
Ascents in Te Waipounamu / The South Island by John Pitcairn

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Showing all 87 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sat 13th Feb 2021 - Te Ahi-a-Tamatea / Rāpaki Rock
13 Monkee Poop Trad 18m Good
Traversed in from the right using the seam, that felt maybe 16-17 with small spaced gear and balancy stances, but fun. Much easier when back on route. Rap cleaned, and that's it for the trip.

12 Ratlines - with Grant Johnston Trad 14m Good
Bomber pro, easier than Scurvy.

17 Face Variation - with Grant Johnston Trad 16m Good
Very easy most of the way. The top mantel is very well protected (2 cams), the moves before it less so. Calling it 17 is overly generous.

12 Scurvy - with Grant Johnston Trad 18m Good
Nice jams.

Fri 12th Feb 2021 - Ōtepatotu
Main Cliff
17 Voie Classique - with Grant Johnston Trad 22m Very Good
Excellent varied climbing, keeps you thinking. Protection is fine but you need to be able to place it. Harder than The Ultimate Horror, 16 would be a sandbag. My favourite so far. Stepped left to finish up the Oblivion dihedral and got off just before sunset.

16 The Ultimate Horror Mixed trad 20m, 2 Very Good
Back after the rain. Left before the second bolt felt much more secure. Went straight up on the headwall this time as prescribed, good climbing and gear and very marginally harder than the other way. Topped out but there is no anchor there, downclimbed the top block (looks hard, isn't) and traversed right to the anchor. Rap cleaned.

16 Paradise Regained - with Grant Johnston, Angela Hewlett Mixed trad 15m, 1 Good
Crux is the start to the bolt, but there is decent gear. Got mildly pumped which made the top more exciting. Got off just before the rain hit, bailed for Akaroa.

Thu 11th Feb 2021 - Ōtepatotu
Main Cliff
16 The Ultimate Horror - with Grant Johnston, Angela Hewlett Mixed trad 20m, 2 Very Good
A bit nervy getting from bolt 1 to bolt 2, possibly stayed too far right. There is a good cam out right after the start before the bolt. Took the hand traverse crack right and up over the blocks/ledges directly to the anchor. Fun but not classic, the bolts detract somewhat (though I was thankful for them).

13 Step To The Right - with Angela Hewlett, Grant Johnston Trad 25m Good
Grassy finish a bit annoying.

12 Diploma - with Grant Johnston, Angela Hewlett Trad 20m Good
Crux is probably getting established in the V groove, or the top crack exit. Well protected.

14 N. S. U. - with Grant Johnston, Angela Hewlett Trad 20m Very Good
Great crack climbing with friendly optional jams. Dicked around for an age at the top finding a marginal brass offset, then the mantel turned out to be committing but easy.

Wed 10th Feb 2021 - Ōtepatotu
Main Cliff
14 The Psychedelic Era - with Grant Johnston Trad 20m Very Good
A first taste of Otepatotu in the evening. Good climbing and excellent protection. Turned the top block on the left.

Tue 9th Feb 2021 - Spur Road
18 Number of the Beast - with Angela Hewlett, Grant Johnston Trad 15m Very Good
Memorable and sustained, some funky positions. Can be tricky placing gear down low where the blocks are dubious, and at top where the rock seems soft. Not really any harder than Calvary Road.

13 Victory - with Angela Hewlett, Grant Johnston Trad 15m Good
Harder than it looks. Nice lead Angela.

17 Calvary Road - with Angela Hewlett Trad 15m Very Good
Solid, with good gear. Not sure what the direct is? Presumably I wasn't on it.

14 Magician's Birthday - with Angela Hewlett, Grant Johnston, Colin Trad 12m Very Good
Good but goey at the crux, wouldn't be a pretty fall, a bit of a sandbag I'd say. You could call it 16 with a straight face. I jammed, Angela found some easier layback beta, but still...

Mon 8th Feb 2021 - Spur Road
17 Shanks' Sandbag - with Grant Johnston Trad 14m Good
Good but not 2 stars. Shitty unprotected start, dirty crack detracts up top. The rest is great.

15 The Two of Us - with Grant Johnston Trad 15m Good
Made it harder for myself by fist jamming the crack at the "bouldery" bit. But also more fun.

Sun 7th Feb 2021 - Gorge Road
Leonardo's Wall
18 Carrottophrena Sport 17m, 7 Average
Deserves no stars. Crimps and high-steps again. Not as good as Heart of Darkness, just harder but more repetitive and ultimately more boring. Got off just as the sun hit like a bomb. Lots of choss above these routes just waiting to come off, wear your helmet!

17 Heart of Darkness - with Grant Johnston Sport 25m, 10 Very Good
Pretty good, not just crimpy face climbing for a change.

17 Cliptomania - with Grant Johnston
1 15 12m lead by Grant Johnston
2 17 15m lead by John Pitcairn
Sport 27m, 12 Average
Some confusing bolting on P1. P2 has a potential ledge fall with the lowered first bolt, but felt soft for 17.

Sat 6th Feb 2021 - Arawata Terrace
Lower Tier
16 Procrastination - with Angela Hewlett Sport 15m, 4 Average
Made the first clip harder than it needed to be. It's all over after bolt 2.

16 Spoonerism - with Grant Johnston Sport 8m, 2 Don't Bother
Draws on to roof. Can't see how you'd pull the roof at the grade, turned it on the left. No small amount of loose choss under it and dirty above it.

14 Patch the Dog - with Angela Hewlett, Grant Johnston Sport 10m, 4 Average
Thu 4th Feb 2021 - Hospital Flat
Tombstone Boulders The Tombstone
17 Fingers Columbia - with Grant Johnston Sport 15m, 5 Good
Hardish start and balancy clipping, keeps you working.

17 The Crack - with Grant Johnston Trad 15m Very Good
A few dicky moves at 1/3 height but otherwise straightforward and fun. Don't put your gear in the finger locks. Friendly jams up top.

Thu 4th Feb 2021 - Hospital Flat
Tombstone Boulders The Engine Block
12 The Radiator - with Grant Johnston Sport 15m, 4 Average

Thu 4th Feb 2021 - Hospital Flat
The Main Cliff
14 The Big Corner - with Grant Johnston Trad 20m Classic
One of the best grade 14 trad lines I have ever climbed. Good rock, excellent pro, compares very favourably to Arapiles.

17 Headbangers Arete - with Grant Johnston Sport 20m, 5 Good
Oops. Cocked up the moves off the pedestal and found myself back on it without weighting the rope. Counting that as a fall.

17 Headbangers Arete - with Grant Johnston Sport 20m, 5 Good
Much better. Managed to bang my head too. Thank you helmet.

Wed 3rd Feb 2021 - Gorge Road
Magnum Wall
18 Teen Wolf Sport 6m, 2 Good
Wouldn't be good if you came off above the second bolt. Strayed too far left, hand traversed right.

16 Magnum - with Grant Johnston Sport 12m, 4 Average
May have made it harder by not starting around the corner, went straight up. Draws on.

19 RD Sport 6m, 2 Good
Good short fun, some kind of slappy nonsense at the top arete.

15 Wrong Way - with Grant Johnston Sport 6m, 2 Average
Short evening session at the end of a rest day. Did it the wrong way, straight up the arete until 2nd bolt then right. Draws on.

Tue 2nd Feb 2021 - Hospital Flat
Kai Whaka Pai
15 16 Chardonnay Bob (Unknown 2) - with Grant Johnston Sport 15m, 6 Average
Think this is new, not in the 2014 guide. Somebody is being cheap, could use another bolt or 2 at the grade. There is another new route to the right starting on the stepped ledges.

18 Kai Time - with Grant Johnston Sport 18m, 6 Good
Not sure whether we were on this or Climb Into The Unknown. A hard start and some decent climbing after, but very poor bolting means you are looking at a groundfall from the crux between bolts 1 and 2, be careful, do not high clip bolt 2, belayer pay close attention. Grant came off...

17 Nice & Sleazy Does it All the Time - with Grant Johnston Trad 18m Very Good
Easier than it looks, good bridging, plenty of gear. The 2 bolts at the top are totally unneccesary and should be chopped, there is adequate gear right next to them.

16 Friction In The Kitchen - with Grant Johnston Trad 15m Very Good
Aesthetic thin crack that screams "climb me". Small but bomber gear, and the top is not runout if you have the right gear.

16 Unknown - with Grant Johnston Sport 16m, 6 Good
There's perfectly decent gear all the way with a miniscule runout to the anchor. Crux getting out of the crack and over the lip. Solid 16 or soft 17?

16 Unknown - with Grant Johnston Sport 16m, 6 Good
Not sure on the grade so top roped it first. Shouldn't have.

15 Under The Moonlight - with Grant Johnston Sport 16m, 8 Average
Draws on. Unmemorable.

Mon 1st Feb 2021 - Wye Creek
North Side Eweniverse Wall
15 Foiled Again - with Grant Johnston Trad 18m Good
Shade! Gear at the start is spaced and less than ideal, then you get to yard up on a large detached block, oo-er. Top crack protects well and leads to an amusing beached whale topout and ledge crawl to the anchor.

Mon 1st Feb 2021 - Wye Creek
South Side Main Wall
16 Alien Resurrection Trad 30m Good
Stupidly hot and demoralised after a 1.5 hour belay-only session in the sun on Fata Morgana. Good crack that doesn't need anything bigger than a #2. Managed to get the rope semi-trapped in 2 notches behind me, to finish up the excellent headwall crack with stonking rope drag. Would give it an extra star if I wasn't so hot.

Sun 31st Jan 2021 - Coronet Crag
Right Side
14 Liquid Smoke - with Grant Johnston Sport 12m, 5 Crap
Awful awful wet weetbix.

12 Mall Rats - with Grant Johnston Sport 10m, 4 Average
Ok I guess. Anchors a long way back, hangers only. Traffic noise makes this crag unpleasant.

Sun 31st Jan 2021 - Kingston
Main Wall
19 The Spell of the Barking Spider (The Spell of the Barking Spider P1) - with Grant Johnston
1 19 28m lead by John Pitcairn
Sport 28m, 20 Very Good
P1 only. Crux gave no trouble this time, just a bit crimpy. Grant didn't want to go through the roof so we didn't do P2.

18 Crackatoa (Crackatoa linkup Bon Anniversaire) - with Grant Johnston
1 17 30 linkup Bon Anniversaire , lead by John Pitcairn
2 18 28 lead by John Pitcairn
Mixed trad 58m, 4 Very Good
Nice broken crack line with good pro. Skipped the first 2 bolts at the top, there is gear nearby. Linked into P2 of Bon Anniversaire.

Sun 31st Jan 2021 - Kingston
Christmas Wall
17 Shadows On My Face - with Grant Johnston Sport 26m, 9 Good
Quite good and absorbing for a face climb.

Sat 30th Jan 2021 - Arawata Terrace
Upper Tier
18 59 - with Grant Johnston Sport 14m, 7 Very Good
Bloody great! Slick right wall makes for some fun alternative moves. A bit of jamming goes a long way.

17 Priapism - with Grant Johnston Sport 18m, 5 Average
Meh, face climbing. Fun move right at the top.

17 Biggles Wiggles - with Grant Johnston Sport 20m, 7 Average
Hardish start then nothing to get excited about.

Sat 27th Jan 2018 - Sebastapol Bluffs
Javelin Wall
17 Javelin - with Grant Johnston Trad 30m Very Good
Really good and worth the approach (we came in left). A dicky but adequately protected move or two on finger locks across an exfoliating slab to get established in the crack (crux), then interesting features, a wide range of gear and some good jamming. Possible dodgy block at the top overlap, make up your own mind. Recommended. Ran out of evening but will come back for Five Ring Circus which looks fun.

Fri 26th Jan 2018 - Sebastapol Bluffs
Red Wall
16 Mako - with Grant Johnston
1 16 33m lead by Grant Johnston
2 15 30m lead by John Pitcairn
Sport 63m, 16 Very Good
More varied and better than Shark Attack, with a fun overlap on the second pitch. Watch out for ropes getting stuck in the bushes when you pull them, we nearly dislodged a head-sized block just nestled there onto ourselves.

16 Shark Attack - with Grant Johnston
1 14 50m lead by Grant Johnston
2 16 37m lead by John Pitcairn
Sport 87m, 20 Average
Top pitch a bit repetitive, didn't really float my boat.

Fri 26th Jan 2018 - Sebastapol Bluffs
Twin Cracks
21 Ethical Debate - with Grant Johnston Mixed trad 18m, 4 Good
The name perhaps refers to it being a squeeze route, easily escapable into the routes either side. Pretty crimpy, tiny feet and smears, really hot rock by late morning, considerable ooze required. Surprised I got it clean.

19 Balls - with Grant Johnston Mixed trad 18m, 3 Good
Should have just led it ... not quite as tidy this time, probably overthinking it. At least 3 good nuts available in the runout between bolts, placed a bomber brass offset from a good stance.

19 Balls - with Grant Johnston Mixed trad 18m, 3 Good
Nice thin sequence at the crux, eases considerably after that.

16 Twin Cracks - with Grant Johnston Trad 20m Very Good
A nice fun crack climb, good gear, not as straightforward as it looks from the ground.

Thu 25th Jan 2018 - Sebastapol Bluffs
Red Wall
14 Red Arete - with Grant Johnston
1 14 37m lead by Grant Johnston
2 13 36m lead by John Pitcairn
Sport 73m, 28 Good
Forgot my rock shoes so done in chunky approach shoes which made it a bit more interesting. Nice position on the arete, finished at the Shark Attack top anchors. Note there is a 3rd pitch continuing up the bulge and arete at grade 15.

Tue 23rd Jan 2018 - Twin Stream
Central Buttress Lower Wall
16 El Nino (El Nino Linkup Central Buttress) - with Grant Johnston
1 16 30m lead by Grant Johnston
2 16 55m linkup Central Buttress , lead by John Pitcairn
Mixed trad 85m, 2 Very Good
Back for another attempt. P1 quite nervy with sparse gear, then we headed straight up into the hand crack linkup as one 55m pitch. Very nice hand crack at about grade 16, considerable rope drag by the end. At the terrace we contemplated continuing up the El Nino arete, but it was becoming very blowy and route finding a little uncertain, decided not to have an epic with the rope pull from the top. Got one rope stuck on the rap from the terrace anyway, luckily our combined bodyweight freed it before having to reascend on the other. Don't thread your rope though the old maillons.

Mon 22nd Jan 2018 - Twin Stream
Central Buttress Lower Wall
17 Central Buttress - with Grant Johnston
1 15 20m lead by Grant Johnston
2 17 30m lead by John Pitcairn
Mixed trad 50m, 8 Very Good
Spotty weather. Got as far as the top of the bolts on P2 before it began to rain again. Escaped to the El Nino P1 bolted anchor about 5m left, brought Grant up and waited for Dave on El Nino, then we bailed.

Sun 21st Jan 2018 - Twin Stream
Half Moon Slab
17 Moon Struck Mixed trad 80m, 5 Very Good
Great crack followed by slightly wandery run out slabbing, the latter not being my comfort zone. Some bloody tough moves for 17.

Sat 3rd Sep 2016 - Fantasy Factory
16 Bitterfingers Trad 28m Very Good
Good finger, hand, fist jams and some thoughtful moves for the grade, bloody good, would do it again. Supposed to be a warmup but we were late there, I pissed around at the top chains and ran out of time. Stunning view of the harbour.

Fri 1st Jan 2016 - Hospital Flat
Little Big Wall
16 Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
1 15 lead by John Pitcairn
2 16 lead by Allan Brent
3 14 lead by Allan Brent
Sport 45m, 17 Very Good
First pitch is a fun trad crack, just clip the first bolt to protect the start. The other bolts in reach are for other routes. P2/3 fully bolted, Allen ran them together. Third pitch easy and rather exposed. A grand new years day outing with Allen and Graham.

Sat 26th Dec 2015 - Cattlestop Crag
Shimmering Jelly Wall
12 Gift Horse Trad 12m Good
Retrieving the anchor. Strayed right into Shimmering Jelly for a few meters of very nice moves, will definitely return for a lead of that. Would have had a go but my belayer hadn't eaten enough Xmas pudding.

12 Gift Horse Trad 12m Good
Left the cams on the ground, my funky angled hex in the hole might have held. Quite nice thoughtful climbing for 12 but gear a little tricky in places. Belay by Rosie.

Wed 23rd Dec 2015 - Cattlestop Crag
Surgical Strike Wall
20 Satanic Verses - with Anna Sport 15m, 3 Very Good
Oh dear. Forgot the rock shoes and helmet and we thought this was 17 for some reason. Climbed bouldery first 3 bolts of Surgical Strike, left to first bolt, unclipped last SS bolt then up. Great overhang jugs. On the top bulge above last bolt the lack of suitable shoes became apparent, took a good long fall into space. Eventually clawed my way up. Not a bad effort for approach shoes. Keen to revisit.

Wed 23rd Dec 2015 - Cattlestop Crag
Footwear Wall
16 Fast Forward - with Anna Sport 8m, 2 Average
Should have been climbing more direct but shoes made it harder than it looked.

15 Sensible Shoes - with Anna Sport 6m, 2 Average
Appropriately in approach shoes. Easy. Most guides give it as 14.

Thu 7th May 2015 - Te Ahi-a-Tamatea / Rāpaki Rock
13 Monkee Poop - with Anna Trad 18m Good
Think this is what I was on, though possibly Scurvy to start? Thought it fairly stiff for 13.

12 Crows Nest - with Anna Trad 16m Average
Meh. Probably better solo.

Sat 9th Feb 2013 - Kingston
Main Wall
18 Smashing Crack (Smashing Crack P1) - with Terry McCarthy
1 18 lead by John Pitcairn
Mixed trad 54m, 11 Very Good
Most of the bolts have been removed (good stuff Guillaume), making this a great single pitch trad line. There is pro near the bolt in the upper quarter, if you have brass offsets...

19 The Spell of the Barking Spider () - with Terry McCarthy
1 19 lead by John Pitcairn
2 18 lead by John Pitcairn
3 17 lead by Terry McCarthy
Sport 74m, 20 Very Good
Tricky start leads to fun moves through the roof. Terry pulled a jug off seconding through the roof, I hadn't discovered it on the way up anyway.

Fri 8th Feb 2013 - Kingston
Bob Marley’s Corner
16 Get Up, Stand Up - with Terry McCarthy, Colin Megson
1 16 lead by Colin Megson
2 16 lead by Terry McCarthy
3 16 lead by John Pitcairn
Sport 49m, 17 Good
Fri 8th Feb 2013 - Kingston
Main Wall
18 DJ Da Generous - with Colin Megson
1 17 lead by Colin Megson
2 18 lead by John Pitcairn
Sport 78m, 23 Good
First pitch great, second pitch runs over a few ledges. Grades may be incorrect?

Wed 6th Feb 2013 - The Remarkables
Double Cone East Face
17 DB Eh? - with John Pitcairn Trad 350m
We asked Guillaume where we should be going and he indicated straight up, but he was further up the boulder field and parallax was in play. What James started up was definitely not DB Eh, it was somewhere well left of that. After some desperate runout slabbing, not much pro, a #5 cam in a creek, and a sketchy directional-only anchor at about 50m, I climbed up 20m while still belaying and taking in so I could lower James through gear, then we downclimbed to lick wounds. Dodgy-as. Must revisit.

Wed 6th Feb 2013 - The Remarkables
Double Cone Alta Slabs
16 The Fat Lady Sings At The Circus (The Fat Lady Sings At The Circus P1-2) - with James Mitchell
1 12 lead by John Pitcairn
2 16 lead by John Pitcairn
Mixed trad 140m, 6 Very Good
Nicely run out. Demoralised and running out of daylight after a horrendously and hilariously off-route FAIL on DB Eh?, had to bail without doing the top pitch. Rats.

Tue 5th Feb 2013 - Motatapu Valley
Roadside Area Roadside Attraction
16 Judge’s Wine - with Grant Johnston Trad 15m Good
Enjoyable enough. Grant led it first.

18 The Ramp - with James Mitchell Trad 13m Good
A bit of a sit at the 2nd or 3rd piece before angling right. Should have toughed it out. There is plenty of gear low down.

15 Strawberry - with Grant Johnston Sport 16m, 8 Average
Was aiming for Self Directed Learning Tool, placing gear, but took the (somewhat) cleaner exit. Really grubby at the top.

17 Shortcut to Exposure - with Grant Johnston Sport 30m, 14 Classic
Nice bridging in the chimney until halfway. Exit before the roof and move right then up, whereupon it starts to feel like some old Arapiles classic.

Mon 4th Feb 2013 - Wye Creek
South Side Main Wall
15 Indecent Exposure Sport 15m, 7 Good
I think this is the 15 we did.

18 Bigger Than Big Sport 28m, 8 Good
Accidentally attempted a direct start, straight up out of of La Belle Vie. Ha.

18 Lucalucki - with James Mitchell Sport 32m, 13 Good
16 The Mission - with Colin, Dave, Terry, James, Grant Johnston Sport 28m, 9 Very Good
Mon 4th Feb 2013 - Wye Creek
North Side Eweniverse Wall
17 The Fugitive (Fugitive) - with Grant Johnston Trad 15m Good
Current guide claims it's 17

Sat 2nd Feb 2013 - Kingston
Christmas Wall
17 Summer Solstice - with Colin Megson, Terry McCarthy, James Mitchell
1 17 lead by John Pitcairn
2 17 lead by James Mitchell
Sport 51m, 13 Average
First climb of the trip after flying into Queenstown. Details a bit hazy. Grant forgot his rock shoes and climbed Get Up, Stand Up in Dave's approach shoes.


Showing all 87 ascents.

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