
Ascents as various tick types as sport by Paul Frothy Thomson

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Showing 2,101 - 2,200 out of 2,379 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sat 17th Nov 2012 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Hartley Hartley Vale Road
17 Electrostatic Axila Sport 15m Good
Quite fun... Especially if you try and climb it only using the corner (down with face holds!). I'd call it hard at 17... but for a hidden hold that makes the bulge quite easy. The chossy slab towards the top detracts from it quite a bit.

Sat 17th Nov 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bowens Creek Main Wall Left
21 Mr Pink Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
EOD Repeat to get the draws back. Much more exciting after you've been climbing all day.

21 Mr Pink Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
Repeat. Tonnes of fun thought-provoking jug-hauling leads to a great double-crux at the end. Went pretty easily this time.

22 Shut the Gate Sport 15m Very Good
Repeat. Hard-ish start, then cruisy climbing into a spicy finish with exciting fall potential. The finale felt easy this time (when compared to my original tick), but remained thoroughly airy and enjoyable. Soft for the grade, but maybe the extra point is for committment?

20 Kraut Pleaser Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
Repeat. The best warm-up here, and enjoyable enough to make it a fun outing in its own right.

Sun 11th Nov 2012 - Joll's Bridge
Lower cliffline
20 Woodface Direct Sport 35m Very Good
First pitch onsight, a bit dirty, but fun climbing with quite a few moves to the grade broken up by rest ledges. I decided to try and link the 2nd pitch into the climb into one giant 40m pitch. Sketched out on the crux move at the very top, fell and landed back on the belay ledge... ouch. Went up the 2nd pitch again, and got to the top, but after placing the draw on the anchor I grabbed it to clip rather than risk a bone-breaker back onto the belay ledge. Still calling it a tick but in bad style

17 Natie Head Sport 8m Average
Okay, I suppose. 2 moves to the grade. Sandy slopers... Hmm...

Thu 8th Nov 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper War Babies Wall
21 Do Androids Care Sport 15m Good
Repeat. Despite no chalk or any signs of climbing, this one still felt easy for the grade. Makes for a surprisingly good warm-up, though.

Sat 3rd Nov 2012 - The Woolwash
The Junkyard Cave
16 Foxy Miss Foxy Sport 10m, 4 Average
A full pitch of this would make it awesome... As it is, 4m of "the money" moves, and 4m of doddling makes it merely a novelty.

21 20 Early Funk Sport 15m Very Good
Led entirely on trad gear as a warm up. Makes it way more pumpy, and bloody scary to get to the anchors (no gear for 5m on slightly overhanging thin moves). Definately easier and less UNIQUE than Negative Funk, but not bad.

Sat 27th Oct 2012 - Evans Crown
Googolplex Crag
21 Retreat from Moscow Sport 25m, 5 Classic
Onsight but for the first moves.The log you used to use has broken, so now any ascent is literally off the ground. Nails start to high first bolt with cruxy moves and worrisome groundfall potential. Then nails sequence to high second bolt where any fall will also be a messy groundfall. After that you've mostly safe, though the climbing remains really tough, somewhat wandery, and scary. As per below, there are NO rap anchors. We made up a route to escape this climb. Masochistically great climb!

Sat 27th Oct 2012 - Evans Crown
Deckout Buttress
19 18 Scuds over Saudi (The 99 Route.) Sport 15m, 4 Very Good
Brilliant, but tough as nails for the first half of the climb, and incredibly likely groundfall potential most of the way up. Cruxy until you get to the flakes at half height (maybe I should've stick clipped the first high-hanger), and delicate thought-provoking climbing up amazingly thin flakes that move as you climb on them. Great... But don't fall.

19 Spare the Hammer Sport 15m, 4 Classic
Onsight but for the first 2m of climbing (slipped off at the start). Awesome, technical start leads to quite sustained climbing all the way to the top.. Brilliant!

20 Bloodbath Sport 15m, 4 Very Good
Repeat. On the second lap, I've decided that the climbing moves are more difficult than the other climbs around it, but the sequence is significantly easier to read, hence the presumption that it feels easier (despite being more technical). Still great, though.

17 Space Invaders Sport 20m, 4 Very Good
2 laps. Rather hard start into moderate runout. The climbing eases off once past the second bolt, but the entire climb is good fun.

Thu 25th Oct 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Main Wall
23 Hairy Horrace Sport 12m Good
Repeat. Not too hard, but quite fun. The top section (after the crux) doesn't really add anything to this climb. Crusher Dana fell the length of the route (from 3rd bolt while clipping) and landed on my shoulder... She just didn't want me to get it too easily. =P

Thu 25th Oct 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Wave Wall
21 Jaws Sport 15m, 4 Good
2 laps... First climb back using BOTH feet after a month off with a busted hamstring... I just won't tell my physio what I've been doing. My endurance has definitely suffered.

Sun 21st Oct 2012 - The Woolwash
Track-side Wall
15 Pinoy Beauty Sport 20m, 9 Good
Mmm... One footed slabbing with a torn hamstring. Something of a novelty route, but a bit of fun to be had here.

Sun 23rd Sep 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Sandwiches Wall
21 These Dogs are Whippets Sport 15m, 5 Good
Surprisingly hard and quite run-out. Climbs well-enough, but some sections of dubious rock, and no traffic means no line of chalk to follow... At Shipley!

22 These People are Sandwiches Sport 15m Very Good
Repeat, this time placing the draws for a friend. No longer feels cruxy, just generally pumpy awesomeness.

Sun 23rd Sep 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
22 Lardy Lady's Lats (The Lardy Lady's Lats) Sport 25m, 13 Very Good
Stoked. As a warm-up today putting on the draws. Still didn't go easily (I mucked up one sequence and had to deadpoint through it since I couldn't sort out my hands), but it still went SOLIDLY. Not as awesome a top section as Hot Flyer.

Wed 19th Sep 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Sandwiches Wall
22 Pallets of Pies (Variant) Sport 10m Very Good
I'm surprised that this isn't more popular than the normal Pallet of Pies route, it's certainly more consistent. Maybe some new carrots/rings to replace the manky ones at the top of the route? Kind of soft for the grade, and more of a novelty route than anything serious, but I still had fun.

22 These People are Sandwiches Sport 15m Very Good
Something of a passive nemesis for me from when I first tried it 2 years ago. Still feels hard, but went really easily second shot. Nicely run-out at times (not that you could stop to clip even if there were extra bolts), making this route more of a psychological route, than a particularly difficult one.

Wed 19th Sep 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
22 Sexy When Slippery Sport 15m Good
Warm-up. Seemed easy for a slab at this grade, to me. Hard start and funky finish, with an interesting traverse to make it worthwhile.

Sun 16th Sep 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Memory Lane
21 Barbarossa Sport 35m Classic
End of day awesomeness. After the semi-sketchy traverse (thread and 0.4 cam to protect), this climb is a piece of old-school brilliance. MUCH better than Building a Better Mouse Trap. The first half is thin, high-stepping crimpy goodness, and the second half is interesting, obscure moves between jugs and through roofs. In it's entirety its unerringly interesting. Rope drag is a real problem (even with long slings on the appropriate draws). A 70m rope JUST reaches the ground on rap.

Sun 19th Aug 2012 - The Woolwash
The Junkyard Cave
23 Fifty Shades of Mt Druitt. Sport 25m Classic
Second shot. Long, adventurous, and really steep. No particularly hard moves, but some bouldering, some footless traversing, technical slabbing and a powerful finish make for an epic pumpy monster. Found 3 no hands rests to break up the pumpfest, but took a second shot to find where I'd misplaced my tenacity. Rope drag isn't as bad as you might think. Tonnes of fun.

21 Negative Funk Sport 15m, 7 Classic
Repeat. A pretty good warm up, due to this having so many awesome rest stances, you never really get pumped. Definately more fun on repeat, when you can just enjoy the moves without worrying too much about the tick. Great!

Sat 18th Aug 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bowens Creek Main Wall Left
24 Fox Force Five Sport 15m Very Good
3rd shot. Nails start to the 3rd bolt, then 21/22 above that with cool moves and no real rest. Exciting finish. Second shot I used a ticked hold to the left of the second bolt which I later decided was off-route, necessitating a restart. 3rd shot I followed the traditional -harder- sequence.

Sat 18th Aug 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bowens Creek Bum Crag
19 Lard Arse Sport 15m Average
Don't follow the chalk line to the left and its just a solid, interesting, technical slab. If you end up on the chalked good holds to the left you end up in a dangerous position from which there is no recovery. A good warm-up with the opening sequence sorted.

Sat 18th Aug 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bowens Creek Main Wall Left
22 Bustin Dustin Sport 15m, 4 Good
Onsight from the 2nd draw, took me 3 shots to get that nails starting sequence sorted. Not hard from the 2nd draw up, but quite committing. Run out in places, and there are a few spots you REALLY don't want to fall on this one.

20 Kraut Pleaser Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
Repeat, original tick was a Flash. Classic 20, and a hell of a lot more fun now that I'm stronger. No hard moves, and a few rest stances along the way, but nicely technical from start to finish. Really good.

21 Mutton Poacher Sport 12m Very Good
Warm-up, with my fingers as cold as they've ever been despite all my winter climbing in the Blueys. Not too hard, but really interesting climbing in a pleasant variety of styles. Glad to get on it this time, as it's always been wet when I've been here in the past.

Sun 12th Aug 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Main Wall
22 Ruddy Norry Sport 14m, 4 Very Good
Repeat. My original tick was a red-point. A bit of a give-away at 22, with only one hard move, but the climbing is so cool that it doesn't matter. Other than the potentially dangerous start, this is an inspiring piece of climbing.

Sun 12th Aug 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Wave Wall
21 Jaws Sport 15m, 4 Good
Yet another repeat. Came over to be a cheer squad for Crusher Dana, and couldn't resist a lap since the draws were already on.

Sun 12th Aug 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
23 Hot Flyer Sport 25m Classic
Second shot, so damn close on the onsight! Awesome slabby lower section which doesn't give itself away easily, then pumpy and technical top section. Two distinct cruxy sequences right before the final bolt, and I had to fight tooth and claw for the tick. Stoked to get this as a final objective met before I leave for Kyrgyzstan next week. Great climb.

20 19 Flaming Flamingo pitch 1 Sport 18m Very Good
Delicate start, and technical finish, with awesome climbing in-between. Now to work on the true finish to this climb...

Sun 12th Aug 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grey Slab
18 17 Burning Jowls Sport 18m, 8 Good
Repeat. Not too hard, but with one surprisingly thin move between the second and third bolt. Pleasant, but uninspiring.

Sat 11th Aug 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County The 39 Steps
21 Colditz Sport 28m, 11 Very Good
Done in the growing dark with a headlamp. Looooong and brutally sharp. No real stopper move, but consistently thin, delicate, technical and thought provoking. Classic marathon slabbing, with a bit of a sting in the tail.

23 22 Building a Better Mousetrap Sport 25m, 9 Classic
Stoked! Felt more 22 than 23. The holds and footers seem to appear just where you need them, never more than you need and never too few. Sustained and a bit heady, but not as hard as I was expecting. A real classic face climb, with the most desperate moves right at the top. Bring a #1 (red) Cam for between the first and second bolt.

Sat 11th Aug 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Memory Lane
24 Junction City Sport 27m, 13 Very Good
Second shot, had to figure out a sequence for the start moves. On the Send shot it was onsight from the 3rd bolt to the top. Really hard, sequency, start until you get to the third bolt, then it gets progressively easier all the way (with a few 22 and 21 moves thrown in for good measure). Really long, and bloody brilliant. Had tonnes of fun on this.

Sat 4th Aug 2012 - The Woolwash
The Junkyard Cave
23 Early Bird Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
4th shot of the day... Sick as a dog and delirious to boot. The missing hold makes the crux move a bit more desperate for shorties, but definately doesn't change the grade. Cruxy start, cool heel-hooking traverse, and slightly desperate move to pleasant crimpy finish. Nice one Neil.

21 Negative Funk Sport 15m, 7 Classic
Climbs like a bolted trad climb. The final moves to the anchor is the bizarre surprise crux, and the end of my flash attempt. The others did the final moves as a desperate thrutchy mantle, but on the send attempt I came up with a stylish sequence that avoids a mantle and makes the move less cruxy. Would be HARD to onsight if this is your limit. Really cool, with chimneying, stemming, steep campus-esque traversing and the final desperate crux.

18 Liverpool Girls Sport 14m Good
My onsight attempt went to hell when I ripped off a footer and took a nice upside-down fall. Not too bad climbing, feels harder than the grade, but climbs well for a warm-up route.

Sun 29th Jul 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Sloth Area
20 Three Bloody Roofs Sport 10m, 4 Good
So tired in the dark at the end of the day, I giggled my way through this one in delirious weariness and the most hideous lack of style imaginable. Not a great route, but not too bad. A bit of a novelty, really.

Sun 29th Jul 2012 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Sunshine State Sector 2 - Faux Buoux
19 Lost for Profit Sport 18m, 8 Very Good
Can I call 3 bolts of new climbing (between the routes either side of it) an onsight? Really good climbing on great rock and with some challenging moves. Hard at the grade, I think, but worth the effort for a lap. Funky start, technical middle, desperate move to the crack, cool crack climbing, and challenging mantle finale. Glad I chose to get on this one before we headed out for the day.

22 Delicious Sport 15m, 6 Good
Only really one hard move, and still soft for the grade. The climb gets more pleasant and interesting as you get higher up. The finish is quite pleasant slabbing.

Sat 28th Jul 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Junket Pumper Area
18 Stephen Grunter Sport 10m, 5 Average
Two mantles and three rooflets. Big jugs and not too hard, but UGLY to watch and not too pleasant to climb. Not bad though.

Sat 28th Jul 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
21 Girly Germs Sport 15m Very Good
Went pretty easily today. Good friction and the knowledge not to try and static the last move (just pull through it quickly) makes it pretty easy. Still lots of fun, with a challenging technical start, pleasant straightforward slabbing in the middle, and a somewhat desperate finish.

Sat 21st Jul 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Chasing Amy Wall
21 Chasing Amy (Chasing Ami) Sport 22m Classic
Bloody brilliant, but still feels nails hard to me. Absolutely classy technical slabbing with a malevolent sting in the tail. Classic for a reason!

Sun 15th Jul 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
24 Troc de l’Ile (Red Incuts) Sport 15m, 7 Very Good
First 24 Flash! With a bit of footwork, this is easy for us tall people. Really nice climbing with some technical no-hands rests available to contemplate the next sections. Had a lot of fun on this. Bomber rock.

23 Searching for the Light (Heuco Line) Sport 24m, 14 Very Good
Repeat. Haven't been on this in over a year, and still took me 2 shots to get my head in. Nice, big, flowing moves with only one hold which isn't a jug. I really like this one, mostly cause it's just plain old fun. Get on it!

Sun 15th Jul 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Jean Jaurès Wall
19 Fly Fury Sport 30m Good
RIP buddy, cragging just aint the same without you. Pleasant, long climb, on mostly good rock with a few challenging moves. Some weird bolts, but pretty cool for a first bolting effort.

Sun 15th Jul 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Arrivals (Lower)
18 19 Belayer's Root Sport 14m Very Good
Repeat. Felt easier this time, but still good. Rock has cleaned up really well.

Sat 14th Jul 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Walk-Down Gully
21 Pig Iron Slaughter Sport 45m Very Good
Warm up for the day. Very exciting without cams to protect the runout to the first bolt. Still brilliant climbing, and still a pleasure to climb.

Sun 8th Jul 2012 - Mount Alexandra
The Alcove
20 Back to the Future Sport 8m, 4 Good
3 bolts then anchors? Blank, deathly vertical blade arete? Pretty good rock? Why hasn't this consumer bolted boulder had more ascents, I thought it was tenuous, smearing, arete slapping fun... For like 7 metres. Let's see some more traffic on it, people.

Sun 8th Jul 2012 - Mount Alexandra
The Main Cave
19 What Would You Say if I Said to You that this Gun was Loaded? Sport 20m, 8 Good
Pleasant climbing on mostly good rock. 1 move which seemed quite hard and a bit desperate, but otherwise: great!

23 Diagonal du Fou Sport 15m, 10 Classic
Second shot, and went pretty easily, though every minute of climbing demands full attention. Bouldery start, great technical slab (I wish it was longer!) to another bouldery sequence, then the looooong thuggy (but juggy) roof. Absolutely brilliant! Loved it.

Sun 8th Jul 2012 - Mount Alexandra
Central Area
22 Mango Tango Sport 15m Very Good
Had to get back on this to clean up the old dog. Went easily today, but the funky climbing remains as memorable as before. If you could get rid of the sandy choss below the crux section I think that this climb would be flawless.

Sun 8th Jul 2012 - Mount Alexandra
Between the First Cave and the Vox Populi wall
19 Mousetrap Sport 16m Good
At 19 it's a bit of a giveaway, but the grade is irrelevent when the climbing is awesome. Interesting start, sequency middle, balancy finish. Short and sweet. Good rock.

Sun 8th Jul 2012 - Mount Alexandra
Vox Populi Wall
17 The Red Room Sport 16m Very Good
Yep, yet another repeat. Can almost run up it now, but still worth the lap.

Sat 7th Jul 2012 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Pindari
20 This Sporting Life Sport 43m, 15 Very Good
Led both pitches clean. Interesting variety of styles between the pitches. Solid for the grades (though not undergraded). Technicaly slabbing first pitch, steep second pitch with a few tough sequences (and much pump), requiring a lot of interesting foot movement. Good!

Sun 1st Jul 2012 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
22 24 Guillotine (Guillotine Pitch 1) Sport 48m, 23 Very Good
One fall at the second bolt on my onsight attempt, then clean to the top placing draws. Went easily on repeat. Nails hard start leads to great climbing with a huge range of moves and well spaced bolts. Some of the rock is a bit dubious, but who cares with exposure like this. Get on it!

Sun 1st Jul 2012 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
21 Thirty Three Years Sport 15m, 7 Very Good
Repeat. Still brilliant climbing, though I found it significantly easier than my original flash attempt.

20 21 Flash Flood Sport 18m, 7 Good
Repeat. Not remembering any of the moves made this feel hard, but definitely worthwhile. Bitterly cold day, no idea how I held on through the crux.

18 Please Dry Sport 12m, 5 Good
Repeat. Nice warm up. Delicate, dirty and a bit chossy.

Sat 30th Jun 2012 - Mount Alexandra
Manchester United Wall
20 Manchester United Sport 15m Very Good
Hmmm, thought it was about 19. Awesome and varied moves, with some pretty exciting climbing throughout. Definitely worth a lap.

Sat 30th Jun 2012 - Mount Alexandra
The First Cave
20 Death of a New Car Salesman Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Weirdly awesome. I think I was hating it while I was climbing it, but on arriving at the anchors I revised the climb into my "brilliant" category. Hard start. Hard stemming moves to the roof, then some moderate roof jugging on really sandy rock (probably doesn't get many repeats). If it weren't for the rubbish bolting, I think this would be way more popular.

20 Galvanise Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Fun jugging, with one hard-ish reachy move. About right for the grade, though without any distinctly grade 20 moves. Will make a good warm up for the cave, next time.

Sat 30th Jun 2012 - Mount Alexandra
Between the First Cave and the Vox Populi wall
22 The Nose in 4 Minutes Sport 9m, 3 Very Good
10m of radness. Funky dyno/throw start, to another desperate throw, to some delicate/desperate slabbing, to a funky mantle finish. Absolutely brilliant, and I had a blast on it.

18 20 Corner from Heaven (Courner From Heaven) Sport 20m, 7 Good
Awesome moves on lower 2/3rds. The dubious rock towards the top spoils the experience a bit. Not hard for the grade.

Sat 30th Jun 2012 - Mount Alexandra
Vox Populi Wall
17 The Red Room Sport 16m Very Good
Repeat. Still awesome fun for a warm-up lap.

Sat 23rd Jun 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Grease Cave
15 Sour Grapes Sport 8m Very Good
Free solo at the end of the day. The perfect sort of hand crack for a free solo. Bomber jams, good rock, and not too high and heady.

Sat 23rd Jun 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Betty Blue Area
21 Real Buggers Don't Die Sport 12m Very Good
Flash placing draws but for the first 2m of climbing... Took me a few shots to get to the first bolt. Hard bouldery start, then pleasant climbing, to a spicey arete finish. I was so sure I was going to fall at the end I even called out "falling" but somehow held it together. Really great arete climbing. Thanks for the beta Neil.

Sat 23rd Jun 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
21 Lick The Pig Sport 10m Very Good
Flash but for the first committing move past the first bolt. Some hard moves on this, and the ending is bloody exciting. I was in a stemming stance before the last moves for ages before throwing myself at it with everything I had. Really makes you think, with both footwork and hard placement imperative to make this to the grade.

Sat 23rd Jun 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Very Nice Wall
22 Killer Boas Sport 10m Very Good
2nd shot. Not too hard for the grade, with some cool moves. Finger locks into a boulder move to start with are fun, with a bit of a throw and a mantle to finish up. I quite enjoyed it.

Sat 23rd Jun 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Descent Gully Walls
18 Lefty Sport 10m Very Good
Strangely hard, but all fun. After the second bolt it's all over, but GETTING to that second bolt is a riot for the grade. Thin, slopey, smeary, funkiness. Get on it!.

18 Samurai Pizza Catz Sport 15m Very Good
Hard for the grade, but good. Start is tricky, but after that it's just pleasant climbing to the top.

Sun 17th Jun 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Megalong Valley Crags James Bond Mr Big Area
18 Honey Rider Sport 60m Good
Repeat. Lead first pitch (bloody hard and a bit dangerous until you get to the second bolt) and seconded linked 2nd and 3rd pitch. Pleasant climbing, mostly good rock, and if you ignore the moves to the first 2 bolts it is pretty much on the grade. The belay cave at the end of P2 rocks.

20 Casino Royale Sport 15m Average
Repeat, originally attempt was a flash. Fun climbing, but difficult (and grossly contrived) to avoid placing your right hand and right foot on the arete at the top, especially since doing so still positions your body directly over the bolted climbing line. I'd call it an easy 20 and say that using the arete is in, provided you don't retreat to it. An okay climb, all in all.

17 Casual Assassin Sport 12m Average
Short, easy slabbing. One moderately difficult move, and a bit run out before the anchors, but completely safe.

16 Cold Finger Sport 12m Average
Short, easy slabbing. Unmemorable, but not bad. My friends seemed intent on breaking off the few positive holds on this climb.

20 19 Mr Big Sport 75m Very Good
Second linked 1st and 2nd pitch, lead the top (crux) pitch. Made it through the crux no worries, but with temperatures around zero I couldn't feel my fingers to hold onto the one crimp on this climb. Pleasant climbing on the 1st and 2nd pitch, and a funky finale for the grade on the 3rd pitch. Some choss towards the top spoils the experience somewhat.

Sun 10th Jun 2012 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Cheesedale Cheddar Choss Wall
22 Uncertainty Pleasure Sport 8m, 5 Very Good
3rd shot.

Sun 10th Jun 2012 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Mortein Wall
20 Bug Itch (Bitch Itch) Sport 12m, 5 Very Good
Pretty good. No real stopper crux-moves, but fairly sustained climbing overall.

18 Wobblebuns Sport 12m, 5 Good
Struggled with the fingery crux with a busted pully in my middle finger. Side pulling with ring and little finger = Awesome (not). Sraightforward 18 for most of it, but damn the bulgy crux steps it up a notch. Good route, and an interesting grade comparison for a blueys climber like myself.

Sat 9th Jun 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Alley Wall
21 22 Tinman Sport 20m Good
Felt nails. I think I fell at the second bolt (before clipping it - landing on my belayer) about 4 times. Apparently the starting block has collapsed, meaning you now have to start from the ground. May be harder than RD (22) next to it, since the collapsed block is now at the start of RD. After almost every bolt there is a definate cruxy move, though once you've reached the fourth you're good to the top. Was definately worth the fight.

Sat 9th Jun 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Mini Wall
20 World According To Garf Sport 6m Good
Fell off twice before I ticked it, both times I spooged off the top out and had a fun little backwards fall down the wall. Strangely pumpy for such a short and jugging route, but hilariously fun.

Sat 9th Jun 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Descent Gully Walls
20 Layoff Sport 15m, 7 Very Good
One hard-ish thin move at the bottom, but everything else is just damn pleasant climbing. Maybe a bit run out after half way.

21 Maddest Hatter Sport 8m Very Good
Easy for the grade, but well worth the effort if you've made it to the hanging belay at the top of Mad Hatter. Five funky, airy moves, then it's all over. Second bolt is in a pretty retarted position. Get on it for a laugh!

17 Mad Hatter Sport 20m, 12 Very Good
Weird for nowra, but great fun. Hard start leads to some airy but fairly easy traversing. Rope drag is a bit of an issue, and a hollow section of rock you can't avoid makes for some heart-stopping moments of delicacy. My second found it quite scary following me up.

17 Butt Head Sport 15m, 7 Very Good
Very delicate middle section. Hard for a warm-up and felt quite hard in general, but really awesome climbing. Almost like a friction slab!

Sun 3rd Jun 2012 - Wingello
Gulp Road Rave Cave
16 17 Superior Physics Sport 9m Classic
An epic sandbag, but frigging brilliant. Undoubtedly the best route on this wall. Endless entertainment can be found from watching people trying to do the mantle crux on this one, and I provided quite the show for my friends. Thank you ladies and gentlemen, you've been a wonderful audience, and this is a wonderful climb.

Sun 3rd Jun 2012 - Wingello
Gulp Road Candy & Supa Fun Happy Walls
20 Wild Strawberries Sport 26m Very Good
Really enjoyable. Nice and long with some varied climbing and nicely spaced bolts. Good position.

18 Drank the Slab Sport 20m Very Good
Nice little slab, some fun moves and not too hard.

Sat 26th May 2012 - Blue Mountains
Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone National Park The Rain Cave
22 Numerical Fever Sport 14m Good
2nd shot. Hard-to-read crux sequence, and a spicy finish. Nothing like launching onto a semi-jug one handed, while both feet are bicycling in the air, above the bolt. Fun.

22 Dreamin' Head-Jams Sport 10m Good
Weird, but really good. Hard to grade, because as far as offwidth-thrutchy climbing goes it's not too bad, but for a sports climb it's mind-boggling. Pretty psyched to flash it though.

Sun 20th May 2012 - Mount Alexandra
The First Cave
23 Los Hermanos de la Denitente Sport 10m, 4 Classic
Stoked! Second-shot at the end of the day. This climb felt so far beyond me on the first shot, that to get back on and power up it is a great feeling. Really good moves, more technical than powerful, and quite sustained until the roof. What makes this climb unique is that a lack of horizontal holds creates awesome body positions to capitalise on the vertical ones. Loved it.

Sun 20th May 2012 - Mount Alexandra
Vox Populi Wall
20 Three and a Half Thousand Sport 16m, 7 Good
Run-out on the easy ground. It's quite hard (and a bit contrived) to stay on the direct line of this climb. I climbed the line religiously and ended up in some pretty weird positions. Okay climbing, but there are better climbs here.

19 Hugh Town Sport 15m Good
Reasonably pleasant climbing. Only one move at the grade, making this far less sustained than continuing up the arete (Red Room). Worth a lap.

17 The Red Room Sport 16m Good
Good. Moves are varied but consistently at about the same grade. Hard for 17, I think. Thought-provoking and very clean climbing.


Showing 2,101 - 2,200 out of 2,379 ascents.