
Ascents in Europe as Hang dog by Anderl

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 104 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sat 6th Apr 2024 - Solothurner Jura
Santelhöchi Paladium
6b Schlaraffenland - with Maulwurf, Nicky, Anika Sport 10m, 4
6a Löchliweg - with Maulwurf, Nicky, Anika Sport 10m, 3
Plötzlich war da kein Löchli mehr ..

Thu 4th Apr 2024 - Gorges du Chassezac
Mazet Petit Aiguille
6a Doigts de fée - with Maulwurf, Jarno Sport 25m Very Good
A hard one. Unlucky slipped out of the wet & muddy key holds in the first slab

Fri 16th Feb 2024 - Es Capdellà
6c+/7a La marmita - with LFF, Giggler, Jarno Sport Classic
Much better second try on top rope. 2 hangers, again in the lower crux and then just too pumped.

Mon 12th Feb 2024 - Puig de Garrafa
6c Vivan las jarras - with Maulwurf, Jarno, Giggler, LFF Sport 17m, 6 Classic
Man, I got fat, weak, whatever

Sat 10th Jun 2023 - Solothurner Jura
6c Schwanensee - with Anne, Anika, Nicky Sport 25m Classic
Das erste Mal mit Risshandschuhen . Noch eine sehr coole Risslinie, aber wieder mangelnde Fitness und Technik. Der Überhang mit Handriss in der Mitte hat mir schon arg zu schaffen gemacht, sowas sollte man echt mal trainieren...

Fri 9th Jun 2023 - Solothurner Jura
6b Höhenwanderung - with Anne, Nicky Sport 30m Classic
Sehr coole Risslinie, speziell der Schulterriss in der zweiten Länge ist schon was besonderes. Leider mangelnde Fitness (von Risstechnik gar nicht zu reden )

Thu 8th Jun 2023 - Baume les Dames
Sous Buen Débloc
6b monsieur Propre - with Anne Sport 22m
Have to improve my topo guide reading skills, thought this one is the neighboring 5b. Pretty hard climbing for 5b...

Fri 7th Apr 2023 - Oppede-le-Vieux
5a Bertholine - with Anne, Jarno Sport Very Good
wtf? Finally really easy crux, but you have to find the solution

Tue 21st Feb 2023 - Caimari
Comuna de Caimari
6b+ Las Margaritas - with LFF, Giggler
1 5b 19 Second lead by LFF
2 6b+ 25 Sport lead by Anderl
3 6b+ 22 Sport lead by Anderl
Sport 66m
Die lieben Kollegen wollten mal eine "leichte" MSL machen, und wer darf dann Vorsteigen weil sich keiner traut? Zwei schwere Stellen, die am Ende ziemlich stillos mit viel Gebastel, Gelächter und dummen Sprüchen gelöst werden mussten

Mon 20th Feb 2023 - Es Capdellà
6c Unknown - with LFF Sport
Directly right of the prior route. Nice & not too hard climbing until the last bolt, then very hard to the (slightly rusty) anchor. Grade unclear.

Sun 19th Feb 2023 - Caimari
Comuna de Caimari
6b+ La Gaditana - with LFF, Giggler Sport 24m
Short cruxy section before the overhang

Tue 1st Nov 2022 - Spielleiten
7- Freemantle - with Georg, Jarno Sport 10m Good
Zu blöd für diese Welt. Eigentlich total einfach, das nächste Mal Aufwärmroute

Thu 1st Sep 2022 - Orpierre
6a Paresse - with Arvin Sport 21m, 8 Good
Nun ist es passiert: Verkackt und Jarno zieht es anschließend toprope durch. Nun, ich sollte mich wohl freuen

Wed 31st Aug 2022 - Orpierre
6b Yé n'en péplou - with Arvin Sport 18m, 7 Good
Unangenehme Züge an schlechten Griffen im Mittelteil, da bin ich jetzt wirklich gar nicht klargekommen. Hart - oder bin ich zu doof?

6b L'homme debloque - with Arvin Sport 20m, 7 Good
Recht harte Passage im Mittelteil, letztlich war ich aber nur zu blöd die Füße richtig zu setzen. 6a+ im Topo, 6b passt aber durchaus, auch wenn's nur kurz schwer ist.

Sun 28th Aug 2022 - Gorges du Chassezac
Les Actinidias Main Cliff
6c La Carotte Atomique - with Arvin Sport Very Good
Harter Start an schlechten Leisten, dann ab dem Riss etwas unübersichtlich und kräftig ehe es oben leichter wird. Ganz coole Kletterei, aber das lief gar nicht, wieder nur Stehprobleme und irgendwann Pump.

6c La Carotte Atomique - with Arvin Sport Very Good
Verdammt, beim Wechsel vom rechten in den linken Riss abgeworfen worden. Fitness mangelhaft.

Fri 17th Jun 2022 - Altvogelbachfels
Oberer Fels
7- Sulzburger Flugshow - with Nicky Sport 28m Good
Unten viel zu lange rumgebastelt und dann dicke Arme bekommen. Ist aber auch irgendwie unschön am Einstieg, danach viel besser.

Thu 21st Apr 2022 - Cormot
Faille Pourrie
6a La Bête - with Nicky, Anika Sport 35m Very Good
The name commits, quite a beast. Some pretty hard moves and tricky to read, very nice climbing though. Except the top out, what a shit, two metres less would have been much better.

Sat 16th Apr 2022 - Les Alpilles
Fontvieille Grand yeux noirs
5c Figuier de Gauche - with LFF Sport Very Good
Ok, smack down. Hard to read & strage to climb, Cool Line, though. 2 unnecessary manufactured monos.

Fri 15th Apr 2022 - Les Alpilles
Fontvieille Bloc penché
6c Qui s'y frotte, s'y pique - with LFF Sport
Mon 11th Apr 2022 - Les Alpilles
Saint Rémy de Provence Vallon de Valample Banane
5b+ Petoman - with LFF, Jarno, Arvin Sport 17m Good
Tired & too lazy to stress myself

Sat 6th Nov 2021 - Caimari
Comuna de Caimari
7a 6c+ Cachinochalgo - with Giggler, Jarno, Yue Sport 15m, 13 Very Good
Checking out the moves

Wed 3rd Nov 2021 - Caimari
Hairpin Wall
6a+ Pocket - with Arvin, Jarno, Sandra †, Giggler, Yue Sport 30m Very Good
Until after the crux, but lockdown made me have sissy fingers and sissy feet, just too painful to go on. Otherwise a really nice long and homogeneous climb, stays interesting even in the less steep sections.

Sat 27th Feb 2021 - Berg
8 Linke Höhlenwand - with Sandra † Sport 8m, 2 Average
Ausführlich alles ausgebouldert und leicht rechts eine gute Variante für Große gefunden. Leider dann bei Versuch alles im Toprope am Stück zu klettern doch schon zu fertig gewesen. Die Frage ist jetzt nur, ob die Griffe rechts an der Kante dazu gehören. Sind zwar nur 40cm von den Haken weg, aber da sollte auch ungefähr die Schlüsselstelle von "Highway to hell" sein!?

Sat 14th Nov 2020 - Berg
8 Linke Höhlenwand - with Georg, Sarah Sport 8m, 2 Average
Ausgebouldert. Vor dem zweiten Haken 2 harte Züge, der Rest ist gängig. Prinzipiell wohl machbar, aber nicht gerade die Traumtour...

Sun 8th Nov 2020 - Berg
7 Teamwork - with Georg, Sandra †, Arvin, Jarno Sport 8m, 2 Very Good
Nicht zu fassen, kurze aber wirklich schöne Kletterei. Nicht wirklich offensichtlich und oben ein matschiger Griff, daher #clipstick

Great Beginning - with Georg, Sandra †, Arvin, Jarno Sport 8m, 3 Good
Lockdown bike'n'climb! Ganz nette Route, aber oben leider nicht kletterbar, da völlig nass. Zwei Hände voll Schlamm und Gebrösel rausgebrochen und Georg auf den Kopf geschmissen

Mon 2nd Nov 2020 - Kientalwandl
5 Mönchspups - with Sandra †, Jarno, Arvin Sport 7m Good
Oben völlig schleimig, irgendwo muss der Sinter ja herkommen.

6- Kniarbiesler - with Sandra †, Jarno, Arvin Sport 7m, 3 Very Good
Wirklich interessante Züge über das bröslige Band, aber auch hier oben dann nur noch völlig schleimige Griffe und Tritte.

Sun 23rd Aug 2020 - Rue des Masques
Secteurs 4 et 5
6a+ Une adresse à Rome - with Sandra †, Jarno Sport Classic
Once again got lost in the conglomerate, every nonsense is chalked up. Pretty pumpy and with 4-5m bolt spacing in the upper part I was hesitating too much. Very nice route, though!

Wed 19th Aug 2020 - Rue des Masques
Les Blocs
6c+ Iceberg Sport 20m
Desperate end of the day onsight try. Too tired, too hot, too late. But everything seems doable.

6b+ Rumba - with Sandra †, Jarno Sport 20m Very Good
Tricky sequences in the lower half, so easy to get lost... And a bit spaced bolting in the easier but still demanding upper part.

Sun 16th Aug 2020 - Réotier
La grand falaise
6c+ NN6 - with Sandra † Sport 20m Very Good
Fri 14th Aug 2020 - Réotier
La grand falaise
6c+ NN6 - with Sandra † Sport 20m Very Good
Interesting, two totally different halfs, first some hard pulling through a slight overhang, then a technical slab on minuscule crimps. And so painful, very sharp rock.

6a Les Alpes vraies - with Sandra † Sport 22m Very Good
Nice varied climbing, but a fucking hard sequence high up. Really puzzled how to solve it, cheated my way up.

Tue 11th Aug 2020 - Ailefroide
La Draye Amigos
5c+ Diable rouge - with Sandra †, Jarno Sport 20m Classic
Wild, hard to onsight, the bolts give you only a rough idea where to go.

Fri 7th Aug 2020 - Rocher Qui Répond
6c La Djé Belle - with Sandra †, Jarno Sport Very Good
Failed after the last bolt, but this is clearly the crux. Very hard finish out of the overhang - too hard for me.

6b Jessy - with Sandra †, Jarno Sport Classic
Shit, almost onsight, but messed it up the last 2 metres: never thrust the tickmarks of others!

Thu 6th Aug 2020 - Rocher Qui Répond
6b Le mêmé - with Sandra †, Jarno Sport 10m, 5 Good
For sure this has been a nice short line before all the polish. Tricky slippery crux move before the 3rd bolt, not really motivated to redpoint it.

Sun 2nd Aug 2020 - Vosges du Sud
Bouclier du Tanet
6b rose citron P1 - with Nicky, Sandra †
1 6b 35m
Sport 35m
Short slab boulder on crimps. Should be doable, but dinner is calling.

Tue 2nd Jun 2020 - Frankenjura Süd
Donautal Unteriradinger Walba
8- Trockenmauer - with Sandra † Sport 12m, 5 Classic
Richtig toll, aber das kleingriffige Finale ist nicht machbar für mich. Leider teilweise ziemlich speckige Tritte.

6 Café au lait - with Sandra † Sport 12m, 4 Very Good
Ja leck, was für ein Brett. Von Haken zu Haken gerettet, sowas ist mir ja schon lange nicht mehr passiert

Thu 21st May 2020 - Kochel
8- 8-/8 Bolt d´Or - with Sandra † Sport 17m, 7 Very Good
Schneller Versuch bevor es in die Eisdiele geht. Hatte ich irgendwie einfacher in Erinnerung, oben am Riss völlig eingegangen.

Thu 21st May 2020 - Kochel
Untere Seewände
7- Tom Bombadill (Tom Bambadill) - with Sandra † Sport 15m, 3
An sich tolle trickreiche Route, aber 7- ist schon putzig, selbst für Kochler Verhältnisse. Der massiven Speckansatz (bei der Route, nicht bei mir!) und die etwas dürftige Absicherung tut sein Übriges...

Sun 17th May 2020 - Klettergarten Seltmans
8 Pinguin - with Sandra † Sport 5 Very Good
Sehr schöne Route, durchgehend fordernd. Der fette Überhang am Start ging gut, aber aus ihm raus ist schon hart und danach ist es noch nicht vorbei. Aber alles geklettert und für machbar befunden - Projekt erfolgreich angelegt!

Fri 28th Feb 2020 - Caimari
Comuna de Caimari
7a Cachinochalgo - with LFF Sport 15m, 13 Very Good
One hanger, missed a foothold in the beginning dusk. Should be no problem after optimising a bit the middle section - maybe next time. Incredibly high density of bolts, take all quickdraws you have!

Wed 26th Feb 2020 - Tazmania
6c Madame Déficit - with Sandra †, LFF Sport Very Good
Excellent short & super hard slab, very technical. Should be doable, but definetly would require some runs to find the best sequence. The team requests a trip to the next café instead...

Mon 24th Feb 2020 - Valldemossa
Main Crag
6c+ Sostre den burotet - with LFF, Sandra † Sport 15m Mega Classic
Stopped on the way home to have a quick sunset try. Great fun, but needs some more work to figure out a more efficient selection of jugs. Epic fight together with LFF to get down the quickdraws.

Mon 24th Feb 2020 - Es Torrent
6c Happy Starting - with LFF, Sandra †, Jarno Sport 15m Very Good
Very nice athletic route, but the upper bolts are in pretty bad condition. Got super scared because I really didn't wanted to fall; finally reached an anchor which was too rusty for abseiling - continued to the other (good) one higher to the left...

Sun 23rd Feb 2020 - La Vall Verda
6b+ Relaja el hojete - with LFF Sport 25m, 9
Top rope service for LFF Still too wrecked from the fight before.

Sun 8th Dec 2019 - Kochel
7+ Petit Illusion - with Nicky Sport 15m, 5
Jetzt endgültig als Projekt angenommen. Anmerkung: Weiter grätschen üben!

Tue 29th Oct 2019 - Les Alpilles
Orgon Beauregard Mur du 6
5c+ Carrefour aux oies - with LFF Sport 30m Classic
A great route, long and diverse. Unluckily quite sparsely bolted in the first crux section (and only there), which made me hesitate too long. 2nd crux is the awkward upper overhang. Big fun, but no 2nd try possible as it was getting too dark.

Sun 27th Oct 2019 - Les Alpilles
Saint Rémy de Provence Vallon de Valample Les Cistes
7a+ Quick trip - with Sandra †, Jarno, LFF Sport
Clipsticked the most difficult part. Start on nothing, the first structure deserving to be called "hold" is around the 2nd bolt, from there on in principle doable.

Sat 21st Sep 2019 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
7 Po-Ebene - with Sandra †, Jarno, Arvin Sport 20m, 5 Good
Harter Start an Crimps und Slopern, und dann noch ein Drecksmantle.. Eher längre Bastelei.

Sat 21st Sep 2019 - Morsbach
Mittlerer Teil
6 Sisyphus - with Sandra †, Arvin, Jarno Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
Als Verlängerung von Spin I geklettert. Ziemlich knackig! Und ziemlich unklar wo's eigentlich genau lang geht. Trotzdem schön!

Sun 15th Sep 2019 - Känzele
6- 5+ Rantanplan - with Nicky Sport 17m Very Good
Sack bewusst hängengelassen für's nächste Mal

Sat 14th Sep 2019 - Känzele
6- 6+ Obelix - with Nicky Sport 17m Average
Auf den letzten 50cm verkackt. Bewertung stimmt vermutlich nicht, da der Umlenker über den kleinen Überhang versetzt wurde.

Wed 4th Sep 2019 - Oriente
Cuevas del Mar Playa
6b+ 6c+ Aficíon y desorden - with Sandra † Sport 10m, 4 Very Good
Mierda! Almost onsight, but got seduced by the good jug to the right at the end.

Tue 3rd Sep 2019 - Oriente
Cuevas del Mar Cuevas
6c 7a+ El capitan Memo - with Sandra † Sport 17m, 6
Mon 2nd Sep 2019 - Oriente
Cuevas del Mar Cuevas
6c El Paso Residual - with Sandra † Sport 9m, 4 Good
Sat 24th Aug 2019 - Redinha
6b Diedro dos Físicos (Diedro dos Fisicos) - with Sandra † Sport Very Good
Wed 21st Aug 2019 - Farol da Guia
Bloco Escadas
6a Utopia Sport 8m, 3 Very Good
What a tricky sequence!

Wed 3rd Jul 2019 - Kochel
8- Bolt d´Or - with Georg, Nicola, Andi Sport 17m, 7 Very Good
Coole Route mit unangenehmer Passage um den Riss herum. Vielleicht machbar, aber deutlich mehr Fitness notwendig.

Tue 18th Jun 2019 - Vosges du Midi
Roches Plates L'allemande
6a L´allemande - with Arvin, Sandra †, Jarno Sport 15m Very Good
Seltsames ungewohntes Sandstein-Kieselgemisch. Und viel zu heiß

Sun 2nd Jun 2019 - Kochel
7+ Char-Lis Way - with Sandra † Sport
Der Überhang ist nicht wild, aber aus ihm rauskommen hat etwas Kopfzerbrechen bereitet. Wenn man nur manteln könnte...

Sat 9th Mar 2019 - Puig de Garrafa
6b+ Ella ya no vive aqui - with LFF Sport 18m Good
Too hot, no motivation, time for some chilling around.

Thu 7th Mar 2019 - Cala Bota
7a Todo bene - with LFF Sport 12m, 6
Almost, almost, just one hanger due to a not entirely nailed beta. And then it was getting dark, once again

Wed 6th Mar 2019 - Puig de Garrafa
6c Vivan las jarras - with Giggler Sport 17m, 6 Classic
Finger crack jamming with a bad finger - not a good idea!

Tue 5th Mar 2019 - Caimari
Comuna de Caimari
6c Via morito - with LFF Sport 22m, 12 Classic
2 hangs, the first in the lower slab of course

6c Via morito - with LFF Sport 22m, 12 Classic
Totally messed up the upper crux.

6a La Matate Chorrea - with Norima Sport 25m, 7 Very Good
Nice, but an awful and thin runout to the anchor.

Sun 22nd Apr 2018 - Kochel
6+ 6/6+ Wackelphilipp - with Sandra † Sport 10m, 4 Average
Wollte ich eigentlich nie wieder machen. Immer noch klein und gemein. Toporope für Sandra.

7- La vache qui rit - with Sandra † Sport 15m, 3 Very Good
Gängig, bis auf den einen Griff in der Mitte, der mir fast die Haut vom Finger gezogen hat. Leider keine 2. Chance, Familie besteht auf Eisdiele...

Sun 11th Feb 2018 - Finale Ligure
Rocca di Perti Falesia della Lucertola
6c+ Karma - with Sandra † Sport 14m, 9 Good
Quick bad try on the way home on a project of last autumn. This time I couldn't even reach the hold after the overhang. Looks like some biceps training is required after lazy winter times...

Fri 3rd Nov 2017 - Finale Ligure
Rocca Carpanea Bric Scimarco Settore Antri Rossi
6c Voyage dans le surplomb - with LFF Sport 12m Classic
The name of the route is the programme: impressive, impressive, & super airy. With a break at every quickdraw

Thu 2nd Nov 2017 - Finale Ligure
Valle di Rian Cornei Falesia del guru
6b Alien remover - with Arvin, Sandra †, LFF, Norima Sport 15m Very Good
Mamma mia, getting too dark for another shot. Pumpout 30cm from the anchor.

Mon 30th Oct 2017 - Finale Ligure
Rocca di Perti Falesia della Lucertola
6c+ Karma - with Norima Sport 14m, 9 Good
Himmiherrgotsacklzement!!! Almost, just couldn't stick completely the dyno-sloper.

Sun 29th Oct 2017 - Finale Ligure
Rocca Carpanea Placca delle Casa Valle
6a+ Sandopilnsky - with Sandra † Sport 15m, 4 Very Good
Hat genau einen Griff

Sat 23rd Sep 2017 - Zellerwand
7- 6a+ Zeit für Gemütlichkeit - with Sandra †, Arvin Sport 19m, 9 Classic
Das 1. Gebot missachtet: Du sollst dich an der Crux nicht rausschleichen...

Sat 2nd Sep 2017 - Rodellar
Desplome de los Desesperados
6a Desplome de los desesperados - with Arvin, Sandra † Sport 10m Don't Bother
Very hard start, not a line after. Bad route.

Tue 22nd Aug 2017 - Alto Mijares
Hoz del Mijares Pirámide del Refugio
6b Ra - with Sandra †, Arvin Sport 12m, 6
Quick try, probably harder than 6b

Sun 20th Aug 2017 - Montanejos
Bordillos Americanos
6a Chevrolet-10 - with Arvin, Sandra † Sport 9m, 2
Ok, not my day, leaving for the river now. Short route, but very hard for the grade.

Sat 27th May 2017 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Alte Hausener Wand Nordwand
8- Bingo Bongo - with Nicky Sport Classic
2 Hänger.

6+ 7- Immer wenn es regnet - with Ca Sport 30m, 13 Classic
Cool. Ein Grund wiederzukommen. Aber nicht gut zum aufwärmen.

Fri 4th Nov 2016 - Alaró
7a Buf! - with Laurent2 Sport 30m Mega Classic
Big fun, 3 or 4 rests in the upper section. Totally pumped, but fully satisfied

Thu 3rd Nov 2016 - Sa Mola de Felanitx
6a+ Xisco Vell - with Sandra †, Arvin, Giggler, laurent lecavalier Sport 15m, 6 Classic
Hard to decipher the first part and very hard moves for the grade in the middle, but a cool line though

5c 6a Medizincentrum Santanyi - with Sandra †, Arvin, Giggler, laurent lecavalier Sport 25m Classic
Very cool with a frightening move over the roof.

6a+ 3D - with Sandra †, Arvin, Giggler, LFF Sport 25m, 9 Mega Classic
The name says it all. Great!

5c Sa Figuera - with Sandra †, Arvin, Giggler, laurent lecavalier Sport 25m, 8 Average
Shitty warmup, pumpy like hell.

Wed 2nd Nov 2016 - Penyal d'es Grau
6a Intricate (unknown) - with Arvin, Giggler, Sandra † Sport
Awful sequence to reach the misplaced anchor, far harder than 6a.

6a+ Cafetut - with Arvin, Giggler, Sandra † Sport Very Good
Very hard reachy boulder move at the end - not a good warm-up

Tue 1st Nov 2016 - Caimari
Comuna de Caimari
6c+ Hippipunklperriklautico - with Arvin, Sandra †, Giggler, Laurent, Norima Sport 18m, 9 Very Good
Flash attempt, last 3 metres too hard and painful

Mon 31st Oct 2016 - La Vall Verda
7a La puerta - with Arvin, Sandra †, Laurent, Yue Sport 15m Good
Heilige Scheiße, felt on the last hard-but-not-so-hard-anymore move. Good fight, though, now 5 blisters on the fingers...

Thu 8th Sep 2016 - Gorges du Chassezac
Le Jardin d'Endieu
6a+ Saut d'homme - with Arvin, Sandra † Sport 18m, 7 Very Good
Onsight verhauen, dann war's mir zu heiß. Trotzdem tolle Route, mit komischem Schlüsselzug um die Schuppe rum gleich zum Start.

Sun 3rd Apr 2016 - Frankenjura Süd
Konstein Winnetou-Kessel
6+ Überhang - with Sandra †, Arvin Sport 10m, 2 Average
Der Onsight geht an die zahllosen dicken schwarzen Ameisen in praktisch jedem größeren Griff...

Fri 6th Nov 2015 - Puig de Garrafa
7a Los Requena - with Sandra †, Arvin Sport
What a disaster, more a rest with toprope than a toprope with rest. Felt harder than 7a.

Wed 4th Nov 2015 - Valldemossa
Main Crag
6c+ Sostre den burotet - with Sandra †, Arvin, Laurent, Yue Sport 15m Mega Classic
Tricky start, very cool juggy roof and then too pumped for the last metres over the edge. Very cool route. Next time I'll do it!

Thu 27th Nov 2014 - Alaró
6a+ Ramon me ha hecho el avion Sport 28m Average
Slab mostly on the hollow crust of tufa, didn't like it too much


Showing 1 - 100 out of 104 ascents.

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