
CoCo Wall

  • Grade context: FR


A few old routes close to 'Diamond Cave' in Railay village. Rusty bolts and old slings. Cannot be climbed anymore.


Follow directions to 'Diamond Cave'. The route is on your left on the small road leading to the Phutawan Resort.


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Sharp rock. Old expansion bolts and slings. Do not climb!

Set: 2006

Sharp rock. Old expansion bolts and slings. Do not climb!

Set: 2006

Rusty old expansion bolts. Do not climb!

Set: Mario Waser & Martin Vener, 2000

1 6a 27m
2 6b 10m
3 6c 25m

First pitch is 'Samira', so cannot be climbed anymore. Upper pitches protected by old slings.

Set: Daniel Bekker & Todd Ritchie, 2002


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Thu 27 Jul
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