
Begehungen in Schottertaler Wand

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Zeigt alle 20 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Qualität Kletterer
Mo 22. Apr 2024 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schottertaler Wand
7 Schneckenhaus direkt Sport 25m
Christoph Rauch
7- Tiergarten Sport 25m Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Sa 30. Mär 2024 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schottertaler Wand
6 Direkter alter Weg Sport 25m
Susanne Lohwasser
6+ Neufundland Sport 25m
Susanne Lohwasser
Sa 10. Jun 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schottertaler Wand
6+ Neufundland - mit Peter Maier Sport 25m
Marius Janosel
7- Roland Lindner Gedenkweg - mit Peter Maier Sport 25m
Marius Janosel
7- Schneckenkante - mit Peter Maier Sport 27m
Marius Janosel
7- Tiergarten - mit Peter Maier Sport 25m
Marius Janosel
Di 4. Apr 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schottertaler Wand
7- Tiergarten - mit Harald Sport 25m Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Great black rock in the upper part. Hard moves for the grade, but truly rewarding. Felt fantastic in the golden evening light.

7- Roland Lindner Gedenkweg - mit Harald Sport 25m Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Looks chossy, but turns out to be quite solid, especially if you know how to handle a crack. A little hard to navigate above the ledge, but fun moves and a good line.

So 22. Aug 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schottertaler Wand
6+ Neufundland Sport 25m Gut
Tom Bösl
5+ Alter Weg Gemischt trad 25m, 3
Tom Bösl
7- Tiergarten Sport 25m
Tom Bösl
Sa 19. Dez 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schottertaler Wand
7- Tiergarten Sport 25m Sehr gut
6 5+ Alter Weg Gemischt trad 25m, 3 Gut
Sa 14. Mär 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schottertaler Wand
5+ Alter Weg - mit Christoph Rauch Gemischt trad 25m, 3 Gut
Lots of chossy rock in the first half.. The second half is really nice to climb. Got lost on the last two meters to the anchor and had to rest.

6+ Neufundland - mit Christoph Rauch Sport 25m Gut
I'm not in great shape and really had to pull through the last couple of moves, but I made it. The big chunk in the middle was really scary, but seems ok for now... But a great climb.

7- Schneckenkante - mit Harald Sport 27m Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Bold route. Chossy only on the first few meters, most of the route is solid. Exposed section starting from the ledge, with a daring step out into the wall, followed by a traverse, protected only by a rusty peg. However, there's a new bolt half a meter further on, but if you keep that clipped, the rope drag will kill you, so better unclip it after the next bolt. Brilliant pockets after the traverse, but be prepared for a few smaller holds just before the end! Upper end of 7-.

6 5+ Alter Weg - mit Simon Gemischt trad 25m, 3 Gut
Christoph Rauch
Hideously loose up to the big ledge, and harder than 5+ for sure. It's certainly better to go up via the bolted slab to the right of the first bolt (unnamed new route). From the ledge, it's fantastic rock and cool exposed dihedral climbing. You can use the anchor of "Schneckenkante" on the left.

6+ Neufundland - mit Simon Sport 25m Gut
Christoph Rauch
Good route, albeit with lots of fragile structures up to a few meters after the ledge. Be especially careful about the big chunk directly after the ledge, which will certainly break off at some point. Great finishing meters with wedged blocks to a crack and a pocketed finale.


Zeigt alle 20 Begehungen.

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