
The Defile




Shady location in a canyon left of Phra-Nang beach. Amazing views over the beach.


Walk to Phra-Nang beach and continue left along the beach at low tide. Scramble up some boulders to enter the canyon. The 'Defile Wall' is to your right. To reach the 'Defile Exit', continue through the canyon. Climb up into a big cave on your left to find the belay ledge.


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Routes on the right wall as you enter the defile.

Old rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb!

Set: Todd Skinner & mike tupper, 1993

Starts left below the big boulder, just left of 'Krabi! Krabi!'. Titanium bolts.

Set: Sam Lightner & Ted Young, 1993

Starts just left below the big boulder. Titanium bolts.

Set: Pep Masip, 1995

1 6a+ 15m
2 7a 15m
3 7b 10m

Shares the start with 'Mai Pen Rai', then traverses left, crossing 'Krabi! Krabi!' and passing the anchor of 'Thank You, Sophie'. Old expansion bolts. Do not climb!

Set: Francois Burnier & Dominique Potard, 1990

Starts right off the boulder. Share start with 1st pitch of Allo, La Terre?. Crux is right at the start. Careful, a lead fall can be dangerous. The upper half is an easy cruise towards an amazing view over Phra-Nang beach. All titanium bolts.

Set: Francois Burnier & Dominique Potard, 1990

Old route? Not listed in the guidebooks.

A little bit further down the defile, starting from a belay ledge behind a big cave.

Warning Fixed Gear: Stand

Titanium bolts.

Set: Ilja Bangma & Joost Blom, 2000

4 titanium bolts, 1 sling.

Set: Frank Dicker & Volker Schoeffl, 1990

Set: Ilja Bangma & Joost Blom, 2000

All titanium bolts.

Set: Sash Nukada & Robbie Williams, 1995

Right of 'Monkey Gone to Heaven', sharing anchors. No bolts, toprope.

Set: Rob Cooke, 1996

Rebolted with titanium, but bad bolt placement. Crux unprotected!

Set: Francois Burnier & Dominique Potard, 1990

All titanium bolts.

Set: Francois Burnier & Dominique Potard, 1990

Climb 'Kum Jai', but then go left to the anchors of 'Khao Pat Gai'.

Set: Francois Burnier, Dominique Potard, Dominique & Dominiqu Potard, 1990


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