7 West Country - con Jonah, Banjo Trad mista 120m, 3 Classica
Ben Wingrove
First multi-pitch in Yosemite! Also first full pitch of good slab. Almost tried to do the first pitch without a rope - oops.

Sab 16 Giu 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Pat and Jack Pinnacle Area
5.8 Nurdle - con Banjo, Jonah Trad 55m Molto buona
Ben Wingrove
FIRST CLIMB IN YOSEMITE! Feels great to finally be out here.

Gio 14 Giu 2018 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.1 Bobcat Crack Trad 15m
Jonathan Bright

5.6 Swan Slab Gully P1
1 5.6
Trad 98m Buona
Jonathan Bright
Mar 17 Ott 2017 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.9 Lena's Lieback - con Jakob Kapelj Trad 58m Molto buona
Thomas Johnson
Mar 3 Ott 2017 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley The Royal Arches Church Bowl
5.10b Church Bowl Tree - con Jakob Kapelj Trad 18m Classica
Thomas Johnson
Dom 17 Set 2017 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Three Brothers Eagle Creek Area Manure Pile Buttress
5.8 Nutcracker - con Alex Riegelman Trad 180m Classica
Andreas Knecht
Mar 27 Giu 2017 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Half Dome Southwest Face
5.8 5.7 R Snake Dike - con 远哥 Trad 550m Mega Classica
This was my first multipitch climbing, started at parking lot 3am in the morning, came back to parking lot 3am, hiking+climbing for 24 hours. The 2 hours driving following the megaday was killing me. This is the experience I will remember for my life.

Dom 18 Giu 2017 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Half Dome Southwest Face
5.7 Snake Dike Trad 550m
Lun 13 Mar 2017 - Alabama Hills
Movie Flat Hoodgie Wall
5.8 Ankles Away Sportiva 25m, 9 Molto buona
Tim Herscovitch
Dom 12 Mar 2017 - Alabama Hills
Movie Flat Truffle Tower
5.8 Rainy Day Dream Away Trad Buona
Tim Herscovitch
Ven 4 Nov 2016 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Five Open Books The Second Tier
5.8 Selaginella - con Jen Jones Trad 170m
Laura Morrissey
Lun 31 Ott 2016 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.6 Bay Tree Crack - con Jen Jones Trad 30m
Laura Morrissey
Ven 21 Ott 2016 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Five Open Books
5.6 Munginella - con Aaronson Chew, David Johnson, Angela Volorio
1 arrampicata in lead da David Johnson
2 arrampicata in lead da Carson Darling
3 arrampicata in lead da Aaronson Chew
Trad 110m
Carson Darling
Lun 26 Set 2016 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Lower Ampitheater
5.8 Ranger Crack Trad 21m Classica
David Gibbs
So lovely I came back later to lead it.

5.10b Lightweight Guides Trad 24m Molto buona
David Gibbs
Some hard work, and some interesting changes of balance and technique as the climb goes.

Need to remember to step left around the corner about where there is a largish flat spot on the arete.

Lun 26 Set 2016 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Sunnyside Bench
5.9 Lemon Trad 15m Buona
David Gibbs

5.7 Jamcrack Route P1
Trad 53m Buona
David Gibbs
Start is a bit polished, but otherwise nice.

Dom 25 Set 2016 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Glacier Point Glacier Point Apron Center
5.8 The Goblet TR-Slab Corda dall'alto 24m Media
David Gibbs
Mer 20 Lug 2016 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.6 Swan Slab Gully Trad 98m
Holly Dwyer
Lun 11 Lug 2016 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southwest Base Area
5.7 Pine Line - con Tim Herscovitch Trad 21m Molto buona
Tim Herscovitch
Sab 24 Ott 2015 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southwest Base Area
5.11b Short But Thin - con olly Trad 12m Molto buona
Adam Straw
Great climb to do top rope laps on to practice some weird Yosemite flaring moves.

Sab 17 Ott 2015 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Pat and Jack Pinnacle Area
5.8 Nurdle - con Ronan Trad 55m Classica
Adam Straw
Sweet and easy.

Mar 15 Set 2015 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley The Royal Arches Church Bowl
5.7 Uncle Fanny Trad 37m Molto buona
Paul Frothy Thomson
Seconding Stephen. I decided to only use the wide crack for chimneying/offwidth practice... in that style it felt desperate. Good climbing, but once again it felt substantially harder than the grade.

5.8 Church Bowl Lieback Trad 37m Molto buona
Paul Frothy Thomson
Seconding Stephen. The moves might be yosemite 5.8, but the crack and footers are slippery as glass. Felt harder. Good, well protected friction slab laybacking.

Dom 23 Ago 2015 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Half Dome Southwest Face
5.7 Snake Dike - con Bin Zhu Trad 550m Classica
Alon Albert
Ven 14 Ago 2015 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southwest Base Area
5.10a Moby Dick, Center - con Jakob Kapelj Trad 58m Mega Classica
Thomas Johnson
After a short rest I returned with a modified technique.

Relied on a gradual shuffle method leaning my body to the left. This allowed me to somewhat jam my right knee and fully utilize my entire right arm.

Worked like a charm.

Dom 2 Ago 2015 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Lover's Leap Main Wall
5.7 Corrugation Corner - con Joey Scarr Trad 140m
Sab 1 Ago 2015 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Lover's Leap Lower Buttress
5.8 The Groove - con Joey Scarr Trad 64m
Sab 1 Ago 2015 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Lover's Leap The Hogsback
5.6 Deception - con Joey Scarr Trad 91m
Mer 13 Mag 2015 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley The Royal Arches Serenity Crack Area
5.10d Serenity Crack Trad 110m
Kate Ferguson
Lun 11 Mag 2015 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.10a A0 Aid Route - con Kate Ferguson Trad mista 55m, 3 Buona
Kate Ferguson
First climb at Yosemite and it was a dirty aid route to start. Fun crack for the rest of it.

5.9 Grant's Crack Trad 24m Buona
Kate Ferguson
Dom 25 Gen 2015 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southwest Base Area
5.10c Salathé Base Trad 69m Classica
Lun 20 Ott 2014 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Three Brothers Eagle Creek Area Manure Pile Buttress
5.9 Nutcracker Right Start Trad 61m Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Run out start then interesting crack and slab

Lun 20 Ott 2014 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Lower Yosemite Falls Swan Slab
5.7 Penelope's Problem Trad 18m Media
Vanessa Wills
Not an inspiring Yosemite start with polished granite

Lun 20 Ott 2014 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley The Royal Arches Church Bowl
5.11b The Energizer Sportiva 21m, 10 Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Superb arête climbing

5.10a Revival Trad 40m Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Deserves more stars

5.10b Church Bowl Tree Trad 18m Buona
Vanessa Wills
Pretty slippery

Lun 20 Ott 2014 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Cathedral Rocks Middle Cathedral Rock Northeast Face
5.10a Pee Pee Pillar Trad Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Waiting for coif queue to abate

Mer 15 Ott 2014 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Three Brothers Eagle Creek Area Manure Pile Buttress
5.9 God's Creation Trad 30m Buona
Richard Pattison

1 - 100 di 878 ascensioni.

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