
Routes in Oceania for selected grade

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 4,216 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
14 D Minor
1 10 25m
2 14 10m

The major crackline running up the middle of D Minor pinnacle. This climb has excellent protection but has a sad history of death and serious injury from people taking long falls off the top overhang onto the easy-angled middle section of the climb. Please take care to place multi-directional runners on the top overhangs so that lower runners are not pulled out by rope tension during a fall. Can be done in a single pitch taking care with rope management.

  1. (25m, 10) Follow the crack on fine holds until jugs lead up a steepening. Easy angled ground leads to a great belay spot under the overhangs.

  2. (10m, 14) Follow the crack through the overhangs.

FA: Ian Speedie, Mike Stone & Bruce Hocking, 1964

Trad 35m, 2 Arapiles
14 Sweet Dreams
1 14 20m
2 10 20m
3 13 28m
4 13 25m
5 14 40m

Offers up a simmering dish of big exposure, good protection and easy moves. On nice sunny weekends there can be a queue so get in early! Sleepyheads starting at the crack of noon (which is bizarrely common) will also miss out on the cool morning shade and get smashed by the sun which blasts the route from midday onwards.

Sweet Dream is regarded as the best introduction to multi-pitch climbing in New South Wales - however a recent fatality from rock fall and serious accident involving belayer failure should remind climbers this is not a casual walk in the park. The advice below is relevant to any multi-pitch route - but is contained in this route description to make sure people read it.

Rock fall is a hazard on any outdoor rock climb - but it can be especially hazardous on Sweet Dreams due to multiple parties being on the route at the same time. The danger is mainly from the unstable hillside above the route when topping out - but loose rock can be found on any pitch. Wear a helmet (on the approach and even when queuing at the base of the route) and rig belays with long enough slings/rope that a belayer can dodge falling missiles without being chained down. Care needs to be taken by all parties who attempt this route. If you have a beginner in tow let them know to be careful around loose rock.

This route is mainly low angle and thus easily affected by rain and summer sun. Have the skills and equipment to abseil off the route if required. This includes taking tube style belay devices suitable for double ropes (a grigri will not work). All belays are fitted with double ringbolts suitable for abseiling. A 60m rope is required for retreat above pitch 2 - use the anchors on Saccharine Nightmare.

Although there are many bolts on this route - this is NOT a sport route (despite what you may have heard). A trad rack is required for pitches 2 & 5 and useful on other pitches (single set of finger to fist sized cams + a couple of large wires will suffice). Bolt brackets are no longer required on this route. Most of the bolts were placed after the first ascent.

The route is only grade 14 if you finish via the corner system & left finish on pitch 5. There are two bolted variants to this pitch (both around grade 17) that avoid potential loose rock in the corner. Local advice is to use these pitches in preference to the corner (this was the location of the rockfall fatality).

Start: After crossing the fixed wire walk another 40m or so to base of short scrappy looking right facing corner on right side of giant block. Up above is the vast black slab of the higher pitches.

  1. 20m (14) Short wall past bolt onto ledge then left to chimney (bolt), up to ledge and DRB belay.

  2. 20m (10) Trad protected crack to DRB belay in little alcove. Save a large cam for the last few metres of this pitch. Without trad you will be SOLOING this pitch.

  3. 28m (13) Traverse up and right across slab past 6 bolts and couple of cam slots to DRB.

  4. 25m (13) Up via very easy climbing and no protection to second set of DRB after about 8m (ignore these). Continue up wall (3 bolts & optional cam), then step right to crack above bowel clenching exposure. Belay on big ledge below corner at one of two sets of DRBs. The right one is best for the trad corner - the left is best for the bolted grade 17 variants. Either way - this is an exposed belay to rockfall - be prepared to dodge.

  5. 40m (14) Up easy trad protected corner for 20m, move left a few moves when possible then continue up subtle trad protected corner for another 10m to low double bolt belay - or even better a massive tree belay another 10m up the hill. Technically this is called the 'Variant Finish' but is the common way this route is now done.

The three variants to pitch 5 off the ledge are described here - but also have separate listings on this website.

The Original Finish (14) - climb the same trad corner for 20m then traverses RIGHT onto a big ledge and cam belay near huge detached blocks (not recommended due to potential loose rock). Finish up via 10m (10) pitch up the chossy overhang above taking extreme care not to drop rocks on people below.

Middle Bolted Variant (15-17) - climbs the wall just left of the corner past several ringbolts and then goes directly up the TRAD protected finish of the original pitch 5. This pitch is the easier of the two variants - it is possible to escape into the corner at one point which makes it more like grade 15.

Left Bolted Variant (17) - from the left DRB climb the subtle exposed arete past three or so ringbolts then join into the Middle Variant for a couple of bolts and then the trad finish. It is possible to traverse left at about 20m to the final belay of Saccharin Nightmare - and finish up that routes top bolted pitch (thus avoiding the trad finish of Sweet Dreams.

FA: T. Batty & Bryden Allen †, 1963

Mixed trad 130m, 6, 20 Blue Mountains
14 Lamplighter
1 10 30m
2 14 30m
3 13 18m

An excellent climb tiptoeing its way up the back wall with lashing of exposure. Provides some relief from the sun until late afternoon.

Start: Start on a ledge down low on the left where an obvious ramp leads up right.

  1. 30m (10) Following the ramp to its end, then left to big ledge.

  2. 30m (14) Up short corner on the right, old peg (back it up), then tend right up cracks to base of chimney. Near the top there are a couple of options but the best is an unlikely step right and up the face.

  3. 18m (13) Up chimney to roof, then chimney back out through roof to DBB.

FA: 1965

Trad 78m, 3 Arapiles
14 Joseph
1 13 24m
2 14 22m

Start 1.5m left of the chimney (Valhalla).

  1. 24m (13) Up crack then left up corner to ledge. DBB rap anchors.

  2. 22m (14) Crack and corner.

FA: J Ewbank & E Saxby, 1964

Trad 46m, 2 Blue Mountains
14 Mañana

Classic easy sport route - bring the bolt plates for this. Start 40m left of Katoomba Bros at grey face with a black streak up high, topped by a small roof. Straight up the vertical face mostly on jugs with two hands free ledges in first half. Thin start then consistent on good holds to the crux, which is just above the last bolt. Finish under roof. Well protected but with a little run out at the top just to make it interesting!

FA: Peter Chaly & Niall Doherty, 2003

Sport 22m, 8 Blue Mountains
14 Electric Lead

A good safe introduction to Frog at the grade. Climb the line R of MP past a shallow cave. Tricky moves around this lead to a chimney to the ledge. Most people finish the route at the rap chain on the ledge but you can continue up in the V-groove for another 6m to the top (not as much fun).

FA: Steve Bell & Ian Cameron

Trad 26m Frog Buttress
14 Fucary Rug

The super popular left side of the arete. All rings and lower-off at top (or top out to carrots).

FA: M Pearce & A Brown, 1996

Sport 15m, 5 Blue Mountains
14 That Boy Needs Therapy.

Start 5m R of 'MOBS'.

A popular beginner lead that gets harder as you go up. 4 RBs and DBB.

Sport 15m, 4 Kangaroo Point
14 Shit Heap

Despite the name, this is a good route to learn the basics of crack climbing. TR access can be gained by scrambling up from the left.

FA: Ian Cameron & Rick White

Trad 10m Frog Buttress
14 The Duck's Nuts

Start 1.5m L of 'Date Anatomy'.

Climb past 5 RBs then mantle awkwardly onto ledge and finish at DBB shared with 'Date Anatomy'.

FA: ross ferguson, Gareth Llewellin & Kevin Coleman, 2005

Sport 16m, 5 Kangaroo Point
14 Megalomaniac

Worth 3 stars in some eyes, barely worth 2 to others! A classic hand crack with an annoying bulge at the start. When the crack opens into a chimney/gully at the top, continue following the crack veering left to find a belay stance and natural anchor.

FA: John Moore, 1967

Trad 28m Arapiles
14 The Obituary

Major corner crack and a popular all trad line. Beware, the route name is apt - there have been a couple of fatalities on this route. If in doubt don't run it out.

FA: B.Blunt & J.Lorinez, 1974

Trad 30m Blue Mountains
14 Minimus

The bulging crack just right of the plaque.

FA: Bob Bull & John Fahey

Trad 12m Arapiles
14 Electronic Flag

A long and very popular series of corners and cracks. Decent gear all the way but if you're belaying be aware that there are several ledges that the leader could hit.

There are three choices of start to this route: the rightmost is the Direct Start (19) which takes the clean layback corner into the line.

The middle start goes up the crack 2m on the L which leads to a short chimney; this goes at 17.

The original route (14) starts 4m L up the line of least resistance. Blast up this to a ledge, and then thoroughly absorbing climbing up the overhanging chimney section.

Rap at trees and chain (2 ropes to get down, or 1 x 70m will suffice).

FA: Rick White & Ian Cameron, 1969

Trad 40m Frog Buttress
14 The Lemur's Femur

Start at the faint "SI" mark.

Up past 6 RBs to DBB. Was known as "SI" before being bolted.

Sport 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point
14 Tiger's Tail

Start 2m R of 'Tiger Stripe'.

Straight up past 5 FHs to DBB. Last FH & DBB shared with 'Tiger Stripe'.

FA: Guy Pearce, Cass Crane & ross ferguson, 2004

Sport 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
14 Faki

The best 14 here! The brilliant L facing corner is an excellent introduction to sustained bridging and jamming. Rap chain is visible just up from the ledge.

FA: Fred From (solo), 1976

Trad 13m Frog Buttress
14 Pete's Two Bob

4 or 5 moves on incuts.

FA: Peter Van Klooster, 1999

Sport 6m Nowra
14 Turtle Wall

Mantle (try the right edge), up through cavelet, crux around 3rd RB and over lip onto wall. Trend right following juggy cracks on the turtle shell to ring lower-offs.

FA: Rod Young

Sport 17m, 7 Nowra
14 Spooge In A Glove

Chossy corner 1 m R of 'Moonlight Dilemma'. 4 RBs, anchors shared with 'Hanging Garden'.

FFA: Steve Kloske & Paul Pagoldh, 2014

Sport 15m, 4 Kangaroo Point
V0- M.A.S.H.

Start in the bottom of the little flared crack and go up diagonally left under tree branch.

FA: Rob Saunders

Boulder 3m The Balkans
14 Tremulo

Really good climbing on the first 25 metres. With the abseil anchor the awful climbing above this can now be forgotten. Start at short chimney 5 metres right of Humouresque. Up chimney then on up the narrowing line finishing with some face moves just to the left. Chain anchor.

FA: Phil Seccombe.., 1966

Trad 25m Arapiles
14 Mantis

Up the slightly slabby face into the recess under the roof, then move R where it steepens to find the juggiest part of the overhang. Continue up wall above to ledge on left.

Start: At the pockety rock under the recess 12m R of Fang.

FA: Peter Jackson, Ted Batty & Bob Bull, 1965

Trad 33m Arapiles
14 Pentennial Romanticide

Start midway between 'Slime Fresh' & 'David Mac'.

Follow line of 5 RBs to DBB.

FFA: Adam Gibson & Ria Zoeller, 2009

Sport 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
14 Tony

Short ledge left of the left hand wall block arete

FA: Sue Young, 1999

Sport 8m, 3 Nowra
14 Crap

Start 2m R of 'Wind in the Willows'. Marked "C".

Decent beginner lead, well-protected by 5 RBs to chains.

(Rebolted May 2020)

FFA: Darrin Carter & John Hattink, 1993

Sport 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
14 Mantle

More great slabbing. Start 8 metres right of Brolga, directly below a thin crack that doesn't quite reach the ground.

  1. 27m (13) Go up on the left and move right into the weakness. Up weakness then face to ledge, just left of some swordgrass.

  2. 46m (14) Up the wall past a bolt for 30 metres to the bulge. Pass this and find a semi-hanging belay above. People used to belay below the bulge but the anchors were poor.

  3. 17m (6) Easily up.

FA: Chris Dewhirst & John Moore, 1965

FA: Chris Dewhirst & John Moore, 1965

Trad 90m, 3 Arapiles
14 Over the Yardarm

Up to the ledge then head left to the arete and enjoy the exposure.

FA: Ian Brown & Peter Blunt, 1986

Trad 30m Point Perpendicular
14 Ole Biscuit Barrel

Shared start with Pitang Pitang. Up the small arete for 3 bolts, then follow the ramp diagonally R to DRB lower-off with shackles. Likely to be stiff for the grade.

FA: G. Short & P. Mort, 1994

Sport 15m, 5 Blue Mountains
14 Squashed Parrot

Ring bolts to lower off on the undercut grey slab.

FA: M.Pekin & L.McManus, 1989

Sport 18m Blue Mountains
14 Open to Public Scrutiny

Several rings to lower off. If you want to access 'Sundeck' clip the lower offs and move past them to double U bolts at the base of 'Piccolo Luna'

Start: Start at inviting looking section of slabbiness.

FA: Garth Miller & Jay Williams, 1992

Sport 20m Mount Alexandra
14 Ckinell

The slightly overhung corner. Beware snapping holds especially on the poorly protected start.

Start: Just L of Melville's Cave.

FA: Paul Gillis & Norm Osborne, 1970

Trad 28m Arapiles
14 2 For Tea

Top-out at abseil rings 4-6. Headwall might be a bit stiff for the grade, use extenders on the last two bolts to reduce drag if belaying a second.

FA: Herb Brandmeier & Joan Vickers, 1998

Sport 32m, 9 Brooyar
14 Event Horizon

Start 2m L of 'Lunar Eclipse'. Marked "EH".

Climb straight up right of the large loose block, then tend slightly left above this, to the DBB shared with SD. 4 RBs. Rebolted 2014.

FA: Heinz Buscher, 2010

Sport 17m, 4 Mt Ngungun
14 R Hot Flap
1 8 24m
2 13 30m
3 14 R 32m
4 13 50m
5 12 35m

Protection is generally reasonable but pitch 2 is sparsely protected.

Start below the right-leaning flake that leads into the chimney marking the left edge of the 'Left Watchtower Face'.

  1. 24m (8) Up and over right-leaning crack at 5 metres and continue to juggy ground. Belay on right arete.

  2. 30m (13) Step right onto main face and climb diagonally right on clean rock past 2 bolts and belay at third bolt.

  3. 32m (14) Traverse right and go up to big ledge below Siren's corner.

  4. 50m (13) Go up Siren's corner for about 25 metres then traverse right along weakness to bolt, or climb diagonally right to the same point. Either belay at the bolt (bad idea) or climb over horizontal breaks then up right to good ledge. Note that originally this pitch traversed from the bolt over to what is now 'Antigone'.

  5. 35m (12) Go right along ledge to left-leading diagonal crack that leads up through the summit roof.

FA: John Fahey & Bob Bull, 1965

Mixed trad 170m, 5, 3 Arapiles
14 One For The Masses

Starts 3m right of the trench ('Locris'). Follow the FH, then up to anchor. 5th bolt added Dec 2016 on request of FA.

FA: Mark Rewi, 2007

Sport 20m, 5 Camels Hump
14 Theory

This is not a well protected route. There have been a number of accidents on it and there are better choices if you are looking for routes of this grade (Electric Lead, Electronic Flag, Devil's Wart) Up the first corner to a ledge. From here, most people step into the middle line under the R edge of a huge chock stone-like flake. Up this with increasing difficulty to rest. Alternatively, you can go up SC for a move or two and step in L. From here, blast up the chock stone filled corner, and then easily to the chains at the tree.

FA: Rick White & Ron Collett, 1969

Trad 25m Frog Buttress
14 Lounge Lizard

Start in the corner, behind the tree... do not lean on the tree.. it bends !

FA: John Hawkins-Salt, 1994

Sport 15m, 5 Nowra
14 The Phantom

Corner 4m left of N. Undercut start, then corner to cave (use high poor fixed pin and extra wires). Traverse left to ledge (poor piton + cams). Go left 2m up overhang (cam on left) and runout up wall to 2 carrot belay.

FA: J Ewbank & K Carter

Trad 31m, 2 Blue Mountains
14 Tarzan

Was 12 in previous guides! Given that the start move is outrageously hard for 13 that might have been from the time when 12 was the hardest route at the crag. Easily done in one pitch with extenders.

Start: Start at next break through overhang R of C-D-S.

  1. 15m (13) The corner and easily up ramp.

  2. 18m (13) Traverse left between overhangs, then up on jugs to top.

FA: Clive Parker & Chris Baxter, 1968

Trad 33m, 2 Arapiles
14 Nero

The crack requires a bit of jamming.

Start 3-4m R of the 'Spasticus'.

FA: Philip Stranger & Andrew Smith, 1966

Trad 13m Arapiles
14 Gently Mine
  1. 20m (14) Follow aesthetic crack up to belay stance. DBB.

  2. 30m Not really worth doing. Head right from belay stance over bulge. Up wall past two BRs to top. 50m rap to ground. BRs and anchor replaced August 2017.

FA: L Smith & W Williams

Trad 50m, 2 Blue Mountains
14 Snooze and You Lose

2m right of 'Parents in Pain'. Look for faint blue rectangle painted at head height.

Up to the closed little corner/seam on surprising holds.

This route shares an anchor with "The Gruffalo".

FA: Garth Miller - Solo, 1991

Sport 24m, 9 Mount Alexandra
14 After Dinner Delight

Start 2m R of More Smart More Safe, marked “ADD”

Some nice, flowy climbing through 6 FHs to a shared DBB. Anchor is shared with More Smart More Safe. Stick clipping the first bolt will protect the low crux.

FFA: Steve Kloske, 2014

Sport 12m, 6 Mt Tibrogargan
14 Orchid Alley

Often nicknamed "Awkward Alley", to avoid the awkwardness, you will be climbing committing bridging and face moves. Climb a great hand crack corner to a flake at 3m... the straight forward climbing ends there. Blast up the wide and grunty crack to the ledge with a tree on the L. From here 3 lines are possible, using a combination of the left crack and middle arete moves is exciting and good climbing.

FA: Rick White & Chris Meadows, 1968

Trad 20m Frog Buttress
14 Loyalty

Up the slabs, and step L around the top overlap.

Start: Start between H & F.

FA: Keith Egerton & Jim Grellis, 1975

Trad 18m Arapiles
14 Strife on the Gravy Train

2 stars might be a bit generous, but should help drum up the attention this excellent route deserves.

Start: Start 6m R of DS.

Up the L-leading fat flakes with excellent gear to excellent steep face/crack moves. Walk off the gully behind the wall.

FA: Chris Baxter & Mike Stone, 1978

Trad 25m Arapiles
14 Bacchus

This is a must, nice bridging on good rock.

Start: The main corner below the sheoak tree.

FA: Martin Bell & Alan Coghlan, 1972

Trad 23m Onkaparinga
14 Selective Cleansing

One for the Kiddies Start just left off the corner, up the blunt arete.

FA: Simon Vaughan, 2012

Sport 10m, 3 Mount Alexandra
14 Urban Spaceman

Up 'Dracophyllum Corner' to ledge then move left and straight up wall.

FA: Peter Blunt, Ian Brown & Ian Charles, 1986

Trad 27m Point Perpendicular
14 Cornerstone Rib
1 6 30m
2 8 30m
3 8 30m
4 14 40m
5 13 20m
6 12 20m
7 11 20m

The most popular climb in the 'Warrumbungles' and justifiably so. One of the most striking lines in Australia. Can be safely climbed and descended with a single 70m rope.

  1. 30m (6) The first 90 metres was originally climbed in three pitches but can be done quite safely (and more easily) in two rope stretching pitches (50m rope), including comfy belays. Follow rib.

  2. 30m (8). Keep following rib.

  3. 30m (8). Keep following rib to large ledge.

  4. 40m (14) Move out left around the rib at the little horn and onto the northern face for approx 5m and then back to the arete. Up to a large ledge. Approx 3 pitons on this pitch.

  5. 20m (13) Up the rib from here on. The ledges for good belays are pretty obvious and about 20 metres apart.

  6. 20m (12)

  7. 20m (11) Up past 2 pitons at start.

Was originally called 'Cornerstone Rib Direct' but as the direct version is far more popular than the 'original' version, the direct version has taken the name.

FA: Bryden Allen † & Ted Batty, 1962

Trad 190m, 7 Warrumbungles
14 Anonymous

Start 1m R of 'Chip-A-Holdaway'. Marked "A".

The original trad route. Up obvious corner (gear on left), then on up ledges to corner finish. Average protection at the start, can now be supplemented with the RBs on 'Anonymous DS' making it a good beginner trad lead.

FFA: David Reeve, 1968

Trad 20m Kangaroo Point
14 The Dog's Paw

Start around the corner from 'One Legged Dog', on the right side of the small cave.

Follow 6 U-bolts to the DUBB of OLD.

FA: Colin Carstens, 2007

FA: Colin Carstens, 2007

Sport 15m, 6 Brooyar
14 Salamander
1 12 25m
2 13 25m
3 14 10m
4 14 25m
5 12 30m

Slabs and awkward cracks provide a good outing. Start as for Watchtower Crack.

  1. 25m (12) Pitch 1 of Watchtower Crack.

  2. 25m (13) Up dark-coloured face heading slightly right to flake sweeping to right. Step right with difficulty onto long ledge leading right. Walk right to ring bolts. An awkward pitch.

  3. 10m (14) Move off right end of ledge and climb poorly protected face to next ledge (bolts and chain).

  4. 25m (14) Long flake on right with tricky finish to ledge.

  5. 30m (12) From right end of ledge, head up wall and finish just right of little gully.

FA: John Fahey, Peter Jackson & Bob Bull, 1964

Trad 120m, 5 Arapiles
14 Ben Hur

The corner crack just Right of 'Barbara Streisand'. Finish up the ramp to DRB

Loweroff added by Safer Cliffs Victoria 14 July 23.

Be aware a large Cunningham's skink may be in residence hiding in the flake (waist level) above the bottom shelf.

FA: Keith Lockwood, 1970

Trad 18m Werribee Gorge
14 Westham

The corner

Trad 15m Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
14 Hangman

Lovely rock to start, and a dramatic exit to finish.

Start: As for 'Revolver Crack' then head R up thin crack.

FA: Bill Andrews & Julie Tulloch, 1975

Trad 25m Arapiles
14 Banana King

Start 1m R of Critter Christmas, marked “BK”

Jug hauling past 5 FHs to a shared DBB. Anchor is shared with Critter Christmas. A high first bolt may warrant a stick clip.

FFA: Oskar Kindbom, Nigel Woodward & Steve Kloske, 2013

Sport 12m, 5 Mt Tibrogargan
14 Shandy
1 8 33m
2 8 26m
3 6 14m
4 14 26m

Walk past DRP and continue past double rap rings on arete. 20m further is an old rap station made of old green tape tied off a gum tree. 5m further is a gum tree growing beneath some think brush. Sandstone block marked 'S' with cairn on top here. Scramble up through scrub for approx 10m then head right to find the line of fixed hangers.

  1. 33m (8). Fixed hangers & Carrots. Up and right to cave on arete. Easy face climbing on easy angled slab, straight up with some beautiful views. Stay on route or risk hitting some chossy rock. Triple Carrot belay on ledge (admire old rusty belay in cave on your right.)

  2. 26m (8) Left along ledge, then up and back to corner. It's possible to scramble off left here.

  3. 14m (6) A fixed hanger, then medium cams/nuts. Up right crack. Belay off Rap anchors in Chimney. To get off here, rap to previous belay & scramble left or...

  4. 26m (14) Alternate Finish. Chimney up abseil route, past anchor and up. Walk off as for Dirty Rotten Pig. Easy face climbing up the line of ring bolts just left (facing the cliff) of the first boars head abseil.

LOST FROM LEFT SCRAMBLE? If you're just climbing the bolted sections, here's how to get out:

Follow the line of bolts left, around the cliff, through the small forest and up onto the slab (about 15 mins). Look to your left and you'll see a set of staples in the boulder. Set up a hand-line from here using the bolts- left to the small cave, then around to the opposite side of the boulder, following the line of bolts along a high traverse, over a small gap, before meeting the main cliffline and short walk up to the carpark. You will not be able to belay due to the amount of turns so be careful setting this line up, and consider ways of protecting yourself. Tie the end off at the last bolt and use the standard 2 carabiners on safety to traverse, with draws at each bolt. Note- the exit can be much more daunting for a nervous beginner than the actual climb, but is a fun experience.

FA: K Western, 1958

Mixed trad 99m, 4, 6 Blue Mountains
14 Fiddlesticks

Starting at a prominent corner with twin cracks.

  1. 35m. Up the corner to belay at tree or notch.

  2. 30m. Continue up the main crack-line above small tree to the big ledge on top of the buttress.

Continue as for "Bert's Fear" (45m) up the ridge or rap down your choice of three anchors right from ledge - Brown Madonna / Pleasant Screams.

FA: Tom Terry & Geoff Wyatt, 1967

Trad 65m, 2 Mount Wellington
14 Set, Piece, Battle

A remarkable juggy headwall on the 2nd pitch. Start 2m right of AMJ below bolt at 5m. Single set of cams required.

  1. 20m 2 bolts and spaced trad to double bolt belay.

  2. 30m Continue up wall and slightly overhung orange jugs above (6 bolts).

FA: A.Penney, P.Martland & J.Smoothy, 1985

Mixed trad 50m, 2, 8 Blue Mountains
14 Get Walking

Start as for Grandma's Wheelchair, but straight up.

Sport 9m, 3 Bangor West
14 The Hyena's Heinie (Variant Start)

Start 2m L of the usual 'The Hyena's Heinie' start.

An alternate start to 'The Hyena's Heinie' which makes it very slightly harder. Up steep blocky arete past 2 RBs before joining the usual line at its 3rd bolt.

Sport 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
14 Touchstone

Two very nice pitches.

  1. 25m (14) Follow the line diagonally left, quite tricky with poor protection, until able to go up easily. Up to right-facing corner on right side of huge block. Corner to Ledge.

  2. 25m (14) Up the face for 12 metres to where the wall steepens and continue up, veering slightly left to finish just right of the arete. The original finish traversed over to the arete.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Chris Dewhirst & Chris Baxter, 1974

FFA: Dan Kortschak & Jo Thomas, 2003

Trad 60m, 2 Arapiles
14 R Cornflake Crack

Start at the base of the deep crack.

Follow the right-tending crack until it runs out then head straight to the top. Minimal protection, especially higher up.

FA: Glenn Sharrock, Loretta Davis & Brett Henderson, 1995

Trad 18m Kangaroo Point
14 Refusal

Corner to the right of ME.

FA: B.Blunt & J.Lorinez, 1974

Trad 25m Blue Mountains
14 Bingo Wings

Step off block and follow steepening slab.

FA: rick phillips

Sport 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
14 The far right

Up the wall as you please, trending ever so slightly to the left until you merge with 'Apline'.

Start: At the far right of the wall (but still at the base).

FA: Unknown, 2000

Trad 50m Freycinet National Park
14 George's Perspiration

Right hand route on the wall.

Start on the right hand edge of the block.

Set: B Jung

FA: George Kiji Muraoka, 2012

Sport 12m, 6 Blue Mountains
14 Starboard Barnacles

Marked. 2m left of CB (just left of tree).

Pleasantly sustained. 3 BRs and optional cam near top. Double BB belay.

FA: Johan Verhagen & Dave Stuckey, 1984

Sport 20m Barrenjoey
14 Owen Glyndower

Shallow groove just above right side of small cave 5m right of 'Locris'. Finish on One For The Masses 5th bolt. Retrobolted with permission of FA, Dec 2016.

FA: Philip Armstrong & Jerry Maddox, 1989

Sport 24m, 4 Camels Hump
14 Found the Salt

Up R side of small buttress. Five U-bolts to lower-off shared with OL.

FA: Matt Butler & Colin Carstens, 2008

Sport 13m, 5 Brooyar
14 Get Tracked

Start: Starts at the crack 0.5m left of 'Andrew's Bulge'.

Trad 11m Bangor West
V0- The usual descent
Boulder 5m Arapiles
14 Nananapper

Start 1.5m left of Whippersnapper in the squeeze, straight up wall to last bolt of Nana in the dark and on to anchors.

Sport 9m, 3 Bangor West
14 Blondes in Beanies

The LH side of the buttress. Keep the second bolt at the small roof to your left and stay on the left side of the upper flake.

FFA: Matthew Broadbent & Michael Hillan, 2011

FA: Matthew Broadbent & Michael Hillan, 2011

Sport 20m, 7 Onkaparinga
14 Up the Creek

Cross the creek at lower level. DRB at the top. This and the next route have a lower off at the top.

Start: Step over creek and up crack/boulder feature then up the face above to the lower off.

Sport 15m, 6 Blue Mountains
14 C.S. Concerto

A fairly good route. Most of the first pitch is spent bridging up Holpyp which isn't bad and the top pitch is atmospheric. Start in the D Major gully.

  1. 25m (-) Climb the gully until you can climb the seam on the left wall independently of the gully to cave belay.

  2. 25m (14) Mantle onto block up a little corner and then left to arete. Up steep wall to top. Finishing up the arete is more exciting at 16 but be careful with the rock.

FA: Chris Baxter, Chris O'Brien. Murray Taylor & Keith Lockwood had previously climbed pitch 2 in, 1967

Trad 50m, 2 Arapiles
14 Yoink

A good climb up the prominent flake in middle of wall. 3 U's to lower offs.

FA: Andrew Morrison

Sport 10m The Stables
14 Gecko

A nice pitch that can be done as a direct start to Salamander or as a climb in its own right.

FA: Chris Dewhirst, Chris Baxter & John Moore, 1965

Trad 48m Arapiles
14 S.S.C.C.1

Start 4m left of Pharoah, just L of the arete. Arete (small-med cams, ringbolt), then right at the level of the tree to join Pharoah. Best to finish after 18m by stepping L to the SSCC3 rap anchor.

FA: J.Worrall & R.Templeton, 1966

Trad 25m Blue Mountains
14 Pledge a Legend

1m left of NYACS, below obvious crack in centre of wall.

Steeply up crack to traverse line. Step left (crux) then follow crack up to headwall slab (BR). Double BB belay.

Protection: - 1 carrot - Cams: BD #.3 (doubles), #.5 (doubles), #2

Anchors: 2 carrots (too close to the edge) 2 trees about 2 meters back from edge

FA: Northern Beaches Cliff Training Team, 1975

Trad 16m Barrenjoey
14 Stephen's Eyeful Tower

Start 1m L of 'Bottle Stopper'.

Up past 4 RBs to DBB.

FFA: Heath Black & Mark Burnett, 1995

Sport 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point
14 Okipoki

3m right of Devious Diversions.

Set: B Jung

FA: J Reay, 2012

Sport 10m, 5 Blue Mountains
14 The Magical Liopleurodon

Missing the first bolt. Up on good jugs passing two FH and tree on right hand side to ledges. Then up passing another 2 FH to anchors. Often dirty after rain.

FA: Steve Kloske, 2014

Sport 12m, 4 Mt Tibrogargan
14 Malcontent

Start just R of 'Crap'. Marked "M".

Straight up using the bolts on 'Crap' but keeping to their R.

(Equipped with RBs May 2020)

FFA: Darrin Carter, 1993

Sport 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
14 Final Call

FA: 's, 1980

Sport 10m, 4 Nowra
14 The Bummer

Follows the stepped, right-facing corner, passing several ring bolts, before moving left past a couple of fixed hangers to double-bolted rings at the top.

Sport 14m, 5 Canberra
14 Ding bat

2m right of Lactose Free, up juggy wall.

FA: Kevin Van tilburg, 2005

Sport 11m, 3 Mt Ku-ring-gai
14 Your Choice

Has two sets of anchors. Only grade 10 to first set.

Set: B Jung

FA: B Jung, 2012

Sport 10m, 5 Blue Mountains
14 Unknown
Sport 19m, 7 Mountain Quarry
14 Fido

Crack on the left.

FFA: Max Keating & Karen Keating, 1992

Trad 10m Mt Alexander
14 The Cat that Fought Back

Leftmost of the 3 slabs before BtB

FA: M Warren, 2011

Sport 15m Blue Mountains
14 Deceit

Delicate start to the 1st RB, then up on easier ground past 3 more RB to DRB loweroff. Rebolted and replaceable rap rings added to the DRB 04/23. Bolts and glue provided by Safer Cliffs Victoria.

Sport 20m, 4 Black Hill
14 The Pintle

Abseil in two pitches down from the lookout or walk in around the base.

  1. 20m (14) From the grass, up the left crack to belay below the overhang.

  2. 26m (14) Another crux. Up the left side through the wide crack.

  3. 24m (14) Up the corner crack to the summit.


FFA: John Taylor, Mike Carmody & Glenn Casey - Summer, 1973

Trad 70m, 3 Mount Buffalo
14 Carrie Bradshaw

Start: 2m left of Two Steps Forward. Start with your back to the tree. Straight up past 3 BRs, then small cams (0.4 and 0.75/1 Camalot) in breaks to a Double BB.

FA: Niall Doherty, 2003

Mixed trad 12m, 3 Barrenjoey
14 Midwife Crisis

On a short wall next to 'Calling All Hobbits'. Follow the swarm of bolts to the top, but check the condition of the mallion before committing to lower off it. Consider abseiling.

FA: Kath Meek, 2001

Sport 14m, 6 Paynes Ford
14 Adam's Rib

Start at the massive "AR" mark.

Climb up the corner and face then on up to the large ledge with the corner two-thirds of the way up. From here climb the arete on the R to the top.

FA: Rick White & Ted Cais, 1968

Trad 17m Kangaroo Point
14 The Last of the Jelly Beans

Set: B Jung

FA: B Jung, 2012

Sport 10m, 5 Blue Mountains
14 The Big Corner

Climb the corner, then move left along the big flake.

FA: Geoff Wyatt

Trad 20m Hospital Flat

Showing 1 - 100 out of 4,216 routes.

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