
Ascents in Europe as Attempt by Christoph Rauch

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 125 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sat 4th May 2024 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Gößweinstein Obere Gößweinsteiner Wände
8 Frankie Goes to Frankenjura - with thedark Sport 20m
Wed 1st May 2024 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Pottenstein Marientaler Wand Lower Sector
7 Saubere-Arbeit - with KP Sport 16m
Sun 17th Sep 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Hersbrucker Schweiz Königstein Kühlochfels Amberger Turm & Wand
8 Baum im Rücken - with thedark Sport 17m
Fiddled around for ages after the first bolt to get a bad nut in, then found a decent placement for a black totem a meter above that, which I trusted enough to go up to the second bolt. Unfortunately I was almost completely empty at that point. Still, I pushed on past the bolt, and even tried to bump up with my last strength, so I took a nice whipper. Didn't manage to get to the third bolt after that, though, I was just too exhausted. Next try is going to be much easier, no more fiddling around in the lower part.

Wed 6th Sep 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Wiesenttal Streitberg Matterhornwand
9+ 9 Raub der Sabinerinnen - with mantra Sport 25m, 8
Fri 25th Aug 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Pottenstein Pottensteiner Wand
9 Doldy Bastler - with Andreas Sport 36m
Fantastic endurance piece. I first had the impression that the crux would be at the fourth bolt, but actually a little dyno gets you through that passage. Brilliant, flowy climbing up to the bulge with the big ring. Had to call it a day there after a dozen tries. Hints welcome! So far, I grab the undercling with the left, cross over into the narrow pocket with the right hand, grab the horn out left and bump to a sidepull with the right. I can freely position my feet in that position, but I have yet to figure out how to continue.

Tue 15th Aug 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Hersbrucker Schweiz Sittenbachtal Grauer Fels
8 8- Hersbrucker Weg - with Merlin Sport 27m Good
Messed up after the second bolt. Held on with my left pinky in a sharp mono and my right middle finger in a shallow mono; quickly decided to let go.

Thu 8th Jun 2023 - Westpfalz
Bärenbrunner Tal Bärenbrunner Pfaffenfels
7 Lustikus - with Raimund Sport 6m, 2
No chance on this one. Two slanting fingertip sloper crimps and a long move to a bad sloper with a slight pocket. Tried a few things, found an option with a fragile structure, but it broke (sorry). I saw others climb it later that day, looked much harder than what the grade suggests (but also tricky).

Sat 20th May 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Gößweinstein Gernerfels
9 Top Ten Sport 12m, 6
Couldn't find a sensible beta quickly and didn't want to fuss around too much because people were already queuing up for the route.

Fri 21st Apr 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Püttlachtal Bärenschluchtwände Bärenschluchtwände
9- Bückling - with David X Sport 16m, 3
Soaking wet in many places, so I didn't go for a real onsight attempt, but I wouldn't have expected to get very far anyway. Bailed at the last bolt (that is, about halfway up or so), but I tasted blood. Feels much more manageable than "Luftballondach".

Thu 13th Apr 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Gockerlwand
8+ Wilde Kreatur - with Christoph Straubmeier Sport 15m
#lastrouteoftheday Tough beast. Feels like three jugs with blank wall between them. Took me half an hour to get to the third bolt, gave up there (the first two bolts are tiny, so it‘s hard to retreat from there).

Wed 12th Oct 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Trubachtal Wichsenstein Röthelfels Main
9+ Welzenbach Gedenkweg - with KP Sport 25m
Resorted to aid in the upper part. The first half actually went quite well, placing two nuts included, but then had to sit in the rope around half-way up. From there I was able to find a possible solution to the next two meters, but no more than that. I guess this is another one from the category "should check out on TR solo to not annoy my belayer". Nasty, open jams further up, probably better with the correct tape treatment (which I hastily applied en route) or crack gloves.

Mon 10th Oct 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Hersbrucker Schweiz Plech Schöne Aussicht
9- Schön Wetter - with mb Sport 12m Good
Pre-clipped the first bolt, then worked my way up to check out the moves. Two draws in the second bolt are a wise choice.

Tue 13th Sep 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Leinleitertal Burggrub Oberngruber Wand
9- Flip Flap - with KP Sport 20m, 6
Still couldn't figure out how to climb the crux. Had the second bolt preclipped, though, so I was able to pull myself up to the jugs and enjoy the beautiful slab above (around 7+?).

Thu 18th Aug 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Hersbrucker Schweiz Sittenbachtal Rabenstein
9- Schonungslose - with mb Sport 25m
Got to the second to last bolt before the roof, prepared for a reachy move to a jug, but didn't put enough juice into it. Couldn't recover from that move, so I had to rest. After the move, you can easily clip, but there's another boulder awaiting. I don't even want to know how to get over the roof, but I could imagine that it might be easier than the part before. Tried a few things but had to give up because it got dark. The lower half (I assume part of "Donnerdach") is already quite challenging, felt hard for 7+/8-.

Sat 2nd Jul 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Wiesenttal Burggaillenreuth Heinrichsgrotte Rechts
9- Sieben Züge bis zur Crux - with Ellen Sport 18m, 7 Very Good
Couldn't uphold the full crimp in the two finger pocket this time and fell. Tried again with index and middle finger, which was much much better.

Wed 29th Jun 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Nankendorf Rupertuswand
9- Kleine Strolche - with mantra Sport 12m, 4
Nasty crimp just above the first bolt, then seemingly you have to make a diversion to the right just to reach the second bolt somehow … apparently the to is easy, but didn't want to ruin my fingers on the brutal crimp, so I gave up.

8+ Einstieg Rechts - with mantra Sport 12m, 4
Thought I had found a good solution for the way to the last bolt, but then I stood there, left hand on a sidepull far above my head, right hand down low in the good, round pocket, and I couldn't move. Bummer. Seems like there's a solution on the right, but that one eluded me as well, tried a few times and took good falls, but to no avail.

Sun 12th Jun 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Püttlachtal Teufelskrallenturm
8- Talseite - with thedark Sport 30m
Didn't find a solution at the second bolt … it turns out you have to make quite a detour to the right (indicated in the latest Röker guidebook). Might try again some time, the upper half looks good.

Wed 1st Jun 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Wiesenttal Streitberg Glatte Wand
9- Rutschgefahr - with Alex Sport 20m, 7 Very Good
Oh wow. Brilliant wall climbing, around 8+, for about 19 of the 20 meters. Then suddenly it felt like I got sweat into my eyes, because the final section didn't seem to contain any holds. Fell off after a desperate attempt to hold on to the (probably eponymous) sloper. After a few tries, I was able to reach the next pocket and even stand up, but the faint crack above doesn't contain any holds either. Gave up and bailed to the anchor of "Spatz in der Hand" after a few more tries.

Wed 27th Apr 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Obertrubach Richard-Wagner-Fels
8+ Rubberneck - with mb Sport 15m
Read the beta I had written down last time before getting on the route, but it didn't help at all. After a few tries, I got to a point where I probably could have slapped to the jug, but it was wet, so I bailed. Again.

Mon 18th Apr 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Leinleitertal Veilbronn Veilbronner Wand
8+ Trittleiter - with Daniel Sport 16m, 8 Good
Tried with my "performance" shoes … felt horrible. Exchanged them for the comfy ones right after I fell off in the crux (almost hit myself in the nose when my thumb popped off the undercling).

Sun 3rd Apr 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Püttlachtal Ringlerwand Bella
9- Gefühlsecht - with thedark Sport 13m
Yet another route on this wall which I couldn't even finish to the top. Got shut down by the upper crux, which it turns out requires an armspan of at least 1,80 m … which I don't have. And even if I did, I'd probably find it hard because it's not my style. Felt hard to clip the first bolt.

Sat 12th Mar 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Weihersbachtal Dromedar
9 Wendenglück - with Tobias Sport 11m
Didn't want to push my luck after a few hard catches, toes hurting and the ring finger of my right hand putting up subtle warning signs. Already struggled quite a lot to the second bolt, which felt hard. The crux is to get into the tiny sidepull while having your feet high enough to reach into the pocket next to the third bolt.

Sat 13th Nov 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Pottenstein Trautner Gedenkwand
8 Die Zeit ist ein Dieb - with Markus Benning Sport 28m Good
Painful and awkward boulder start to the ledge. The sling should best be replaced soon, otherwise clipping the hideous first bolt after the no-hands rest could end on the ground. I placed a cam before to be safe. Fell off trying to get past that first bolt.

Sat 9th Oct 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Püttlachtal Bärenschluchtwände Bärenschluchtwände
9 Rauchende Bolts - with Daniel Sport 20m, 4
Missed the two-finger pocket, fell, and directly lowered to the ground to try again.

Sat 7th Aug 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Püttlachtal Toni Rockstroh Gedenkwand
8+ Zentrum - with Daniel Sport 22m
Second 8+ onsight attempt in a week that got shut down after a supposed crux by yet another difficult passage over some roof with wet holds above. Gave my all to reach that last bolt, too, like last time. Hard to get out from the little cave and reach the big flake.

Thu 5th Aug 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Leinleitertal Veilbronn Totensteinwände
8+ Burkis Tanz auf der luftigen Wampe - with Markus Benning Sport 28m, 11
Oh bugger. Crux right at the end, after what I first believed to be the anchor because I didn't see any holds above the roof. Splits off from "Reine Nervensache" after about 20 meters or so into a no-hands rest on the left, which you should use, because you need the strength on the last few meters. Bold balance moves a meter above the bolt (I luckily had a knotted sling on my harness which I placed in a crack and which fit perfectly, so my pulse went down a bit again ) lead to a fantastic two-finger pocket. You then clip the last bolt from a huge undercling below the roof, but that's where the journey ended for me. Couldn't figure out how to get over the roof (at least not while the holds above it were slimy from wet lichen … probably hasn't been done in a while). Got to check this out some time.

Fri 4th Jun 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Püttlachtal Trockauer Wand
8+ 8/8+ H-Blockx - with KP Sport 16m Good
Same as for "Denkste". Had a hard time reaching the second bolt (from the ledge).

8 Denkste - with KP Sport 16m Very Good
Quite humid today, which made the crux even more desperate.

Mon 10th May 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Leinleitertal Burggrub Oberngruber Wand
9- Flip Flap - with Markus Benning Sport 20m, 6
Didn't work out … couldn't find a solution to get to the second bolt, so I bailed. Apparently you have to put your right foot quite far into the slab on the right?

Sat 10th Apr 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Hersbrucker Schweiz Krottenseer Forst Rote Kante
9- Bambule - with Daniel Sport 8m
Well … such a shame. The pockets up to and slightly above the first bolt are fantastic, the texture and colour of the rock is amazing. But then it suddenly stops. Also barely any chalk marks above that point. I bet a jug must have broken off, otherwise this is certainly not climbable for 9-. Dynamically into a bad mono, then another bad mono, then what? Jump a full meter to a mediocre pocket? I don't think so.

Sat 20th Feb 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Zillertal Sonnenwand
6- Die Wanne - with David X Sport 12m, 4 Don't Bother
8 meters of easy, damp choss, then suddenly two meters of blank crack dihedral! Used a gaston on the left and wedged my foot into the crack, then reached up for the sidepull. Grabbed the topmost part … and sent it flying, together with myself.

Sat 28th Nov 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Walberla Rodenstein
8 Spanische Zeiten - Direkter Einstieg - with KP Sport 25m Good
Slipped off a hold that was greasy from chalk (despite chalk actually being forbidden at this crag, but nobody seems to care …) in the crux after the first bolt. Lowered off immediately and started again.

Fri 20th Nov 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Obertrubach Bleisteine
8+ 8+ to 9- Eraserhead - with Alex Sport 14m Very Good
Got to the crux with what I thought was enough strength left, but messed up. Didn't shift my body enough to the right before grabbing the bad crimp on the right, so I slipped off the sloper crimp on the left when bumping up to the other sloper

Sun 15th Nov 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Spies Naifertaler Klettergarten
8- Eiszeit - with David X Sport 8m Good
Super hard start on sharp pockets. Couldn't find the right ones in time and had to try again.

Tue 20th Oct 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Waischenfelder Turm
9 The Unforgiven - with Tobias Sport 15m, 4 Very Good
Desperate last light attempt; couldn't clip the bolt before the crux anymore …

Wed 2nd Sep 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Terrarium
9- 8+/9- Wishing on a Star - with Tobias Sport 7m, 3 Good
Didn't hit the two-finger pocket after the first bolt, but I was surprised how much lighter I felt in this second try.

9- 8+/9- Wishing on a Star - with Tobias Sport 7m, 3 Good
Slipped out of the clipping hold for the second bolt … didn't hit it in the right spot.

Thu 9th Jul 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Gößweinstein Schwalbenstein
8+ Mauersegler - with KP Sport 12m, 1 Good
Tried to reach the first bolt (about halfway up …) on lead because there was lats of chalk on the holds, but could only do reversible moves up to about half the distance to the bolt, so I slowly climbed down again.

Sat 4th Jul 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Trubachtal Schlehenmühle Schlehenmühler Wand Schlehenmühler Hauptwand
7 Sturm und Donner - with David X Sport 20m
The second bolt is in a very uncomfortable position. I also highly doubt that this route is 7 in the current state. Something (or rather: a lot) must have broken off, and it looks like it, too. Gave up at the second bolt.

Fri 3rd Jul 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Leinleitertal Burggrub Burggruber Wand
9- Viel Vergnügen - with Harald Sport 12m, 4
Just gave it a shot because someone needed to get the draws out of the start of "Freundschaft". Gave up at the last bolt because it seemed super hard and blank and I didn't want to pull on the bad mono.

Thu 2nd Jul 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Nankendorf Plankenstein
9 9-/9 Bewegungslehreseminar - with Tobias Sport 15m, 5
Couldn't figure out the crux quickly so I gave up due to time constraints. Guess I'll have to take the kinesiology seminar after all. But the things I tried in the crux were already quite artistic, I guess.

Wed 13th May 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Obertrubach Richard-Wagner-Fels
8+ Rubberneck - with Alex Sport 15m
Still didn't make it to the top. But I almost got there, improved my beta step by step. Small blue offset nut before the second bolt. Inspected the last holds later after climbing "Westwand", so this should work out next time … hopefully. As a reminder for myself, here's the beta in ROT13: Evtug unaq haqrepyvat (guhzo!), ernpu hc gb cvapu cbpxrg (pnershy svatre cynprzrag!), ernpu hc gb gur evtug ivn vagrezrqvngr svatre cbpxrg gb fznyy qvntbany pevzc; sbbg hc gb gur evtug bagb cbpxrg va gur frnz; ohzc hc evtug vagb gur vapbafcvphbhf ebhaqvfu cbpxrg (cerffher fyvtugyl yrsg naq qbja, jvgu guhzo cerffvat sebz gur yrsg); yrsg sbbg bhg yrsg gb gur gval synxr, qebcxarr naq pnershyyl teno gur pevzc whfg nobir urnq urvtug (guhzo ntnva!), yrsg sbbg qbja, ohzc hc evtug vagb ubevmbagny cbpxrg, srrg hc vagb oneryl ivfvoyr cbpxrgf naq fgnaq hc gb tnva gur wht.

Sat 25th Apr 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Mittagsleite
8 Mittags Leitning - with Alex Sport 10m
First bulge is easier than it looks, the second one is the crux. Didn't find a solution quickly. Probably a long move into a terribly sharp two-finger pocket (not sure if I am able to reach it), which you have to pull hard … not many decent holds in between.

Fri 21st Feb 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Trubachtal Wichsenstein Röthelfels Left
9- Herbstzauber - with Hubert Sport 15m
Took down the draws in near darkness, so it was more or less an aid ascent …

Sun 29th Dec 2019 - Val Pennavaire
6c+ ORLY - with mantra Sport 25m
Couldn‘t get over the tufa/crimp/sloper crux. Nice climb up to that point.

Sat 19th Oct 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Ailsbachtal Heldwand
9- Götz von Berlichingen - with mantra Sport 22m, 7 Very Good
Jumped off before the first bolt due to misleading chalk, then took a lot of falls all over the place due to the spaced (but safe) bolting, and couldn't figure out the final slab moves, so I stopped there for the time being.

Wed 16th Oct 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Engelhardsberg Schlagerturm / Scheibe
9- Marmor, Stein und Eisen - with Markus Sport 13m Good
Didn't boulder around too much because of the limited time before sunset. Got the moves relatively quickly, but I wasn't brave enough to do the top section.

Wed 4th Sep 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Nankendorf Mader Gedenkwand
8+ 8+/9- Karl Reinwald Gedenkweg - with Tobias Sport 20m Good
I didn't have any problems with the start today (shared with "Stalingrad"), but had to rest after the sling in the overhang. Didn't find a good solution for this part, but somehow managed to throw my hand as a wedge into the crack before the ledge. Turns out that afterwards you have to somehow traverse along the exceptionally round bulge; didn't know what to do and used rope tension to get to the next bolt.

Fri 2nd Aug 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Gößweinstein Obere Gößweinsteiner Wände
9 Katapult - with Tobias Sport 18m
Scary moves to the third bolt, maybe put the carabiner into the second bolt instead of the first next time … or even better first check out the crux in the upper part on top rope. Couldn't figure it out at all. Amazing climbing, though.

9- No Chance With Galoshkies - with Tobias Sport 20m
Had no juice left to get over what seems to be the crux. Always slipped out of the slanted pinch. Did the move once, but then couldn't find any viable footholds and fell again, so I bailed. The sling before the first bolt is new, but the rock tunnel wouldn't hold a fall, mind you.

Sun 28th Jul 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Hersbrucker Schweiz Oberes Pegnitz- und Flembachtal Geheimaktion
8 Unnamed 3 - with Bovist Sport 14m Average
Felt nice at the start, but I didn't know where to go after the first bolt in the overhang. The holds seemed to draw me to the right, but there it was quite chossy. On the left, I couldn't make out the holds. Checked it out from above afterwards and found a sequence that works.

Wed 3rd Jul 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrollwand
9+ Wicked Wonderland - with Ellen Sport 12m Good
Fell in the crux and had to change beta slightly again.

9+ Wicked Wonderland - with Ellen Sport 12m Good
Got beyond the crux, but forgot to put my foot on an important foothold before continuing, so I fell in the upper section when my heel hook slipped.

Fri 21st Jun 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Wiesenttal Streitberg Dachsbau
9- Shadow Warrior - with Markus Sport 12m, 2 Good
Put my feet wrong and got into a position in which I couldn't move.

Fri 14th Jun 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrollwand
9+ Wicked Wonderland - with Tobias Sport 12m Good
Got the two-finger pocket in a wrong way and it was too painful to pull on it. However, I did many things better in this try, could do almost everything statically.

Wed 12th Jun 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Wiesenttal Sachsenmühle Wand des fallenden Laubs
9- Fledermaus - with Tobias Sport 10m, 4 Good
Forgot where to put my left foot in the crux.

8 Bad Girl - with Tobias Sport 10m, 4 Good
Fell off for no particular reason in the middle of the route. Unexpected.

Tue 4th Jun 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Leinleitertal Burggrub Burggruber Block
9 Meddle - with Tobias Sport 15m, 3
So that's what happens when you say "let's not climb too difficult today" to a young, enthusiastic, talented climber. We both couldn't climb the route today, but he made a much better impression than I did. Very specific moves in a thin crack line, culminating in a bulge with monos for both hands and bad footholds. Felt impossible today.

Tue 4th Jun 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Leinleitertal Burggrub Luisenwand
9+ 9/9+ Team Motivation - with Tobias Sport 16m, 5 Very Good
Couldn't find a way through the crux today, but the first half is already pure joy.

Thu 30th May 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Hersbrucker Schweiz Oberes Pegnitz- und Flembachtal Wachbergfelsen
9 Schiffsbug - with Daniel Sport 17m Very Good
Couldn't find the important holds above the third bolt due to the sun blinding me …

Sat 18th May 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Gößweinstein Obere Gößweinsteiner Wände
9- Schleimspur - with Tobias Sport 20m, 4 Very Good
After a strenuous start, the runout to the second bolt isn't too bad. After that it's pockets typical for this section of the wall, but at one point, with your feet one meter above the last bolt, it suddenly stops. You have to jump to the jugs, but I didn't dare to do it at first try. Wouldn't have worked, anyway. I tried a few times but always got the pocket in a place where it was totally wet, so I gave up for the time being.

Sun 12th May 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Obertrubach Richard-Wagner-Fels
8+ Rubberneck - with David X Sport 15m
Didn't find a solution that I could pull today. Too weak.

Fri 12th Apr 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Obertrubach Zehnerstein
9- Erinnerungsweg - with Markus Sport 30m
Didn't get my feet into the right position and completely forgot how I had done the first moves of the crux. Gave up after I couldn't even hold the two-finger pocket when I pulled myself up on the draw.

Sun 7th Apr 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Hersbrucker Schweiz Sittenbachtal Algersdorfer Wand
8- Illusion - with Daniel Sport 25m, 7 Good
If I was 10 cm larger maybe … or with a desperate dyno? Not today. The slab below climbs nicely, but there are lots of fragile flakes.

Sat 2nd Mar 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Obertrubach Zehnerstein
8+ Satisfaction - with Hablo Sport 22m, 5 Very Good
Forgot about the mono on the way to the second bolt and fell.

Sat 8th Dec 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Ailsbachtal Heldwand
9- Lonestar - with Simon Sport 22m, 7 Very Good
Stuck the dyno in the flash attempt, but didn't really know how to continue from there. Skipped the last section and lowered from below the big ledge.

Fri 16th Nov 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Trubachtal Wichsenstein Röthelfels Main
8 Alde Worschdhaud - with Harald Sport 25m Very Good
Freaked out a bit at the last bolt and had no morale left to do the finish. Hadn't found the right solution for the bulge out of the undercling crack anyway …

Wed 31st Oct 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Bärental Wunkendorfer Eck
6+ Direkte Westwand - with Harald Sport 20m Good
Somehow got myself into an awkward position in the final bulge. Had no immediate idea how to solve it, so I pulled myself up on the draw, because the sun was already setting … hadn't realised that clock change had been on Sunday already, otherwise I wouldn't even have gone climbing that late. I would nevertheless say that the final bulge is much harder than 6+.

Sun 21st Oct 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Landrichterseite
8- Orgasmatron - with David X Sport 14m, 6 Very Good
Fiddled too long with the small, smooth crimps above the second bolt and got them all wet. Didn't have any chalk on me. :-/

Fri 5th Oct 2018 - Vosges du Nord
Windstein Cryptospit
7a Cryptospit - with Bovist Sport 17m
Nice slab through the mass of bird droppings, followed by a massive roof. Didn't do all the moves in the roof, it was too strenuous for me today.

Wed 12th Sep 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Wiesenttal Streitberg Dachsbau
9- Shadow Warrior - with Markus Sport 12m, 2
Didn't have enough power left to clip the second bolt and almost fell onto my partner, hitting his shin with my foot … and I thought I could finally climb this today.

Sun 9th Sep 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Trubachtal Todsfelder Tal Brüchige Wand
8 S-Kurve - with Harald Sport 30m
Not sure how this is supposed to be climbed. Looks like a few holds in the overhang broke and it's now even harder; however, after the second bolt, the much more obvious line is to go straight up, right into the project on the right (which has rusty old bolts in it, too, so I guess this was climbed earlier already?).

Sat 8th Sep 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Trubachtal Wichsenstein Röthelfels Left
8+ Black Mamba - with Daniel Sport 12m Good
Put on the "other" shoes to have better grip on the heel hook, but didn't stick the move. By then, my big toes started to hurt so much, I could only pull myself up from draw to draw …

Sat 25th Aug 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Leinleitertal Burggrub Rotenstein
8- Westwand - with Markus Sport 15m Very Good
Despite the rest of the wall being quite dry, the crucial sloper was totally wet and slimy … not a chance under these circumstances, and it withstood all attempts to dry it; after a few seconds, some big drops of water from above undid my work.

Mon 23rd Jul 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Wiesenttal Streitberg Freundschaftsturm
8- Schlaffmat - with Bovist Sport 17m, 4
I don‘t know if it was broken holds, the humidity or if I was just weak, but I had no chance here today. Didn‘t even spot any holds while hanging in the rope. Lowered off the second bolt.

Fri 20th Jul 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Wiesenttal Sachsenmühle Anna Fritz Gedenkwand
8+ Granatsplitter - with Ellen Sport 15m, 6 Good
Snap! Slipped out of a pocket after the first bolt for some reason and suddenly stood on the ground again …

Fri 8th Jun 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Ailsbachtal Zamonien
9 Knochensammler - with Michi Sport 8m Very Good
Needed to rest after a few tries in the crux. Couldn't hold the two-finger pocket any more.

9 Knochensammler - with Michi Sport 8m Very Good
Took a few falls while trying to jump to the sloper next to the anchor. Could work if I hit the pocket inside it, but I didn't.

Thu 24th May 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Blechfass
9 Pumpgun - with mantra Sport 20m, 8
Too damp today, slipped from every foothold and couldn't pull on holds too hard.

Sun 6th May 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Trubachtal Mostviel - Affalterthal Affalterthaler Turm
9 Big Trailer - with Daniel Sport 12m Average
Slipped off the small foothold in the boulder, then lowered to the ground again.

Tue 26th Dec 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Hersbrucker Schweiz Krottenseer Forst Rabenfels
9- Stairway to Heaven - with Maddin Sport 18m, 5 Good
Got through the first hard section on two-finger pockets, but couldn't feel my fingers afterwards while hanging on the jug, so I took a sit. Not exactly the best way to warm up. Couldn't figure out the section over the last bolt and saw that the top was wet anyway, so I lowered for the time being.

Sun 15th Oct 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Würgau Würgauer Wand
8- Johannisriss - with Teresa Sport 18m Good
Tried to stick to today's topic (slight variation): cracks. Had to retreat at the third bolt due to the sun setting (and my feet hurting). I had no clue how to get past this bolt. Sketchy layback moves only lead me to even more sketchy pockets in the "crack", without any footholds to gain height. Hard already up to this point, but I imagine it wouldn't have been over. Another one to come back to …

Sat 23rd Sep 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Püttlachtal Ringlerwand Bella
9 Civil War - with Daniel Sport 15m, 3 Good
Hard boulder problem to the second bolt. The third bolt is way too high; at the moment, there's a piece of rope in it to prevent you from falling to the ground. The upper part is way easier, but still not a piece of cake. Sharp holds there. The real problem, though, is the bad sidepull/undercling before the good hold to clip the first bolt. Could only pull on it on the first try, then I got too weak already.

9- Fantastic Max - with Daniel Sport 14m
Didn't get past the first bolt. Not my day, I guess. The mono pocket is nice, but dangerous for my right hand.

Thu 17th Aug 2017 - Nörtener Wald
Mariaspring Jumping
8+ 8/8+ Brummsenstich - with Daniel Sport 14m
No chance. I had no clue how to do this.

Sat 8th Jul 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Hersbrucker Schweiz Oberes Pegnitz- und Flembachtal Wachbergfelsen
9 Der Frosch mit der Maske - with Azhar Sport 17m Good
Very specific and hard crimp problem before the first bolt. Didn't have it in me, but pulled myself up to just after the hard move and finished it. The rest is maybe 8- or 8.

7+ Fuchurs Flug - with Daniel Sport 17m, 2 Good
Checked out the route from above and put long slings into the bolts. The protection is more than dangerous … even with 2 meters worth of slings in the second bolt, you could maybe still hit the ground. More important even is to prolong the anchor over the bulge, so you can clip before doing the overhang moves, or you'll risk another ground fall. But with all this additional safety measures, I fell just after clipping the first bolt. The crux is directly at the start.

Fri 30th Jun 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Püttlachtal Amerikanische Botschaft
8 Oral Office - with Azhar Sport 10m Average
Got the sequence wrong, didn't work out for me.

Tue 16th May 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Wiesenttal Streitberg Dachsbau
9- Shadow Warrior Sport 12m, 2
Tried the first meters a dozen times or so with a crash pad. I think I have the beta up to that point, just didn't dare making another move (a dyno into a two-finger pocket) without a rope.

Sat 13th May 2017 - Steinwald
Ratfelsen-Gruppe Ratfelsen Nebenmassiv Hoher Rat
7 Mauerläufer - with Bovist Sport 12m, 4 Very Good
Had to give up due to the rain becoming stronger. Couldn't stick the slopers in the upper part anymore …

Sun 9th Apr 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Pottenstein Marientaler Wand Obere Wand
9- Saftfeld - with Bovist Sport 10m, 3 Very Good
Tried this at the end of the day. Couldn't do the finishing moves out of the overhang to the anchor. ;-) Nice start with dynamic moves into jugs, then a good rest with a kneebar; the crux section starts just after the third bolt up to the anchor.

Sat 1st Apr 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Graisch, Leienfels, Bärnfels Graischer Bleisteinwände Mittlere Wände
7+ As Marmaladn Amala - with Teresa Sport 12m Good
Lunged for nothing after clipping the second bolt (which is way too high to reach it from a safe position) with a stiff draw.

Tue 14th Mar 2017 - Finale Ligure
Valle Aquila Tre Frati
6c Video - with Bovist Sport 15m Classic
Fell directly after the first bolt. What a monstrous arête!

Sun 26th Feb 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Graisch, Leienfels, Bärnfels Wolfstein
7 7+/8- Sterntaler - with Daniel Sport 12m Very Good
Couldn't feel my fingers before the second bolt, which sits a bit high, so I dropped off.

Sat 24th Sep 2016 - Malta
Irdum Irxaw (Mistra) Gully - NW facing Wall
7b Anal Pleasure - with Daniel Sport 14m
Forgot to clip the third quickdraw, so I had to jump off in the middle of the crux

Fri 23rd Sep 2016 - Malta
Wied Il-Għasel (Mosta Valley) The Eye in the Sky
7a Walk on the Wild Side - with Daniel Sport 15m Good
Fell at the second bolt due to open barn door.

Fri 23rd Sep 2016 - Malta
Wied Il-Għasel (Mosta Valley) Oil Drum Cave
7b Minimal Spark - with Daniel Sport 15m Very Good
Very cool start, but couldn't find a way to do the crux. Pulled on the quickdraw and finished the rest, which is also quite nice. Lots of bird droppings on the ledge after the overhang, though.

Mon 19th Sep 2016 - Malta
Wied Il-Għasel (Mosta Valley) Cat's Arches
7b At Long Last - with Daniel Sport 20m Very Good
Mon 12th Sep 2016 - Malta
Wied Babu Smoothies Cave
7c Muesli Yogi - with Teresa Sport 18m Very Good
Awesome tufa climbing through the roof with tough finish.


Showing 1 - 100 out of 125 ascents.

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