
Gwaht Lan

  • Grade context: FR
  • Aka: Sweep Cave


Located halfway between Railay and Ao Nam Mao. Currently only one route rebolted with titanium, the rest has old expansion bolts and cannot be climbed.


At high tide, take a longtail boat from Railay East and ask to be dropped of at the beach in front of the crag.

At low tide, walk all the way to the left end of Railay East bay. Continue on the trail, passing Railay Great View resort and continue along the shore for about 25 minutes.

The best option is to take a boat at high tide and walk back in the evening at low tide.


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The leftmost line in the cave. Old rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb!

Set: Heem Wang Sangha, 2001

Shares anchors with 'Mind over Matter' and 'Lee Rong Hai'. Just one old expansion bolt. Do not climb!

Set: Wee Changrua & Elke Schmitz, 2001

Shares anchors with 'Killer' and 'Lee Rong Hai'. No bolts, anchors only on rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb!

Set: Wee Changrua & Elke Schmitz, 2001

Shares anchors with 'Killer' and 'Mind over Matter'. One old sling, anchors on rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb!

Set: Heem Wang Sangha, 2001

Old rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb!

Set: Wee Changrua & Elke Schmitz, 2001

Old slings and rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb! Share start with 1st pitch of Stairway to Paradise.

Set: Wee Changrua & Elke Schmitz, 2001

1 6b 25m
2 6b 25m

A worthy excursion. Good fun climbing in a nice location. Double-pitch, rebolted with titanium.

  1. 4 titanium bolts, 2 slings. Share start with Flying Stalactites.

  2. 5 titanium bolts.

Set: Dean Saydom & Bow Obhut, 1994

Old slings and rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb!

Set: Wee Changrua & Elke Schmitz, 2001


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Thu 27 Jul
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